Watch Speciale Superquark (1998) Online!
Speciale Superquark was a spin off of the Superquark show, conceived and conducted by Piero Angela
Episode 1 - L'incredibile storia di Enrico Fermi
Release Date: 2001-09-18On the occasion of the centenary of his birth, in 2001, Superquark dedicated a special episode of the program to Enrico Fermi, in two parts. Mixing excerpts from films and documentary narration, the program retraces Fermi's origins and his studies that took him, very young, to the Scuola Normale di Pisa. It talks about the fertile period of "I ragazzi di Via Panisperna" in Rome when together with Rasetti, Amaldi, Segré, Majorana, D'Agostino and Pontecorvo he worked on reactions produced by atomic nuclei by the action of slow neutrons. Explores the group's relations with the fascist regime and the mysterious disappearance of Majorana; shows some laboratory instruments used by Fermi in the 1930s; talks about his departure for the USA, the awarding of the Nobel Prize in 1938 and the work of building the atomic pile, with the first nuclear chain reaction on 2 December 1942.
Episode 2 - Umberto Nobile. La tenda rossa: SOS dal polo nord (prima parte)
Release Date: 2001-12-26 -
Episode 3 - Umberto Nobile. La tenda rossa: SOS dal polo nord (seconda parte)
Release Date: 2002-01-02 -
Episode 4 - Nove mesi. Come nasce la vita
Release Date: 2001-01-10 -
Episode 5 - Da zero a tre anni. Come nasce l'intelligenza
Release Date: 2001-01-17 -
Episode 6 - C'era una volta... cento anni fa
Release Date: 2001-01-26