Watch Rocket Robin Hood (1966) Online!
Rocket Robin Hood is a Canadian animated television series, placing the characters and conflicts of the classic Robin Hood legend in a futuristic, outer space setting, produced by Krantz Films, Inc. from 1966 to 1969. For Canadians who grew up between 1966 and 1984, the tale of Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest may be more familiar as the Space Age version, Rocket Robin Hood of Sherwood Asteroid. This descendant of the medieval outlaw, along with his modern-day Merry Men including Little John, Friar Tuck, and Will Scarlet, carries on his ancestor's fight against heavy taxes, tyranny, and all things evil. "Three. Two. One. Blast off! Band of brothers, marching together. Heads held high in all kinds of weather. With fiery blasts, our roaring rockets rise, beyond the Earth, beyond the skies! At the side of Robin, take your stand, with the gallant leader of our band. Send a joyous shout throughout the land! For Rocket Robin Hood!"
Episode 1 - The Marmaduke Caper
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Episode 2 - Follow the Leader
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Episode 3 - Cleopatra Meets Little John
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Episode 4 - Little George
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Episode 5 - The Magic Medallion of Morse
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Episode 6 - The Awful Truce
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Episode 7 - The Sad, Sad Sheriff of N.O.T.T.
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Episode 8 - Don't Make a Sound
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Episode 9 - Goritang
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Episode 10 - The Orbital Salesman
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Episode 11 - Marlin the Magician
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Episode 12 - Who'll Kill Rocket Robin?
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Episode 13 - Dr. Magnet
Release Date:Dr. Magnet steals precious metals of the galaxy and frames Rocket Robin Hood.
Episode 14 - The Space Wolf
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Episode 15 - The Tree Kingdom of Caldomar
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Episode 16 - The Incredible Gem of Cosmo Khan
Release Date:Cosmo Khan captures planets by shrinking them down to marble size.
Episode 17 - The Manta Menace
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Episode 18 - Dr. Mortula
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Episode 19 - Genius in a Bottle
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Episode 20 - Catch a Comet By the Tail
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Episode 21 - Young Mr. Ulysses
Release Date:Rocket Robin and Little John discover the historical Ulysses's son preserved in a substance on a blown volcanic asteroid from Earth's past. They resume the search for the Golden Fleece. Trouble is, the Cyclops and Medusa were also preserved over the centuries...
Episode 22 - The Emperor Jimmy
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Episode 23 - The Eternal Planet of Romarama
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