Watch EP Daily (1997) Online!
EP Daily is a daily news television show that covers movies, TV shows, comic books, collectibles and gadgets. Created and executive produced by host Victor Lucas, and his Vancouver, British Columbia production company Greedy Productions Ltd, EP Daily has been a staple on airwaves since its debut in September 1997.
Episode 1 - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Hype
Release Date: 1999-03-06In the first episode of Electric Playground: Season Three, Vic, Tommy, Zoe, and the rest of the team speak with Samuel L. Jackson, Anthony Daniels, and the rest of the people behind the anticipated new Star Wars movie. They also catch up with the makers of the Phantom Menace game and the hit Rogue Squadron, so sit back and enjoy!
Episode 2 - Convention Special! Classic Gaming Expo 1999 / GDC 1999 / Electronic Entertainment Expo 1999
Release Date: 1999-03-13The Electric Playground's GDC, E3 and the Classic Gaming Expo 1999 Special! Victor Lucas, Tommy Tallarico, Zoe Flower and the whole EP team head to the Game Developers Conference and interview tons of awesome game makers including Shigeru Miyamoto, Phil Harrison, and the late Andy Astor (Earthworm Jim) and Paul Steed (id Software, Atari). Also an early Rockstar Games visit with EP talking about their Thrasher skateboarding game. John Romero brings us news on Daikatana. Bernie Stolar dishes on the Sega Dreamcast. And then Vic and his pal Roger Earl visit the Classic Gaming Expo and talk with legends David Crane (Pitfall), Ralph Baer (Magnavox Odyssey) and Howard Scott Warshaw (E.T.)! In Reviews on the Run, Vic and Tommy check out 1999's NFL football games!
Episode 3 - Half-Life Interview with Gabe Newell / Ready to Rumble
Release Date: 1999-03-20In this episode, Zoe Flower catches up with Gabe Newell and the team from Valve to talk about the game Half-Life and the future for the franchise! Final Fantasy VIII is brand new and Tommy Tallarico and Victor Lucas talk with creators, Takaski Tokita, and Shinji Hashimoto (yes, we know we got the name key wrong!) and also the CEOs of Electronics Boutique and Squaresoft about the success of FF! We check out the crazy fun Ready to Rumble and hear from Michael Buffer! Also Vic visits Boss Games to talk about the N64's World Driver Championship! In Reviews on the Run, Tommy and Vic review Jet Moto 3 for PlayStation One, Pokémon Snap for Nintendo 64, Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun for PC and Ready to Rumble for the Dreamcast!
Episode 4 - Unreal Tournament / Soul Reaver / Jet Force Gemini
Release Date: 1999-03-27In this episode, Victor Lucas takes a look at Jet Force Gemini for the Nintendo 64 from Rare! Tommy Tallarico visits Crystal Dynamics for a look at Gex 3 while Victor interviews the one and only Amy Hennig about Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver! Tommy checks out Sega's NFL 2K! Vic talks with racing legend Mario Andretti about videogame racing! Then Tommy and Cliff Bleszinski catch up about the phenomenal Unreal Tournament, while Zoe Flower catches up with the late Paul Steed to talk about Quake 3! In Reviews on the Run Tommy and Vic review Hydro Thunder for the Dreamcast, Demolition Racer for PlayStation, Outcast for the PC and Tonic Trouble for the Nintendo 64!
Episode 5 - Braveheart / Quake II on N64 / Slave Zero / Pac-Man World
Release Date: 1999-04-03In this episode Zoe Flower visits Accolade to find out about Slave Zero. Victor Lucas gets us the low down on Namco's Pac-Man World! Zoe also gets the scoop on the port of Quake II for the NIntendo 64! Tommy Tallarico visits Eidos for a quite visit about Braveheart! And Tommy's in the weeds for A Bug's Life. We also learn about HeatCIGL and Howard Scott Warshaw gives his insights on making E.T. for the Atari 2600! In Reviews on the Run, Tommy and Vic check out Kingpin for the PC, Pac-Man World for the PlayStation, Expendable for the Dreamcast, and Knockout Kings 64 for the Nintendo 64
Episode 6 - Tony Hawk Pro Skater with Tony Hawk! / Sonic Adventure
Release Date: 1999-04-10Victor Lucas checks out the now infamous Sonic Adventure! Zoe Flower visits with Ensemble to talk Age of Empires II! Zoe also gets some info on Total Annihilation Kingdoms! Tommy Tallarico and Zoe bring us the dirt on the seminal Tony Hawk's Pro Skater including a chat with the famed skateboarder himself! Vic dives into the emerging Pokemon phenomenon! Tommy gets us info on Incite Magazines and Zoe talks with "Clerks," "Chasing Amy" and "Mallrats" director, Kevin Smith! Reviews on the Run: Mario Golf on Nintendo 64, Um Jammer Lammy on PlayStation, Drakan on PC, Soul Calibur on Dreamcast!
