Watch Mira Quién Baila (2010) Online!

¡Mira Quien Baila!, also known as MQB, is a Spanish-language reality show airing on Univision in the United States. The show is part of the Dancing with the Stars franchise. The show involves celebrities being paired up with professional dancers. Each couple performs ballroom or Latin dances and competes for judges' critiques and audience votes. Whichever couple receives the lowest total amount of judges' critique and audience votes is eliminated until a champion is named at the end. Each celebrity is competing for a grand total of $50,000 for a charity of their choice.

Release Date: 2010-09-12
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
themoviedb icon 2.0/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: Español
  • Runtime: 120
Gabriel Soto
Gabriel Soto
Himself - Guest Judge
Chiquinquirá Delgado
Self - Conductura
Dayanara Torres
Dayanara Torr...
Herself - Judge
Casper Smart
Casper Smart
Himself - Judge
Herself - Judge
Clarissa Molina
Clarissa Moli...
Herself - 2019 All Stars Contestant
Dasahev López Saavedra
Dasahev López...
Himself - 2019 All Stars Contestant
Denise Bidot
Denise Bidot
Herself - 2019 All Stars Contestant
Herself - 2019 All Stars Contestant
Jesús "Chino"...
Himself - 2019 All Stars Contestant
Pedro Moreno
Pedro Moreno
Himself - 2019 All Stars Contestant
Geraldine Bazán
Geraldine Baz...
Herself - Contestant
Pablo Montero
Pablo Montero
Himself - Contestant
Emmanuel Palomares
Emmanuel Palo...
Himself - Contestant
Alejandra Guzmán
Alejandra Guz...
Herself - Judge
Marcelo Buquet
Marcelo Buque...
Himself - Contestant
Lili Estefan
Lili Estefan
Herself - Judge
Niurka Marcos
Niurka Marcos
Herself - Contestant
Johnny Lozada
Johnny Lozada
Himself - Contestant
Bianca Marroquín
Bianca Marroq...
Self - Juez
Santiago Ramundo
Santiago Ramu...
Himself - Contestant
Alejandro Nones
Alejandro Non...
Himself - Contestant
Sara Corrales
Sara Corrales
Herself - Contestant
Alicia Machado
Alicia Machad...
Herself - Contestant
Scarlet Ortiz
Scarlet Ortiz
Herself - Contestant
Greeicy Rendón
Greeicy Rendó...
Herself - Contestant
Manny Manuel
Manny Manuel
Himself - Contestant
Franco Noriega
Franco Norieg...
Himself - Contestant
Poty Castillo
Poty Castillo
Himself - Choreographer
Jackie Guerrido
Jackie Guerri...
Herself - Contestant
Roselyn Sánchez
Roselyn Sánch...
Self - Juez
Isaac Hernández
Isaac Hernánd...
Self - Juez
Mané de la Parra
Mané de la Pa...
Self - Conductor
Adrián Lastra
Adrián Lastra
Self - Participante
Diego Amozurrutia
Diego Amozurr...
Self - Participante
Lis Vega
Lis Vega
Self - Participante
Raúl Coronado
Raúl Coronado
Self - Participante
Sandra Itzel
Sandra Itzel
Self - Participante
Verónica Montes
Verónica Mont...
Herself - Contestant
Danell Leyva
Danell Leyva
Himself - Contestant
Rosie Rivera
Rosie Rivera
Herself - Contestant
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