Watch Final Faction: The Animated Series (2020) Online!
In the year 2050, a large asteroid collided with our moon. Among the debris, we discovered a hibernating alien mothership. Now, the Kharn are awake and they want to plunder our precious natural resources. So, we recruited teams of special operatives to defend Earth from their alien threat. They are.. THE FINAL FACTION!
Season 1 Episode List
Episode 1 - Earn That Cookie
Release Date: 2020-11-09Watch as Sergeant Steadfast leads his team of highly skilled warriors (and his chihuahua, Churro) as they battle the evil Kharn army who is attempting to steal Synthosium from the Rocky Mountains. Can Alpha Team 1 stop the evil Kharn and their ruthless leader, General Diabol, and earn one of Sarge’s homemade cookies?