Watch Crash (2009) Online!
Crash is an English-language Welsh television drama series created by Tony Jordan and produced by Red Planet Pictures for BBC Wales. The series follows the lives of four newly qualified doctors. The series is filmed in Cardiff. The series first aired at 20:30 BST on BBC One Wales and BBC HD on Wednesday 9 September 2009.
Episode 1 - Episode 1
Release Date: 2009-09-09Rob, Cath, Rhian and Ameer arrive at Cardiff City Hospital as newly-qualified junior doctors. Can they get through the day with their careers intact?
Episode 2 - Episode 2
Release Date: 2009-09-16Drama from the creator of Hustle, following a group of four young doctors as they start their careers at Cardiff City Hospital and face the steepest learning curves of their lives.
Episode 3 - Episode 3
Release Date: 2009-09-23Cath and Ameer interview for a new flatmate but the candidates range from the sublime to the ridiculous. Rhian saves the life of Simon's mentor, Darth, but can she save Simon from his lonely situation?
Episode 4 - Episode 4
Release Date: 2009-09-30Ameer struggles to effectively communicate bad news; can he be styled into the suave doctor he needs to be in order to get ahead?
Episode 5 - Episode 5
Release Date: 2009-10-07Cath probes Rhian into finding a solution for her non-existent love life, while Simon battles with himself to find the courage to ask her out.
Episode 6 - Episode 6
Release Date: 2009-10-14Cath is suspended from work and her father is admitted to hospital. Everything she holds dear is in the balance.