Watch The Waltons (1972) Online!
The Waltons live their life in a rural Virginia community during the Great Depression and World War II.
Episode 1 - The First Edition
Release Date: 1976-09-23The first edition of The Blue Ridge Chronicle is published by John-Boy. He publishes a story about Ben and it makes his mother mad.
Episode 2 - The Vigil
Release Date: 1976-09-30Mary Ellen, aspring nurse, makes a diagnosis about Grandma's illness which almost costs Grandma her life.
Episode 3 - The Comeback
Release Date: 1976-10-07Jason gets news that his scholarship has been cancelled. Jason begins to hang out at the Dew Drop Inn. He is trying to interest Red Turner, a musician, into making a come back since his son's death.
Episode 4 - The Baptism
Release Date: 1976-10-14John refuses to visit the tent meeting or get baptised, even with the presence of a famous evangelist.
Episode 5 - The Fire Storm
Release Date: 1976-10-21John-Boy tries to keep the community updated about the news in Europe sohe decides to print excerpts about Hitler's Mein Kampf in his paper. A great outcry ensues and the town is torn apart over the issue of publishing unfavorable items in the Blue Ridge Chronicle.
Episode 6 - The Nightwalker
Release Date: 1976-10-28A unknown person prowls through the night on Walton's Mountain. Godsey's Hall is open up by Ike Godsey & Jason decides to have a dance for the community
Episode 7 - The Wedding
Release Date: 1976-11-04Mary Ellen surprises her parents saying that she and Dr. David Spencer are getting married. At the same time the family makes preparations, Dr. Curt Willard arrives and complicates matters.
Episode 8 - The Cloudburst
Release Date: 1976-11-11John-Boy sells his Meadow to a mining company to meet payments on his printing press. Ike and Corabeth follow suit. What everybody doesn't know is that the company plans to strip mine which will ruin the land.
Episode 9 - The Great Motorcycle Race
Release Date: 1976-11-18Jim-Bob fixes up Ike's old motorcyle & he enters a motorcyle race. The Godsey's want to adopt a baby but instead adopt a young girl named Aimee
Episode 10 - The Pony Cart
Release Date: 1976-12-02Auntie Martha Corrine Walton comes to Walton's Mountain to visit and soon interupts everybody's life. She and Ben make an old fashioned pony cart and she comes to the realization that she is about to die.
Episode 11 - The Best Christmas
Release Date: 1976-12-09The 11 members of the Walton family are together for Christmas This would be the last time that all of the Waltons would be together
Episode 12 - The Last Mustang
Release Date: 1976-12-16The Waltons are emersed in a controversial election for sheriff and Grandpa fights to release a wild mustang that he says was caught on Walton property.
Episode 13 - The Rebellion
Release Date: 1976-12-23Corabeth gives Olivia a permanent that turns out badly. Grandma is up against a new competition for playing the church organ.
Episode 14 - The Ferris Wheel
Release Date: 1977-01-06Elizabeth has nightmares of an unknown experience of being stuck on the very top of a ferris wheel. Ben starts to seriously worry about his height.
Episode 15 - The Elopement
Release Date: 1977-01-13Erin's 1st love, Chad Marshall, comes back and asks Erin to be his wife. She agrees but John emphatically says no so Erin and Chad run off to elope.
Episode 16 - John's Crossroad
Release Date: 1977-01-20John goes to Charlottesville and applies for an office job. He finds it impossible to work under the harsh direction of the office manager.
Episode 17 - The Career Girl
Release Date: 1977-01-27Erin's graduation from high school seems to be very painful because Erin has no firm plans for the future or any career.
Episode 18 - The Hero
Release Date: 1977-02-03John-Boy acts on a suggestion of Grandma's and oranizes a memorial to the Jefferson County Doughboys of WWI. Sheriff Ed Bridges , the decorated hero, shows little interest.
Episode 19 - The Inferno
Release Date: 1977-02-10John-Boy goes to Lakehurst New Jersey to travel to cover the landing of Hindenburg and is deeply affected by its crash. Curt tries to figure out how to have more private time with Mary Ellen.
Episode 20 - The Heartbreaker
Release Date: 1977-02-17Jason falls in love with Vanessa, Curt's sister, who left her husband so she could become a singer. John-Boy begins to publish sections of his novel in the newspaper.
Episode 21 - The Long Night
Release Date: 1977-02-24Grandpa says he going to bring Grandma home from the hosptal. When the Doctors say no, Grandpa causes a scene and is told not to come back. Aimee Godsey asks Zeb to be her Grandpa.
Episode 22 - The Hiding Place
Release Date: 1977-03-03The Baldwin's niece, Hillary Von Kleist, comes for a visit from Vienna. Jason joins the National Guard over Olivia's objections.
Episode 23 - The Go-Getter
Release Date: 1977-03-10A hot headed Ben has a falling out with John and Ben takes a job as a used car salesman . Ben seems a natural until the family questions some of his sales techniques.
Episode 24 - The Achievement
Release Date: 1977-03-17John-Boy goes to New York City after waiting weeks without word on his novel. It pays off and John-Boy talks to an editor who agrees to publish his novel. John-Boy comes back home and tells them the good news. He also tells the family he is moving to New York City.
Episode 25 - The Achievement
Release Date: 1977-03-17John-Boy goes to New York City after waiting weeks without word on his novel. It pays off and John-Boy talks to an editor who agrees to publish his novel. John-Boy comes back home and tells them the good news. He also tells the family he is moving to New York City.