Watch Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist (1995) Online!
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist is an American animated series that originally ran on Comedy Central from May 28, 1995 to December 24, 1999—with a final set of three shelved episodes airing in 2002—starring Jonathan Katz, Jon Benjamin, and Laura Silverman. The show was created by a Burbank, California production company Popular Arts Entertainment, with Jonathan Katz and Tom Snyder, developed and first made by Popular Arts for HBO Downtown Productions. Boston-based Tom Snyder Productions became the hands-on production company, and the episodes were usually produced by Katz and Loren Bouchard.
Episode 1 - Ben Treats
Release Date: 1997-05-09Ben wins $500 in the Sir Pay-a-Lot scratch-off lottery and takes Katz and Laura out to dinner. Soon enough, Ben and Laura both get drunk and start to act goofy.
Episode 2 - Memoirs
Release Date: 1997-06-22Ben decides to write his memoirs, dedicated to the ""loving memory"" of his father.
Episode 3 - Electric Bike
Release Date: 1997-06-29Dr. Katz buys an Electric Bike because he always wanted one but never got it as a kid. They find that a $1,000 bicycle isn't all fun and games, when it breaks as Ben drove it down stairs. They soon learnm that some inventions just were never meant to be.
Episode 4 - Broadcaster Ben
Release Date: 1997-07-06Apparently not having learned from his previous experience with journalism, Ben goes to a broadcasting school audition.
Episode 5 - Trash Day
Release Date: 1997-07-13Katz finds a chair sitting outside on the curb and takes it home (""You wouldn't believe the kind of stuff people throw away."" Ben: ""You mean crap?""). However, he realizes his folly and sends Ben to take it to the dump, which proves to be difficult, because the dump is no longer open to the public (""It's all digital now"").
Episode 6 - Sharon Meyers
Release Date: 1997-07-27Katz gets a phone call from Sharon Meyers, a woman he dated briefly two years ago, when she was also his patient. She was very attractive, and a dancer (""She was a Rockette. She can kick her own face,"" Ben says).
Episode 7 - Mask
Release Date: 1997-08-03Katz takes a class in making African ritual masks.
Episode 8 - Closets
Release Date: 1997-08-10Katz and Ben decide to reorganize their closet space, and they hire a company to do it.
Episode 9 - Wild Weekend
Release Date: 1997-08-17Ben wants to take a bike trip to Nova Scotia, and he and Katz discuss the great outdoors. Several plans are offered, but what they wind up doing is sitting around the house all weekend. Ben gets the whole thing on tape, thanks to Laura's camcorder.
Episode 10 - Chopper
Release Date: 1997-08-24Ben wins first runner-up in a WFEN radio contest to ride in the traffic helicopter. He hopes the real winner can't make it and he gets all psyched up for the possibility.
Episode 11 - Alibi
Release Date: 1997-08-31While watching the news, Ben and Katz learn that a mailbox in their neighborhood was struck by a car driven by a bald Caucasian male in his late 40s. Ben assumes it was his dad, despite dad's protests that while he is in his late 40s, he is ""balding,"" not bald.
Episode 12 - Ben-Centennial
Release Date: 1997-09-07Katz wants to do something big for Ben's 25th birthday, but Ben doesn't want any fuss.
Episode 13 - Undercover Ben
Release Date: 1997-09-14Laura starts taking a lot of time off, but won't say why. Ben is curious and so is Katz, and they speculate.