Watch Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist (1995) Online!
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist is an American animated series that originally ran on Comedy Central from May 28, 1995 to December 24, 1999—with a final set of three shelved episodes airing in 2002—starring Jonathan Katz, Jon Benjamin, and Laura Silverman. The show was created by a Burbank, California production company Popular Arts Entertainment, with Jonathan Katz and Tom Snyder, developed and first made by Popular Arts for HBO Downtown Productions. Boston-based Tom Snyder Productions became the hands-on production company, and the episodes were usually produced by Katz and Loren Bouchard.
Episode 1 - Bystander Ben
Release Date: 1995-10-15Ben gets his 15 minutes of fame when he witnesses a crime and is quoted in the paper.
Episode 2 - Real Estate
Release Date: 1995-10-29Katz's ex-wife comes to visit Ben, prompting Katz to threaten to move out.
Episode 3 - Glasses
Release Date: 1995-11-12Dr. Katz doesn't see that he needs glasses.
Episode 4 - Office Management
Release Date: 1995-12-17Katz decides to throw an office Christmas party.
Episode 5 - Bees and SIDS
Release Date: 1996-01-14A bee traps Katz in his office, while his honey of a secretary offers stinging sympathy.
Episode 6 - Drinky the Drunk Guy
Release Date: 1996-01-21Ben thinks his dad may have a drinking problem.
Episode 7 - Sticky Notes
Release Date: 1996-04-07A new tenant catches Ben's eye.
Episode 8 - It Takes Some Getting Used To
Release Date: 1996-04-14Ben disapproves of his father's sleep-over date.
Episode 9 - The Particle Board
Release Date: 1996-04-21Ben and his father think they're up to building a set of shelves in the living room.
Episode 10 - A Journey for the Betterment of People
Release Date: 1996-04-28Ben decides he wants to help people and begins mapping out a strategy to do so.
Episode 11 - Theory of Intelligence
Release Date: 1996-05-05Dr. Katz piques his brain committing his theory of intelligence to paper for an adult-education class.
Episode 12 - Henna
Release Date: 1996-05-12Disaster does little to color Ben's penchant for samples of hair-care products.
Episode 13 - ESP
Release Date: 1996-05-26Ben prognosticates all over the place after watching a show on paranormal activity.