Watch Beyond Tomorrow (1985) Online!
Beyond Tomorrow is an Australian television series produced by Beyond Television Productions. It began airing in 1981 as Towards 2000, then in 1985 was renamed Beyond 2000, a name the show kept until its cancellation in 1999. It then started airing again in 2005 with the name Beyond Tomorrow.
Episode 1 - Episode 1
Release Date: 2006-02-08Kim drives one of the world's fastest super-cars in northern Italy. Matt looks at a sleek, sexy gadget that can take people just about anywhere. Graham checks out a telescope designed to broaden the search for extra-terrestrial radio signals. Caroline finds out how we can mend a broken heart using our own body parts. Hayden reports on a new lie detector designed to catch people out. Anna tests a canoe that can fly. Adam and Jamie test a number of different ways to make beer cold.
Episode 2 - Episode 2
Release Date: 2006-02-15Graham checks out a high-tech light-show in Hong Kong, and finds out what happens when the world's best car designers are let loose on designing billy carts in California. Hayden looks at a replacement for the whistle, which also has applications beyond the sporting arena, and a device that will quickly scale walls. Anna visits the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Kim tries out a tent that can withstand extreme hurricane winds. Adam and Jamie put fireworks into a trombone mute. Caroline looks at a device that is changing the future of CPR.
Episode 3 - Episode 3
Release Date: 2006-02-22Anna drives the Bug Runner quadracycle and looks inside a fully furnished house in a 2.6 cubic metre box. Hayden looks at technology designed to cure people of their worst fears. Graham tries out some clothing that effectively irons itself. Adam and Jamie build gadgets to look for a needle in a haystack. Kim finds out how to pour the perfect pint of beer in just three seconds.
Episode 4 - Episode 4
Release Date: 2006-03-01Kim finds out how our wireless lifestyle can leave us more vulnerable to unscrupulous hackers, and how we can protect ourselves from them. Anna continues her visit to the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Caroline finds out that the answer to spinal problems could lie inside our noses. Matt tests a skateboard with adjustable suspension. Adam and Jamie find out if you can survive being propelled out of a drainage pipe if fuel inside it ignites.
Episode 5 - Episode 5
Release Date: 2006-03-08Anna visits some amphibious houses in the Netherlands and looks at a miniature tracking device. Matt reports on a coffee cup lid that changes colour with the temperature. Kim goes for a drive in a mobile TV studio. Caroline finds a breath test that is helping doctors learn more about our bodies. Hayden drives a sports car that is purpose-built for both speed and the environment. Graham looks at an automated milking system in Oxfordshire. Adam and Jamie search Giants Stadium to test the myth that Jimmy Hoffa is buried there.
Episode 6 - Episode 6
Release Date: 2006-03-29Graham meets a robotic fish in the London Aquarium and looks at a system of lasers and telescopes that can detect small pieces of space junk. Kim plays a game of Top Golf in Washington, DC. Anna drives a road-legal car that quickly changes to a racing simulator, and visits a shop where people can sample wine without it going to waste. Caroline looks at a first aid kit with its own talking medic. Adam and Jamie test the myth that the daddy long-legs is the world's most toxic spider. Hayden meets a self-playing violin.
Episode 7 - Episode 7
Release Date: 2006-04-05Hayden discovers the next big thing in mobile technology in Japan. Caroline looks at a gyroscope that can stabilize boats. Adam and Jamie test the myth that the human voice can break glass. Graham finds a cancer therapy with none of the chemotherapy side-effects. Kim visits a sphere that blends sailboat and tree-house technology.
Episode 8 - Episode 8
Release Date: 2006-04-26Caroline tries out a driving simulator that measures the effect that new technologies like mobile phones have on our driving. Adam and Jamie find out if talking on a mobile phone while driving is just as dangerous as drink driving. Graham reports on a gadget that can detect blocked arteries before symptoms occur. Hayden plays a video game that you can walk, run or crawl through thanks to a hands-free omni-directional interface.
Episode 9 - Episode 9
Release Date: 2006-05-03Kim looks at a car that is built to survive a tornado. Anna finds out the rights and wrongs of Internet dating. Adam and Jamie give their crash test dummy Buster a makeover. Matt looks at a smaller, more powerful GPS system.
Episode 10 - Episode 10
Release Date: 2006-05-10Anna goes for a workout in a gym that generates its own gravity. Graham visits a building that has been transformed from housing airships to an indoor beach resort. Adam and Jamie test the myth that a person can survive a fall from an aircraft using an escape slide or life raft as a parachute.
Episode 11 - Episode 11
Release Date: 2006-05-17Caroline meets a dog that has been trained to search for snakes in the Florida Everglades. Kim drives a retro race car with a 21st century makeover. Hayden finds a self-propelled airplane that can be used for espionage. Graham gets a model of his own head put on a table soccer table. Adam and Jamie operate a boat with its trailer still attached. Anna looks at a $25 device that will save 10,000 young lives every day.
