Watch Astronaut (2024) Online!
After members of the renowned Brazilian Space Research Agency, BRASA, disappear on a mysterious mission to the Moon, strange visions begin to disturb Pereira, an astronaut recently on leave from the organization. Now that his colleagues are in urgent need of rescue, he sees the perfect opportunity to head into space to understand the strange abduction he experienced five years earlier. What he didn't imagine was that he was heading into a trap created by an alien entity capable of putting not only his mind at risk, but also all of humanity.
Episode 1 - I
Release Date: 2024-10-18Pereira, a recently fired astronaut, might be the only one capable of saving his former crewmates lost in space.
Episode 2 - II
Release Date: 2024-10-25Pereira and his crewmates explore the Moon in search of the lost astronauts. But an invisible force puts the mission at risk.
Episode 3 - III
Release Date: 2024-11-01Lost between memories and reality, Pereira struggles to fight against the alien force taking control of his body.
Episode 4 - IV
Release Date: 2024-11-08Back on Earth, Pereira must confront his own demons to ensure the future of the world.
Episode 5 - V
Release Date: 2024-11-15After being abducted once again, Pereira finally finds some answers. Ritinha and General Alvez face a global crisis.
Episode 6 - VI
Release Date: 2024-11-22Ritinha and General Alvez try to stop Cabral from firing at the Pyramid. Inside, Pereira must earn his crewmates' trust.