Episode 7 - Spyro 2 / Grand Theft Auto 2 with Dan Houser / Wizard World 1999
Release Date: 1999-04-17Victor Lucas checks out Hydro Thunder for the Dreamcast! Tommy Tallarico catches up with Dan House to talk Grand Theft Auto 2! Vic and Zoe Flower head to Wizard World 1999! Zoe gets info on Spyro 2 while Vic and Tommy go on a Spyro scavenger hunt! Vic interviews Shigeru Miyamoto! Tommy and Vic bring you Reviews on the Run - WipeOut 3, LEGO Racers, Re-Volt, Blue Stinger
Episode 8 - Rainbow 6 / Tomorrow Never Dies / Midway w/ Ed Boon & Eugene Jarvis
Release Date: 1999-04-24This episode features Zoe Flower learning all about Rainbow 6! Victor Lucas gets the scoop on Activision's Battlezone II! Tommy Tallarico and Zoe talk with Black Ops about Tomorrow Never Dies! Capcom ported Resident Evil 2 to the N64 and Vic investigates! Vic and Zoe visit Midway to talk about Mortal Kombat with Ed Boon and Vic interviews one of his heroes behind one of his favorite games, Robotron 2084's Eugene Jarvis! In Reviews on the Run, Vic and Tommy check out Jet Force Gemini, Trick Style, Xena: Warrior Princess and Shadow Man!
Episode 9 - NFL Blitz / Knockout Kings / Wipeout 3
Release Date: 1999-05-01In this episode Tommy Tallarico and Zoe Flower find out about Knockout Kings 2000 and Tommy talks with fight legends Jake LaMotta and Ken Norton! Zoe digs up info Wipeout 3! Zoe also checks in on big Activision releases like Interstate 82 and Dark Reign 2! Tommy and Victor Lucas hit the Blitzbowl and get crushed by Giant Bomb’s Jeff Gerstmann! Also EP starts at riot at Incite Magazine! What’s in Zoe’s Pocket? Motocross Maniacs 2! In Reviews on the Run Tommy and Vic have got some classics! Age of Empires II, Pen Pen TriIcelon, TONY HAWK’S PRO SKATER, and Duke Nukem Zero Hour!
Episode 10 - Dino Crisis! / Kobe Bryant! / Omikron!
Release Date: 1999-05-08Zoe Flower finds out about TrickStyle for the Dreamcast! Victor Lucas covers Capcom’s Dino Crisis for the PlayStation! Vic checks out Kobe Bryant Courtside and we hear from the rookie himself! Tommy Tallarico gets us the inside scoop on Omikron, starring David Bowie! We check in with the late and great Keith Robinson from Intellivision to talk about the good old days of console gaming in the 80’s! We also hear from Howard Scott Warshaw, the solo creator of the E.T. Game for the Atari 2600 and David Crane, creator of Pitfall! We learn about hot new tech from Diamond Multimedia! (Who?) Tarzan is in Zoe’s Pocket! And in Reviews on the Run Tommy and Vic look at Tokyo Extreme Racer for the Dreamcast, Gauntlet Legends on the N64, Sled Storm for the PlayStation and the seminal Homeworld for the PC!
Episode 11 - Indiana Jones! / Naughty Dog talks Crash Team Racing!
Release Date: 1999-05-15Tommy Tallarico and Victor Lucas find out about NBA Showtime and play in the tournament! Vic infiltrates LucasArts to find our about Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine! Tommy visits Naughty Dog to check out Crash Team Racing! Tommy hangs with the guys at Planet Moon to talk about Giants: Citizen Kabuto! And Tommy gets the info on Winback for the Nintendo 64! Mario Golf for the GBC is what’s in Zoe Flower’s Pocket! In Reviews on the Run: Crash Team Racing for PS1! BattleTanx: Global Assault for Nintendo 64! Delta Force 2 for PC! And NBA Showtime for Dreamcast!
Episode 12 - Omikron! Drakan! Donkey Kong 64!
Release Date: 1999-05-22Tommy Tallarico explores Donkey Kong 64! Victor Lucas checks out the Neo Geo Pocket! Vic plays EA Sports' Big Air, Tommy gets in the ring with WCW Mayhem and Vic digs into Madden NFL 2000! We get an EA and E3 1999 wrap up with our old friend Tom Ham! Zoe Flower and Tommy dig into some classic gaming like Sinistar and Q*Bert and check out the new Pac-Man Adventures! Vic then visits Surreal Software to find out about Drakkan! Tommy finds out about the South Park Rally game in front of a NO PHOTOGRAPHY sign. In Zoe's Pocket? Paperboy for the Game Boy Color! Reviews on the Run: Vic and Tommy review Omikron for the PC, Sega Bass Fishing for the Dreamcast, Donkey Kong 64 for the Nintendo 64 and Spyro The Dragon 2 for the PS1!
Episode 13 - Perfect Dark! Sid Meier! Medal of Honour!
Release Date: 1999-05-29In our jam-packed final episode of season 3 we have something for everyone! Tommy Tallarico Interviews Phil Harrison about the success of PlayStation and what the future looks like for the PlayStation 2! Tommy interviews Lorne Lanning and Sherry McKenna about Oddworld Inhabitants! Tommy interviews the president of Interactive Arts and Sciences! Zoe Flower interviews the legend, Sid Meier and finds out about Anachronox with creator Tom Hall! Zoe also talks with Jason Hall, the CEO of Monolith Productions! Tommy gets the intel on Perfect Dark! Ballistic for the Game Boy Color is what's in Zoe's Pocket! In Reviews on the Run, Victor Lucas and Tommy Tallarico check out: Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine for the Nintendo 64, Rayman 2: The Great Escape for the Nintendo 64, Medal of Honor for PlayStation and Dynamite Cop for the Dreamcast!