Watch Wingin' It (2010) Online!
Wingin' It is a Canadian teen sitcom airing on Family. The series was produced by Temple Street Productions in association with Family. It stars Demetrius Joyette and Dylan Everett. This show included guest-stars from other Family Channel shows such as The Latest Buzz. The show began airing on Disney XD Canada on June 1, 2011. Family announced that the series was renewed for a third season on June 13, 2011. The third season has aired in the United Kingdom and started airing in Canada on March 3, 2013 with new episodes every Sunday. All the episodes have already been broadcast in the UK on CBBC. Since March 1, 2013, Wingin' It has been airing with new episodes from Season 1 onward Mondays-Fridays at 7PM. It is also currently being broadcast by TVB Pearl in Hong Kong, airing Mondays-Fridays at 5PM. Family announced that the series is not planned for a fourth season.
Episode 1 - Under Her Spell
Release Date: 2011-03-08It's the first day of 10th grade and Carl can't wait for the chance to win Jane over; if only he could talk to her without turning into a blubbering mess. Hoping to help Carl, Porter uses body swap magic so that Porter, in Carl's body, can express himself eloquently to Jane. But when the body-swap magic goes awry and Carl gets trapped in the body of a puppet, who on earth is stuck in his?
Episode 2 - Me Carl You Jane-ish
Release Date: 2011-03-09When Jane wants to get out of history class, Carl offers to cover for her. Unfortunately he doesn't know how. Denise creates a temporary Jane double, but when Carl and "Zombie Jane" get an "F" on their presentation, Carl has to devise a way to reverse their failing grade. When Denise's review board finds out that she created a zombie double of Jane, it puts her A.I.T. status in jeopardy.
Episode 3 - To Serge With Love
Release Date: 2011-03-17When Bennett High gets a new foreign exchange student named Bianca, Porter uses magic to make Carl her official translator. As one of the top athletes in her country, it's inevitable that Serge falls for Bianca. But when Carl translates Serge's sweet nothings to Bianca, she thinks Carl is the one expressing his love and falls for him. It's up to Carl to turn Serge into the man of Bianca's dreams.
Episode 4 - Taking Care of Quiz-ness
Release Date: 2011-03-15Convinced that it will help him with his popularity, Porter signs Carl up for the school's trivia team. Carl loves the team, but is scared of answering questions under pressure so he becomes the team coach instead. But when the Bennett High loses their star player, Carl must face his fear and join the team.
Episode 5 - Err a Parent
Release Date: 2011-03-14As an Angel, Porter doesn't have anyone to sign his school field trip permission form, so he magically fakes the signature. But when Principal Malone insists on meeting Porter's fake dad, he and Carl are in deep trouble. Denise offers to step in and magically pretend to be Porter's dad. Meanwhile, Brittany wants to be the star in a commercial video contest.
Episode 6 - Best Before Date
Release Date: 2011-03-23Carl hopes that Jane will buy him at the upcoming "cool guy charity auction" so they can go to a concert together, but she ends up buying Porter instead, leaving Carl stuck with Brittany. When Brittany embarrasses herself with a horrible audition, Carl tries to cheer her up and they share a kiss - one which Jane witnesses!
Episode 7 - Montclaire on the Air
Release Date: 2011-03-10Carl is excited to take over the school's radio station. With Alex as his gag man, the radio show becomes a hit with the students, but not the Principal. Meanwhile, Porter becomes the manager of Brittany's new girl band comprised of herself, Denise and Jane. But when the girls can't get along, it's up to Porter to keep the dueling divas together.
Episode 8 - Carl + Alt + Delete
Release Date: 2011-03-24When Porter's magic accidentally sends Carl into Jane's computer, Carl gets bounced around to several different electronic devices. He eventually makes his way into the computer of new student, Ty, and discovers that Ty has been cheating on his tests. Meanwhile, Denise tries to get Brittany and Serge to understand "Oliver Twist", but has trouble getting them to relate to anything but themselves.
Episode 9 - Bully Elliot
Release Date: 2011-03-16Carl's excitement at playing badminton is short-lived when he discovers the new coach, Elliot, has a particular interest in picking on him. Meanwhile, Jane is determined to go undercover and write an expose on Brittany's cruel "Frenemy" club for the school paper. As part of her initiation, Jane exposes one of Alex's secrets.
Episode 10 - Reel Trouble
Release Date: 2011-03-28Jane wins Bennett High a preview screening of the film adaptation of her favorite science fiction book, "Cosmonaut Claire". When Porter accidentally beams Space Pirate Bruce out of the film, he and Carl must chase him down and get him back into the movie. Meanwhile, Denise and Dr. Cassabi are excited about a show of their own, but have to make the most of it when they get terrible seats.
Episode 11 - Magical Kiss-tery Tour
Release Date: 2011-03-29When Carl can't build up the nerve to kiss Jane on his own, Porter helps by putting a magic kiss enchantment on Carl. Meanwhile, when Dr. Cassabi devises a new lunch seating arrangement, Brittany hatches a plot to convince him that sometimes it does matter where you sit.
Episode 12 - All Lizards Go to Heaven Part 1
Release Date: 2011-03-21In the first half of a two-part story, Carl is horrified when he accidentally squashes his sister's pet lizard and, in a panic, Porter re-animates it. But this is a serious offense in the world of Angel magic and a special operative, Agent 45, eventually arrests Porter for the unauthorized magic and takes him before the Angel Tribunal to face permanent expulsion.
Episode 13 - All Lizards Go to Heaven Part 2
Release Date: 2011-03-22In this second episode of a two-part story, Carl finds himself in Heavenly Court, testifying to keep Porter from getting expelled for using regeneration magic. Meanwhile, Jane, Brittany, Serge and Alex try to figure out what has happened to the missing Carl and Porter.
