Watch Speciale Superquark (1998) Online!
Speciale Superquark was a spin off of the Superquark show, conceived and conducted by Piero Angela
Episode 1 - La straordinaria storia di Giuseppe Verdi
Release Date: 2000-12-13Giuseppe Verdi was not only a composer, but a man with an extraordinary life, a life that we will tell you about in this episode.
Episode 2 - Odissea. Il fantastico viaggio di Ulisse (prima parte)
Release Date: 2000-12-27In this episode we will tell you the most beautiful story written in antiquity. It is like a great film, it has the structure of a TV series, even though it was written 3 thousand years ago. It is the Odyssey, or rather the long journey of Ulysses towards home after the fall of Troy. A journey that lasted 10 years, during which Ulysses faces the most incredible dangers and adventures.
Episode 3 - Odissea. Il fantastico viaggio di Ulisse (seconda parte)
Release Date: 2001-01-03In this episode we resume the journey with Ulysses that began last episode, an extraordinary, adventurous journey that Homer recounted in the most famous poem of antiquity: the Odyssey.
Episode 4 - Nove mesi: come nasce la vita
Release Date: 2001-01-10 -
Episode 5 - Da zero a tre anni: come nasce l'intelligenza
Release Date: 2001-01-17