Watch How To Be a Fan With Hex (2016) Online!
As the host of Good Game, a show deep in the Pop Culture world, Stephanie "Hex" Bendixsen is around fans of all kinds. In this series she is on a mission to find out what drives their fandom and to really understand it - she will jump in with both feet.
Episode 1 - Cosplay
Release Date: 2016-09-05Cosplay, or Costume Play, was once the domain of only the most extreme of fans. Now, Cosplay is a global phenomenon celebrated by millions. Good Game's Hex explores this unique world by cosplaying as one of her favourite video game characters.
Episode 2 - LARPing
Release Date: 2016-09-05Live Action Role Playing, which is known as LARPing, brings the world of table top games like Dungeons & Dragons and transplants them into the real world. Will Hex survive a weekend spent with Knights, Orcs and Elves? It may take some imagination.
Episode 3 - Collecting
Release Date: 2016-09-05Toys, Comics, Vinyl Records; collecting is fandom that many have dabbled in once in their lifetime. But for some fans collecting is a never ending search for that one, elusive item. Hex starts her own collection to find out why we collect.
Episode 4 - Fan Film
Release Date: 2016-09-05When Hollywood just wont do, fans take their favourite franchises into their own hands and make short films based on some of the biggest characters and worlds in the galaxy! Hex makes a short film based on a science fiction classic.
Episode 5 - Arts and Crafts
Release Date: 2016-09-05Sometimes when you really love something, you want to wear it, eat it or hug it and thanks to the world of pop culture arts and crafts, you can! Hex brings her own fandom to life by crafting a one of a kind item.
Episode 6 - Sport
Release Date: 2016-09-05The time has come to look at the oldest and most accepted form of fandom; sport! However no traditional sport will do as Hex looks at this world in her own unique way.
Episode 7 - Tribute Band
Release Date: 2016-09-05In her most confronting challenge yet, Hex celebrates her love of an Australian music icon through the prism of the tribute band. The stage is set for the final episode of How To Be A Fan With Hex.
Episode 8 - Dangerous Night
Release Date: 2016-09-05The Blade Runner inspired fan film Hex made for How to Be a Fan with Hex.