Watch Adreses (2015) Online!
With the eyes of ordinary people, Adreses explore successful and less successful or even scandalous examples of architecture and environment building. Martins Kibilds goes to two places or addresses, every time taking a different person with him – without professional experience in architecture, but with a keen desire to explore, think and share impressions with the audience.
Season 1 Episode List
Episode 1 - Betona iejūtība
Release Date: 2015-09-03Pirmajā epizodē Adreses dodās uz Saldus Mūzikas un mākslas skolu un uz labi zināmajiem Pārdaugavas Z-torņiem. Skola mazpilsētā un galvaspilsētas debesskrāpji – kas kopīgs šīm tik atšķirīgajām celtnēm? Vai tās maz var vērtēt ar vienu mērauklu?