Watch Friends (1979) Online!

Friends is a short-lived kids-oriented drama that aired in the spring of 1979. The series, which was produced by Aaron Spelling and aired on ABC, starred Charlie Aiken, Jill Whelan, and Jarrod Johnson as three Southern Californian 11-year-olds. Karen Morrow also appeared. Only five one-hour episodes were produced before the series was cancelled.

Release Date: 1979-03-25
Seasons: 1
metacritic icon 8.6/10
themoviedb icon 5.0/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 60
Alice Ghostley
Alice Ghostle...
Karen Morrow
Karen Morrow
Pamela Richards
Roger Robinson
Roger Robinso...
Warren Summerfield
Jill Whelan
Jill Whelan
Nancy Wilks
Charles Lampkin
Charles Lampk...
Tug Summerfield
Andy Romano
Andy Romano
Frank Richards
Lew Horn
Lew Horn
Anne Schedeen
Anne Schedeen
Jack Knight
Jack Knight
Janet MacLachlan
Janet MacLach...
Jane Summerfield
Write one

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