Watch De Familie Backeljau (1994) Online!
This Flemish sitcom is entirely about the entirely wacky lower-class family Backeljau, which always speaks the most common Antwerp dialect. It consists of father François 'Cois' Backeljau, his wife Maria, the rather cunning Bomma ('granny' Thérèse, his mother), the even older pet (in dog years) Blacky, their son Franky and his wife Janine, daughter Sabrina and her husband Antonio and little nephew Lionel, the youngest but more intelligent then all his dumb relatives together and various lovers, friends and regular guests, such as the mailman and the policeman.
Episode 1 - De eerste aflevering
Release Date: 1994-01-01Het staat in de krant en dus zal het wel waar zijn : "de familie Backeljau komt op TV". Çois Backeljau kan er hoegenaamd niet mee lachen. Hij weigert het spelletje mee te spelen, want hij is absoluut niet geïnteresseerd in een televisiecarrière. Sabrina slaagt erin de aandacht af te leiden door "toevallig" aan te kondigen dat ze die avond zal koken. Franky komt nog sterker uit de hoek, want hij meldt de komst van zijn geliefd Janineke aan. Janineke blijkt echter al een hele Janine te zijn, om van de rest van haar familie maar te zwijgen.
Episode 2 - Alles voor de sport
Release Date: 1994-01-08F.C. Superbeton, the indoor football team of 'Magic Maria' Backeljau, has to compete against K.V. Ferrometal. Reason enough to make the football uniforms slightly more feminine. The men wonder what the difference is between indoor football and a fashion show. Çois promises to immediately stop smoking if Superbeton reaches the final. Since he is a true chain smoker, the Backeljau family fears the consequences. When Çois also has to determine that someone secretly plunders his stock of beer, that's it. Too much is too much!
Episode 3 - Een leven vol voorarrest
Release Date: 1994-01-15Blacky, according to bomma Thérèse, is suffering a lot from a dry throat again. The police question Thérèse about a shoplifting and do not believe a word of her story. Bomma ends up behind the bars. The peace and seclusion inspires her and she turns out to be a real writer. Meanwhile, Çois, is looking for a sponsor for his cycling plans. He succeeds!
Episode 4 - Een criminele actie
Release Date: 1994-01-22Neighbors. Sooner or later everyone will have to deal with it. Marcel De Neudt, the neighbor of the Backeljaus, however, deserves better. Not a day goes by, or his eccentric neighbors make him - according to his own words - a misery. Tonight the measure is full: if Çois does not want to listen to reason, then he has to proceed with drastic measures. However, the Backeljau family has other concerns, because strangers have kidnapped their beloved pet. Full of excitement they wait for a sign from the perpetrators.
Episode 5 - Alles voor de kunst
Release Date: 1994-01-29Çois Backeljau has discovered his true talent. He got a role in 'Art after the Metsen', the amateur theater group of his company. He already feels like an artist. He boldly studies his texts and for once he forgets the world around him. Thérèse also does some art and strums on an electric guitar, much to the dismay of Maria. Sabrina tries to prepare herself for her theoretical driving test in the midst of these artistic fads. Although they have their hands full with the tombola, the whole family supports Çois on the evening of the performance.
Episode 6 - Mobiele mensen
Release Date: 1994-02-05Sabrina Backeljau has its birthday and that has to be celebrated. Her wish list is anything but modest. But yes, a girl only turns twenty once. A great party is therefore inevitable. Naturally, the practical test follows after Sabrina's theoretical driving test. The driving lessons are a real ordeal for daddy Çois. Still she will have to do a lot to equal the driving behavior of her grandma, because she will get a visit from the police.
Episode 7 - De nieuwe vaders
Release Date: 1994-02-12The last word has not yet been said about paternity at the Backeljaus. When Johnny and Marina win the German lotto, Çois gets the chance of his life to prove how clever he is with children. Dempsy turns out to be a cloud of a baby, neatly delivered at home, but unfortunately without instructions.
Episode 8 - De rijkste man ter wereld
Release Date: 1994-02-19Çois is in a good mood until he sees his tax bill. Also for Maria and Sabrina, this means a line through their annual bargains account. They had seen such a nice, sexy lingerie in a shop window. And as good as free! Çois, who retreats to his craft loft, is not to speak. But Maria's inventiveness knows no bounds. It is also Blacky's beastly behavior that brings her ideas. Çois shows himself anything but a good host when he receives the visit from tax inspector Firmin De Sleghte.
Episode 9 - Pizza-time
Release Date: 1994-02-26It seems as if everybody in the Backeljau family has a fight. According to Thérèse it is because everyone is bored. The TV is in fact broken. Maria sees only one solution: to have a child in the house. There is no other option than to call her sister Carla and to invite Çois' godchild of five years for the weekend. Lionel comes to stay with his violin and his Ninja Turtles books. Everyone puts his best foot forward to make him happy. In the end, a weekend without TV also turns out to be quite pleasant, although it should not take too long.
Episode 10 - Recessie
Release Date: 1994-03-05Sabrina was fired, even though the rest of the family did not even know she had found work. Apparently she was not very good as a waitress in Marie-Jeanne's ice cream parlor. Maria tries to give her a crash course, but it does not matter at all. The family is only in a good state of alarm when Çois comes home with the announcement that Superbeton is bankrupt and he's now fired. The heads are put together and the tasks are redistributed. Maria becomes breadwinner, Çois will do the housework.
Episode 11 - De rechten van het konijn
Release Date: 1994-03-12The hunting season is open. Thérèse does not like such a cowardly slaughter at all and protests. Not only indoors but also with the local police officers. Sabrina, who starts her first day at work , is immediately confronted with her family at the police station. Thanks to his relations with the police, it all turns out to be nothing for Çois. Sabrina is less fortunate: she takes her job too seriously, which is not being appreciated.
Episode 12 - Miljaar!
Release Date: 1994-03-19Thanks to Blacky's oblivion, a pile of unpaid invoices is waiting for Çois Backeljau. The bailiff has little understanding of the situation and threatens to remove the entire contents. Fortunately, agent Sabrina is rather inventive and can win some time for the time being. Thérèse who is fully engaged in the preparation of her waterskiing holiday. In the meantime, a strange postal package from Zaire is being delivered to the Backeljau home. The sender appears to be "tanteke", the rich and rather eccentric sister of Thérèse.
Episode 13 - De dertiende
Release Date: 1994-03-26On Friday the thirteenth to go skiing on brushes in the Belgian Deurne is asking for trouble. The Mujnamur-Vishna-Hoeniw-Mahal-Prahati knows all about it. His disciples also had better choose another day to call the family Backeljau. Thérèse, who is about to leave for the Mokawi Indians, can use some extra manpower to carry her suitcases down. It is all too much for Çois and he loses his famous angelic patience. Franky will think twice in the future before he makes lurid jokes. It's not for nothing the ... thirteenth episode.