Watch Citizen James (1960) Online!
Citizen James is a BBC sitcom that ran for three series between 24 November 1960 and 23 November 1962. The show featured comedian and actor Sid James and Sydney Tafler with Bill Kerr and Liz Fraser appearing in early episodes. It was initially written by the comedy writing team of Galton and Simpson, who based the characters very much on the "Sidney Balmoral James" and "Bill Kerr, the dim-witted Australian" roles that they had played in Hancock's Half Hour. The first series was set around 'Charlie's Nosh Bar', a cafe in Soho, and centred around Sid's get-rich-quick schemes. He is helped by "Billy the Kerr" and quite often frustrated by the local bookmaker Albert Welshman. Liz Fraser played Sid's long-suffering girlfriend who has been waiting for seven years for Sid to set the date. Changes were made to the format after the first series. Sid James' character was changed to be something of a people's champion, campaigning for social justice. Bill Kerr and Liz Fraser departed and Sidney Tafler played a different character: Charlie Davenport. The location switched from Soho to Sid and Charlie sharing a house. Later episodes were written by then Morecambe & Wise writers Sid Green and Dick Hills.
Episode 1 - The Race
Release Date: 1960-11-24Liz warns that she's not going to wait around forever as just a fiancée, Sid sees a chance to make a fortune on the back of a drunken stranger, and a bit of creative nobbling leads to odds of 100/1 for the waiters' race.
Episode 2 - The Elixir
Release Date: 1960-12-01Bill knocks up the latest batch of miracle medicine to sell on the market, Liz comes to the rescue when the boys are picked up by the police, and a doctor from the hospital phones the station asking for urgent help.
Episode 3 - The Money
Release Date: 1960-12-08Liz asks Sid to pay the takings from the club into the bank, Albert's faced with having to find £12000 when a 40/1 outsider crosses the line first, and Bill insists on authenticity while working on the details of a robbery
Episode 4 - The Rivals
Release Date: 1960-12-15Albert bets that he can get a date with Sid's girl by the end of the week, Liz defends her right to go to the pictures with anyone she chooses, and using a stripper to make her jealous turns out to be an expensive idea.
Episode 5 - The Raffle
Release Date: 1960-12-22Bill realises that he's helped himself to the Christmas raffle prize money, Sid panics and organises a bigger second raffle to pay for the first, and an attempt to sell enough tickets to cover it leads to the police station.
Episode 6 - The Brand Image
Release Date: 1960-12-29Sid comes up with an idea to make a fortune from homemade cigarettes, Albert offers to invest if a more professional approach is adopted, and an advertising agency pops up to find a famous name to put on the packet.