Watch The Waltons (1972) Online!
The Waltons live their life in a rural Virginia community during the Great Depression and World War II.
Episode 1 - The Hawk
Release Date: 1977-09-15A young minister comes and causes some uneasiness within the congregation
Episode 2 - The Stray
Release Date: 1977-09-22Strange foorprints & a stringer of catfish lead the Waltons to find 12 year old Josh a runaway in the barn hiding.He attaches himself to John immediately
Episode 3 - The Recluse
Release Date: 1977-09-29Jason and Fern Lockwood,a recluse who shares his love of music but she is timid and finds life threatening . Ben goes to Norfolk and looks for work and comes back home to help an overworked father
Episode 4 - The Warrior
Release Date: 1977-10-13An old man, his grandson,and two Indians come to Walton's Mountain saying there are sacred burial grounds where the barn is built.
Episode 5 - The Seashore
Release Date: 1977-10-20The Waltons have an encounter with a strange English girl while on a small vacation at the Baldwin sister's beach cottage. Ben stays home alone expecting to live the life of a carefree bachelor.
Episode 6 - The Volunteer
Release Date: 1977-10-27After Erin says no to the marriage proposal of G.W. Haines, he joins the Army. Erin visits G.W. at Camp Lee Army Base despite her father's reluctance.
Episode 7 - The Grandchild
Release Date: 1977-11-03Mary Ellen Gives birth to the Waltons 1 st grandchild a boy name John Curtis Williard
Episode 8 - The First Casualty
Release Date: 1977-11-10Dr. Willard has been drafted to serve for the US Med Corps. Erin's boyfriend G.W. Haines is killed in a training accident and Yancy Tucker announces that he is joining. They turn him down because of his flat feet.
Episode 9 - The Battle of Drucilla's Pond
Release Date: 1977-11-17At Drucilla's pond, the Army practices maneuvers. Olivia paints quiet scenes wchi she enters in a local art show. They are bought by a mysterious admirer.
Episode 10 - The Flight
Release Date: 1977-12-01This new boy that Jim-Bpb meets says he is going to join the Air Corps.Elizabeth adopts Maud Gormley as a sub grandma only until her real grandma comes back home
Episode 11 - The Milestone
Release Date: 1977-12-08Olivia goes to Alberene her home town to see her Aunt Kate. Olivia copping with going through the change of life.Jim-Bob fakes his Mom's signature on a job application
Episode 12 - The Children's Carol
Release Date: 1977-12-15Two British children escape the London Blitz to find safety in Walton's Mountain with the Baldwins and the Waltons for Christmas. Meanwhile, Jason contemplates whether he can fight in the impending war, and Olivia has a faith crisis as she can't understand how God could allow war.
Episode 13 - The Celebration
Release Date: 1977-12-22John finds out that the family is almost out of debt so everybody pitches in on a big contract. During the mortgage burning party, Ike Godsey says that the bank will forclosing on the store. Olivia and John come to the rescue.
Episode 14 - The Rumor
Release Date: 1978-01-05A new family, the Brimmer's, move to the Mountain and look for work and a place to live. Some people from the town are suspicious of their German accent and John helps them.
Episode 15 - Spring Fever
Release Date: 1978-01-12A rose bush owed by Mamie Baldwin is dying and she views that as a sign of her own impending death. Jim-Bob dates Ben's girlfriend and Ben dates Jim-Bob's girlfriend. They come to blows because they are jealous.
Episode 16 - The Festival
Release Date: 1978-01-26Jason gets a lesson in prejudice when he and Josh Verdie's son audition for a recital. Aimee Godsey and Elizabeth experience Spring Fever.
Episode 17 - The Anniversary
Release Date: 1978-02-02John and Olivia have been married 25 years. Olivia buys John a phone to put in the house and John builds a gazebo for Olivia on top of the mountain. Mary Ellen and Curt have problems being apart from each other.
Episode 18 - The Family Tree
Release Date: 1978-02-09With Jason's help, Verdie searches her roots for the history of her family. Elizabeth corresponds with a soldier who thinks she is 18 years old and looks like Erin.
Episode 19 - The Ordeal
Release Date: 1978-02-16Elizabeth falls from a log pile and she breaks her leg. Elizabeth can only walk with crutches. Jim-Bob talks her into walking.
Episode 20 - The Return
Release Date: 1978-03-16John-Boy comes back home and helps with reopening the old Guthrie Mine. John and some other men work in the mine. Without warning, the fault gives way to its weaknesses and traps the men under tons of dirt and rock.
Episode 21 - The Revelation
Release Date: 1978-03-23John-Boy asks Daisy to marry him so both return home and make arrangements .John talks to Daisy's mom and learns Daisy has a 3 yr old daughter.
Episode 22 - Grandma Comes Home
Release Date: 1978-03-30The Waltons are happy to finally have Grandma back home with them This was also sad for all of the Walton clan as it was the last show that actor Will Geer (Grandpa) was on.
Episode 23 - The Return (1)
Release Date: 1978-03-16John-Boy comes back home and helps with reopening the old Guthrie Mine. John and some other men work in the mine. Without warning, the fault gives way to its weaknesses and traps the men under tons of dirt and rock.
Episode 24 - The Return (2)
Release Date: 1978-03-16John and the other men escapes.
Episode 25 - The Revelation
Release Date: 1978-03-23John-Boy asks Daisy to marry him so both return home and make arrangements .John talks to Daisy's mom and learns Daisy has a 3 yr old daughter.
Episode 26 - Grandma Comes Home
Release Date: 1978-03-30The Waltons are happy to finally have Grandma back home with them This was also sad for all of the Walton clan as it was the last show that actor Will Geer (Grandpa) was on.