Watch LOONA TV (2016) Online!
LOONA TV (이달의 소녀 탐구, Girl of the Month Inquiry) are short videos featuring the members of LOOΠΔ during their travels, behind the scenes of jacket shootings and the sets of music video filming, and even their off-time interactions as they have fun.
Episode 1 - Episode 245 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-01ARE YOU READY? The tenth member of Loona, Chuu, makes her appearance! She emerges with Kim Lip, HaSeul, Yves and HeeJin. She is a bit nervous on camera initially but she tells the viewers that she is 19 years old and loves to sing. The director says that Chuu and Yves are good at pretending to be friendly but Yves responds and says that Chuu is her real friend.
Episode 2 - Episode 246 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-02Yves tells the viewer that the tenth girl of Loona is doing a photoshoot and that she thinks Chuu has a “fruit face – that kind of vibe!” Chuu works hard on her photoshoot and all the girls watch on, Kim Lip tells the camera that she and Chuu are friends and have known each other since before they went to high school. Chuu says her first shoot is over and that she’s never done one before so she was nervous but also happy because many good people helped her to relax.
Episode 3 - Episode 247 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-03HaHee appear and they have braided their hair into one plait, Kim Lip joins them and braids her hair with HeeJin’s. They spot Yves behind them and the four of them harmonise on camera. They pose with a Christmas tree and take festive photos.
Episode 4 - Episode 248 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-04Chuu explains that the concept for the current shoot is the little matchstick girl and asks if people will please buy her matches. The director asks her how much they are and she responds that they are around fifty million won? Chuu continues her photoshoot and says it’s fun and she loves her outfits. She also points out that it began snowing outside and that she thinks winter is the best season because she was born in it.
Episode 5 - Episode 249 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-05The long jacket squad has come to visit Chuu. She introduces herself as Chuu who loves eating food but she must now practice controlling the passion for food nowadays. She shows the camera that her charm is that she looks smart when she is concentrating on something. Chuu and Choerry reenact when they first met. The director asks if they are close, they both agree and share a big hug. ViVi says they look like twins and Chuu tries to feed Choerry a disco ball.
Episode 6 - Episode 250 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-07Chuu is posing with lots of cute props, Choerry and JinSoul look on and say how beautiful she looks. Choerry says it’s kind of bittersweet that her moment has passed for now but she is also proud. JinSoul asks Choerry if she has any advice and Choerry says she has nothing to say because she thinks Chuu is doing well. The two of them wonder what kind of concept Chuu will have.
Episode 7 - Episode 251 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-08Chuu does an outdoor photoshoot and even though it is -7 degrees, she says it’s fun and she’s not cold. ViVi mimics Chuu and puts on a cute voice, JinSoul is wearing a big red ribbon that was used for Chuu’s photoshoot. Choerry is full of energy and doing a dance, she and JinSoul work on doing an impromptu photoshoot along with Yves and ViVi.
Episode 8 - Episode 252 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-09The girls are looking at all the prop food that is used for Chuu’s photoshoot. JinSoul speculates that fruit plays an important part in the last subunit, Yves says her fruit is an apple and that Chuu’s is a strawberry. They try to guess which fruit will be next and JinSoul picks a durian. They then try to assign fruits to all the existing members, HeeJin is a Banana, HyunJin is a Watermelon, HaSeul is Pear and YeoJin is a Kumquat.
Episode 9 - Episode 253 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-10Yves and ViVi are dressed up in Christmas outfits. It’s revealed that shooting for The Carol 2.0 was done at the same time as Chuu’s photoshoot. ViVi, Choerry and Yves help each other out with their lines whilst filming.
Episode 10 - Episode 254 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-11Chuu talks about all the lovely outfits she’s been able to wear for her photoshoots. Chuu is happy that her photoshoots have ended successfully.
Episode 11 - Episode 255 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-12Filming is about to begin for Heart Attack and Chuu is nervous because the studio is so beautiful. Chuu, HaSeul, Kim Lip and Yves show off part of the choreography for Heart Attack.
Episode 12 - Episode 256 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-14HaSeul and Kim Lip are practicing dance moves from ViViD and HaSeul says that they want to learn the dances of all the members’ songs. The MV filming for Heart Attack has started so HaSeul and Kim Lip run downstairs to watch. They spot Chuu in the “bus” from the MV and she sends them love hearts.
Episode 13 - Episode 257 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-15Filming for Heart Attack is continuing and Chuu’s role is to watch Yves secretly. Even when they’re not filming, Chuu is staying in character! The filming of Chuu on the bicycle with her camera is shown, Chuu says she was very nervous since it was her first filming. Yves tells her they need to move to the next set and takes Chuu’s hand to lead her.
Episode 14 - Episode 258 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-16Kim Lip and Chuu are on the second set and Chuu remarks that everything is mint coloured. This scene is Chuu watching Yves in a hallway as she’s reading. HaSeul and Kim Lip spot a cat on set and coo over it. They then start exploring on set and discover a ballet practice room, the two try to pose on the ballet barre and then make shadow pictures with their hands against the set lighting,
Episode 15 - Episode 259 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-17Chuu works on her solo scenes for Heart Attack, Yves tells the camera that she only got 1 hour of sleep last night and she is peeling a sweet potato for Chuu to eat. She says they had dance practice a lot at dawn before filming the MV and she is worried that Chuu might become fatigued. She then feeds Chuu the sweet potato whilst she’s being styled between takes, Chuu says she’s touched and it feels like GOLD! Chuu then talks about Pumpkin Potatoes and Yves corrects her, telling her it’s Pumpkin Sweet Potato!
Episode 16 - Episode 260 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-18Chuu has to learn the choreography of Yves song New to copy her in the Heart Attack MV.
Episode 17 - Episode 261 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-19Chuu is about to be shot with an arrow and apple by Yves! She falls back onto a mattress whilst confetti is shot out behind her. Yves and Kim Lip steal some of the heart confetti and stick it on their cheeks and play around with the Loona TV camera.
Episode 18 - Episode 262 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-21Kim Lip tells the camera that YeoJin and Choerry have visited the set and shows the viewers that she has drawn their faces onto some oranges. She says that Choerry looks like an annoying orange so she has drawn her orange to look like that. She has shaped some little buns onto the head of YeoJin’s orange to match her Kiss Later buns. She then draws a JinSoul orange and tries to get the director to guess which member is each orange.
Episode 19 - Episode 263 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-22AREEE YOUUU READYYYY? The episode begins with Heart Attack playing in slow motion, Kim Lip asks the audience if they’re ready and Yves says Yes! Chuu has to dance to Heart Attack in slow motion, Yves, Kim Lip and HaSeul try to copy their favourite Heart Attack dance moment in slow motion. HaSeul says that before she came to the set, she stayed up all night because she wanted to be pretty since it’s been a long time since she shot a MV. Kim Lip says that her face would’ve ben puffy is she slept. HaSeul gets dressed up and ready to film her scene in Heart Attack.
Episode 20 - Episode 264 - Chuu
Release Date: 2018-01-24Kim Lip, Yves, Chuu and HaSeul have gathered in front of the camera, HaSeul says that filming for Heart Attack has been the longest out of all of the Loona MVs so far. Chuu says that she is cold, she repeats herself as the other girls don’t respond – Chuu is cold?! Yves tries to list her spirits for the last of the filming. Filming for Heart Attack has finished and Chuu thanks all the people who worked so hard for her and she really appreciates all their work. She will try her best to be a good singer and live up to everyone's expectations.