Episode 14 - Without a Paddle
Release Date: 2011-08-11In a bet with the principal from Terrendale High, Principal Malone volunteers Carl and friends to compete in the upcoming Physics Games.Trying to impress Carl, Denise gives him a little magical assistance in the form of a ping pong paddle that slows down time.
Episode 15 - Hands Solo
Release Date: 2011-08-10Carl and Porter are surprised when Alex's dad arrives at Bennett High to announce Alex must defend their family's honor in a sacred hand-dance duel. When Alex breaks his arm and can't take part in the duel, Carl reluctantly steps in. Meanwhile, Jane and Serge compete to determine who is better at school, sports and pretty much everything else.
Episode 16 - Reality Bites
Release Date: 2011-08-08Carl joins Brittany's latest project, a school news show, under one condition: he gets to be the weatherman. When he argues with Brittany on the air, they are both shocked to discover their banter is a hit. A fast-talking TV Producer, Steve McT, convinces them to star in a reality show where they play a bickering brother and sister.
Episode 17 - Alex in Sumberland
Release Date: 2011-08-15Alex is staying with Carl and Porter and he's driving them nuts with his sleepless habits. Porter uses magic to put Alex to sleep but, when Alex won't wake up, Carl and Porter have no choice but to wake him from inside his dream. In the meantime, Denise is excited for her first date with Carl, but is left fuming when he doesn't show.
Episode 18 - Fright Club
Release Date: 2011-08-26Carl offers to help Jane with her haunted house so she can leave early and go to Brittany's sleepover. Porter magically makes the haunted house scarier, but he and Carl soon discover they've created a monster. Jane thinks she's going to have a great time at Brittany's sleepover.
Episode 19 - I Carlie
Release Date: 2011-08-16After a clueless Carl offends Denise on their first date, she shows him what it's like to be a girl - by turning him into one! It's not long before Serge falls for "Carlie", the new girl at school and the pressure is on Porter to find a solution. Meanwhile, Jane gets a part-time job at Mama B's pizza and develops a crush on a cute boy, which jeopardizes her new job.
Episode 20 - Heaven Must Be Missing an Angel
Release Date: 2011-08-22The tables are turned when for once Porter is the one who is lovesick and Carl has to play matchmaker. Porter has fallen for Angel-in-Training JenJen, but unfortunately, whenever he's around her he makes a fool of himself. Meanwhile, when Serge and Alex discover a treasure trove of lost objects on the school's roof, they open a shop to sell the items, but will they work as business partners?
Episode 21 - Greener-man vs Polluter
Release Date: 2011-09-17Carl, Porter and Serge aren't having much fun when Principal Malone assigns them to perform as the school's "enviro-friendly mascots". But with a Magic Nod from Porter, things get more exciting - that is, until Carl and Porter discover that Serge has been accidentally transformed into a super-villain, 'Polluter'.
Episode 22 - Friday Afternoon Fever
Release Date: 2011-08-17Porter helps Carl at the school's charity dance-a-thon by using non-stop-dance magic on him. But when Carl can't stop dancing, Porter is forced to get help. Back at Bennett High, Jane hosts a telethon as Carl continues to dance non-stop for charity. If Carl keeps dancing he'll break a world record.
Episode 23 - I Kinda Always Knew I'd End Up Your Lex Boyfriend
Release Date: 2011-08-23Carl is wary when Denise's ex-boyfriend, Lex, shows up claiming to be there for an innocent visit. Before long, Carl realizes that Lex is actually trying to expose Carl and Denise's relationship - after all, an Angel is forbidden to date a human. Meanwhile, when Jane returns Brittany's lost necklace but doesn't get the promised reward, Jane turns the tables? with drastic consequences.
Episode 24 - Lucy in the Sky with Carl
Release Date: 2011-08-09When Carl agrees to go undercover and work Porter's shift in the Angel Caf�, he hits it off with a mischievous Angel-in-Training student, Lucy. But when she discovers that Carl is a human, she threatens to expose his secret unless she can accompany him down to Earth to learn more about humans.
Episode 25 - Don't Dimension It
Release Date: 2011-08-18When Carl complains to Porter and Denise that he's bored with his ho-hum life, they create a magical clubhouse inside his locker. When Carl and Porter emerge from the locker, they're shocked to discover they're in another dimension. The pair must navigate a kung fu dimension, a pirate planet and a film noir world in their quest to make it home.
Episode 26 - Malone's Your Uncle
Release Date: 2011-08-24When Carl meets Bennett High's new British exchange student, Tinsley, he is determined to date her. But when he tries to ask her uncle, Principal Malone, for permission, Carl inadvertently volunteers to be Junior Vice-Principal. Meanwhile, Brittany and Jane embark on a new business venture where they sell scarf-purses to students, only to discover that their product is giving everyone a sore neck.
Episode 27 - We'll Always Have Detention
Release Date: 2011-08-25Carl is excited to meet a new girl he truly connects with on the new school intranet, but when he gets detention with Brittany and can't make it to their meeting, he sends Porter to cover for him. Meanwhile, Jane realizes the only after-school club she's never attended is detention and she tries her best to make it in.
Episode 28 - At Home by Myself? With Carl
Release Date: 2011-08-29Carl is surprised when Serge challenges him to an Ultimate Strong Guy competition, but not as surprised as Serge when Carl beats him thanks to magical strength from Porter. Meanwhile, Denise and Brittany interview Bennett High students and teachers for the video yearbook, and are shocked to learn Serge has given up sports after being defeated by Carl.