Episode 12 - Episode 12
Release Date: 2006-05-24Anna looks at a 270-degree camera that is changing surfing photography. Graham drives the Venturi Fétish, the first all-electric sports car, in Monaco, and looks at a robot that helps golfers to find the perfect swing. Adam and Jamie attempt to escape from Alcatraz on a raft of raincoats. Hayden tries out some glasses that detect when drivers are drowsy, and meets the inventor of chindogu, or weird tools. Caroline looks at a device that provides early detection of melanoma.
Episode 13 - Episode 13
Release Date: 2006-05-31Hayden looks at a car whose cabin can turn around 180°. Caroline plays a video game that is helping medical staff make life-saving decisions. Adam and Jamie continue their escape from Alcatraz on a raft of raincoats. Graham tries out a new soccer ball that could change the game at the World Cup.
Episode 14 - Episode 14
Release Date: 2006-06-07Hayden discovers a red berry in Japan that could be the answer to many people's dieting disasters. Adam and Jamie test the myth that cleaning products can cause an explosion in the toilet when a lit cigarette is thrown in. Graham tries out a portable digital assistant that can provide written and spoken translations of speech in foreign languages. Anna drives a replica roadster that is built in Poland.
Episode 15 - Episode 15
Release Date: 2006-06-14Hayden looks at the latest non-surgical weapon in the fight against obesity. New reporter Sara Groen finds a way for people to scream without scaring the neighbours. Adam and Jamie test the myth that a person can be killed by a playing card. Anna meets the next generation of robotic toys.
Episode 16 - Episode 16
Release Date: 2006-06-21Sara drives the Redback Spyder, an Australian-built super-car. Adam and Jamie test the myth that a cigarette lighter can ignite a build-up of methane gas in a portable toilet and cause an explosion. Matt looks behind the scenes at WETA Digital, where King Kong and the Lord Of The Rings trilogy were made.
Episode 17 - Episode 17
Release Date: 2006-06-28Hayden discovers a high-tech radar that is helping to make flying easier for passengers. Anna visits Linköping, Sweden, where almost all public transport runs on animal waste. Adam and Jamie test the myth that water can save you from bullets. Sara drives the Ford GTX1, an open-top version of the classic GT40 sports car.
Episode 18 - Episode 18
Release Date: 2006-07-05Sara travels underground to meet the Cave Crawler, the robot that is the miner's new best friend. Graham looks at Russian laser surgery that uses heat to put an end to back pain. Adam and Jamie test the myth that an astrologer in the Ming dynasty flew into space. Caroline plays human Pac-Man, a computer game where the real world is the playing field.
Episode 19 - Episode 19
Release Date: 2006-07-12Sara meets a person who is using the Internet to make a number of trades from a red paper clip to a house in Bonnie Doon, Victoria, made famous by "The Castle". Adam and Jamie test the myth that hair care products can cause an explosion in a fighter plane. Anna looks at a forensic science breakthrough that allows a person's cause of death to be determined in minutes without undoing a body bag. Hayden drives the Lamborghini Murcielago roadster, one of the world's most powerful production cars.
Episode 20 - Episode 20
Release Date: 2006-07-19Matt discovers Second Life, a comprehensive virtual world where you can change your life without leaving your laptop. Sara finds a simple solution to the rising cost of petrol in Brazil. Adam and Jamie test the myth that a gob-stopper can blow up in your mouth. Hayden meets a human robot that does nothing but sit around in bars and drink beer.
Episode 21 - Episode 21
Release Date: 2006-07-26Graham goes for a virtual drag race in a real car. Sara reports on a gel that can take the sting out of a hurricane. Adam and Jamie test the myth that a wallet made out of electric eel skin can demagnetise your credit cards. Matt discovers the latest in puppeteer animation at the Jim Henson Company.
Episode 22 - Episode 22
Release Date: 2006-08-02Graham drives an FJ Holden that has been reincarnated as a hot rod super-car. Matt joins a number of amateur inventors at the first Maker Faire in California. Adam and Jamie test the myth that the sun's rays and mirrors could be used to set fire to ships. Sara finds a way to enjoy Todd English's dishes without him being anywhere near the kitchen.
Episode 23 - Episode 23
Release Date: 2006-08-09Hayden drives the Lotus Exige S, a car that can corner like no other. Sara swims with a robot whose design is modelled on turtles and sea lions. Adam and Jamie test the myth that you can make a crossbow using paper and underwear elastic. Anna finds a solution to the problem of storing nuclear waste in Sweden.
Episode 24 - Episode 24
Release Date: 2006-08-16Matt drives Peugeot's latest concept car, the three-wheeled 20 CUP. Graham finds out how maggots are being used to prevent cancer. Adam and Jamie test the myth that sound at a certain frequency can make you lose control of your bodily functions. Sara boxes with a sparring robot.
Episode 26 - Episode 26
Release Date: 2006-08-30Hayden drives a Jaguar convertible with safety features for pedestrians. Graham finds out how a bomb protection box can be used to contain an explosion. Adam and Jamie test the myth that you can get stuck on an airplane's toilet seat if you flush it too soon. Matt finds out how James Cameron is using digital technology to create a new 3D experience.