Watch LOONA TV (2016) Online!
LOONA TV (이달의 소녀 탐구, Girl of the Month Inquiry) are short videos featuring the members of LOOΠΔ during their travels, behind the scenes of jacket shootings and the sets of music video filming, and even their off-time interactions as they have fun.
Episode 1 - Episode 285 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-032jin make an appearance after a long time away from Loona TV. All the Loona members have appeared and snippets of all the members are shown from upcoming Loona TV episodes. Go Won asks “Who is the next girl?” Snippets of the Cinema Theory teaser are shown. We see a blurred girl who introduces herself as the twelfth member of Loona.
Episode 2 - Episode 286 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-04HeeJin is shown with much bolder makeup than we have previously seen, YeoJin tells her that she is now Geomkki (Dark Rabbit) instead of Heekki because there is a black rabbit instead of a white rabbit that HeeJin is going to be posing with. HeeJin is petting the rabbit and she and Yves are cooing over it.
Episode 3 - Episode 287 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-05HeeJin is on her way to shoot her part of the teaser video. She poses with the rabbit who seems to be a bit fidgety. After a short break, she cuddles with the rabbit and it is more comfortable in her arms.
Episode 4 - Episode 288 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-06HyunJin is back again and she is happy to be back on Loona TV, she is joined by YeoJin and HeeJin and they say it’s their first time together again since they went to Taiwan. HeeJin says everyone whose names end with JinSoul is beautiful and HyunJin pulls an ugly face to try and prove her wrong. HaSeul and HyunJin reunite on camera and they reminisce on their time together filming their web drama (First Love Story).
Episode 5 - Episode 289 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-08HyunJin has a cat that she will be filming her video with, HyunJin says she is going to raise four cats, (LooCat 1/3) like Loona 1/3. The girls around watch on because they want to see the cat, ViVi says it’s so cute and she feels like the cat is tickling her heart. HyunJin says she wants to raise a cat and also a lion and a cheetah, she then discovers that she’s covered in cat hair.
Episode 6 - Episode 290 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-092Jin are back on Loona TV, HeeJin remarks that they both debuted in 2016 but now it’s 208 and they’re finally preparing with all the members, she wonders what kind of teaser will come from their filming. During break times, they take selfies together and goof around.
Episode 7 - Episode 291 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-11HaSeul appears with a wand that she says she will use to lead her members later on, she declares that it will be the new wand of the leader. Since Loona means moon and the wand is a star, it represents Loona’s fans. HaSeul then catches up with Kim Lip behind the scenes and asks what the details of her outfit mean, before letting Kim Lip answer, she then asks ViVi about her outfit and what her necklace means. HaSeul counts all the people in the dressing room and says there are twenty people, she catches up with Go Won who agrees there are so many people and says that HaSeul talks too much!
Episode 8 - Episode 292 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-12Yves PD has the camera and is studying HaSeul. She says that HaSeul is dressed like a bird and Kim Lip says HaSeul has a wide back. HaSeul asks if she looks pretty and that she looks like a queen of birds. Kim Lip and HaSeul practice their dancing and goof around on set before HaSeul’s photoshoot begins. HyunJin is watching on and says that HaSeul looks like a bird and HeeJin says that the nest that HaSeul is sitting in is beautiful.
Episode 9 - Episode 293 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-13YeoJin and HeeJin greet the viewers and YeoJin offers to show her hot pack dance. She says because of the friction, the pack will become warm. HeeJin and ViVi join in on YeoJin’s hot pack dance but ViVi says that the better way to keep it warm is to just put it in your pocket. Some of the girls are sitting together behind the scenes, YeoJin has taken the leader star wand and ViVi says she is cute. YeoJin hugs up against Choerry and says she is cute, she says she also likes Go Won. She also cuddles up against Yves, Chuu whispers that YeoJin looks like a baby.
Episode 10 - Episode 294 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-14It’s YeoJin’s turn to film and she says she is nervous. HaSeul is cheering her on by singing and dancing to Kiss Later. Suddenly YeoJin is led off set and looks to be very upset, HaSeul comforts her and asks her why she’s crying. YeoJin says that her body wasn’t working properly (because of her cold/the cold) and HaSeul offers for her to warm up in her cardigan. YeoJin is upset because she feels like she did not do well, HaSeul says that she still has another chance to do a good job and to not be disappointed. YeoJin tells the camera that she will do better next time, hwaiting~
Episode 11 - Episode 295 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-15YeoJin is sharing her hot pack dance with Yves, HeeJin, HyunJin, HaSeul and ViVi. HeeJin tells them all to say I Love You in their dialects. They remark that HeeJin’s father is very well spoken. They decide to give a New Year’s greeting to their parents and their fans.
Episode 12 - Episode 296 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-18Dark haired ViVi has appeared, she tells the camera that sweet potatoes are being cooked nearby. She and HaSeul approach some of the foil-wrapped sweet potatoes and ViVi picks one up with her bare hands. She tells the camera that she’s going to have a sweet potato party! She begins to peel the sweet potato in front of the camera and says that the manager has cooked it perfectly. ViVi eats some of the sweet potato that’s stuck to the skin and tells the camera that food is precious. The Loona members are enjoying their sweet potatoes, they look pretty even when eating!
Episode 13 - Episode 297 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-19 -
Episode 14 - Episode 298 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-20 -
Episode 15 - Episode 299 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-21 -
Episode 16 - Episode 300 - LOOΠΔ (300th Episode Special)
Release Date: 2018-03-23 -
Episode 17 - Episode 301 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-25 -
Episode 18 - Episode 302 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-26 -
Episode 19 - Episode 303 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-28 -
Episode 20 - Episode 304 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-03-30 -
Episode 21 - Episode 305 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-01 -
Episode 22 - Episode 306 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-02 -
Episode 23 - Episode 307 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-03 -
Episode 24 - Episode 308 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-04 -
Episode 25 - Episode 309 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-06 -
Episode 26 - Episode 310 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-08 -
Episode 27 - Episode 311 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-09 -
Episode 28 - Episode 312 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-10 -
Episode 29 - Episode 313 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-11 -
Episode 30 - Episode 314 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-15 -
Episode 31 - Episode 315 - Cinema Theory: Up & Line
Release Date: 2018-04-16