Watch Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist (1995) Online!
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist is an American animated series that originally ran on Comedy Central from May 28, 1995 to December 24, 1999—with a final set of three shelved episodes airing in 2002—starring Jonathan Katz, Jon Benjamin, and Laura Silverman. The show was created by a Burbank, California production company Popular Arts Entertainment, with Jonathan Katz and Tom Snyder, developed and first made by Popular Arts for HBO Downtown Productions. Boston-based Tom Snyder Productions became the hands-on production company, and the episodes were usually produced by Katz and Loren Bouchard.
Episode 1 - Pot-Bellied Pigs
Release Date: 1995-05-28Ben entertains a business venture that he knows will bring home the bacon: raising pot-bellied pigs--at home.
Episode 2 - Pretzelkins
Release Date: 1995-06-04Dr. Katz is down in the mouth about his less-than-social life after Ben tells him that they're spending too much time together.
Episode 3 - Bully
Release Date: 1995-06-11Katz goes to an open-mic night to sing, play guitar and embarrass Ben.
Episode 4 - Cholesterol
Release Date: 1995-06-18After a checkup shows that he's a prime candidate for a heart attack, Dr. Katz asks Stanley and Laura to help him shape up.
Episode 5 - Everybody's Got a Tushy
Release Date: 1995-06-25Dr. Katz worries that he and Ben's mother failed to provide their son with everything he needed to know about the opposite sex.
Episode 6 - Family Car
Release Date: 1995-07-02In the never-ending struggle to help his son grow up, Dr. Katz suggests that if Ben had his own car, jobs--and dates--might naturally follow.