Watch Sam Delaney's News Thing (2015) Online!
With a flimsy grasp of the facts, but an iron grip on the chat, News Thing brings you the news that matters and the opinions that don’t. Hosted by journalist and author Sam Delaney, each weekly episode features a panel of top comedians, a clever political guest dragged kicking and screaming from their proper job and a load of other stuff to keep you abreast of all the big issues.
Season 1 Episode List
Episode 1 - Snoopers
Release Date: 2015-06-11Sam worries that Theresa May is watching him masturbate, Lembit Opik tells us what he really thinks of Nick Clegg and Bobby Mair finds out who the British public wants us to bomb next. Featuring guests Lou Sanders, Simon Evans, Matt Richardson and Lembit Opik.