Watch Friends (1979) Online!
Friends is a short-lived kids-oriented drama that aired in the spring of 1979. The series, which was produced by Aaron Spelling and aired on ABC, starred Charlie Aiken, Jill Whelan, and Jarrod Johnson as three Southern Californian 11-year-olds. Karen Morrow also appeared. Only five one-hour episodes were produced before the series was cancelled.
Episode 1 - Going Out
Release Date: 1979-03-25 -
Episode 2 - Pilot
Release Date: 1979-04-01Pete (Charles Aiken) is embarrassed by a poor showing at a baseball game in front of his athletic father (Andy Romano); Randy (Jarrod Johnson), eager for a paper route, awaits his parents' okay; Nancy (Jill Whelan) decides to prove her divorced dad is parent enough for her. Alice Price: Anne Schedeen. Mrs. Richards: Karen Morrow. Wilks: Dennis Redfield. Doris: Patricia Crowley. Cynthia: Alicia Fleer. Mrs. Sandler: Alice Ghostley.
Episode 3 - Grandfather Arrives
Release Date: 1979-04-08 -
Episode 4 - Pressure
Release Date: 1979-04-15 -
Episode 5 - A Case of Bad Timing
Release Date: 1979-04-22