Watch Pure Pwnage (2004) Online!
This fictional series purports to chronicle the life and adventures of Jeremy, a Canadian and self-proclaimed "pro gamer".
Episode 1 - The Life Of A Pro Gamer
Release Date: 2004-05-11The first episode of Pure Pwnage, introducing Jeremy and Kyle. Jeremy explains why he is making this show, and how he lives. By making this show, he believes that he can help any given person be more like him, and less of a "noob".
Episode 2 - Girls
Release Date: 2004-06-22This episode is interspersed with interviews of females displaying their knowledge and opinions of games and gaming terminology. After learning that Kyle had a girlfriend, Jeremy is challenged to prove that he can also attract women.
Episode 3 - FPS Doug
Release Date: 2004-07-19Jeremy comes across his old friend Doug (a.k.a. "FPS Doug") in a parking lot, who is fending off imaginary adversaries. Jeremy explains the story of their childhood friendship and their subsequent falling out. As a "behind the scenes" featurette, Dave (Dawei) is shown for the first time, as the crew member who held a lamp in Jeremy’s room in episode 2.
Episode 4 - Pwn Or Be Pwned
Release Date: 2004-09-14Jeremy loses to a "noob" in Zero Hour and must then visit the mysterious master gamer known as Teh_Masterer. Teh_Masterer provides Jeremy the next level training, in which the student learns a valuable lesson: "If one wants to truly pwn, one must pwn in all games".
Episode 5 - M8s
Release Date: 2004-12-06Jeremy "graciously" lets Kyle show a short film he made in film school, titled "Strong Man, Angry Man". They end up having an argument, causing Kyle to depart with his camera and start filming Doug instead.
Episode 6 - Imapwnu Of Azeroth
Release Date: 2005-03-25Jeremy's computer has been confiscated by his mother, so he has intentions to spend the night playing Counter-Strike: Source at Dave’s place. However, Kyle wants him to meet up with Anastasia, a girl who also likes to play video games, before going to Dave’s.
Episode 7 - MMO Grrl
Release Date: 2005-06-25Jeremy has been admitted to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in a comatose state, believing himself to still be in the game (WoW). He has flashbacks of his experience playing WoW with Anastasia.
Episode 8 - Lanageddon
Release Date: 2005-09-19Jeremy and Doug have started to play video games together again, just like they have before their feud. Faced with the approach of LANageddon, Jeremy and Doug teach each other about their respective mastered game genres: Jeremy instructs Doug about RTS games while Doug returns the favor by informing Jeremy about FPS games.
Episode 9 - The Story Of Dave
Release Date: 2005-12-10Jeremy and Dave get cornered in a fight against the "Bad Guys". The mysterious past of Dave strikes him during the fight and unleashes yet unknown powers within him. At the same time, Doug gets some new equipment.
Episode 10 - Teh Best Day Ever
Release Date: 2006-03-16Jeremy and Kyle move to a new flat. Doug comes over to have a go on the Gamecube at which point an embarrassing appearance of Anastasia occurs...
Episode 11 - I <3 U IN RL
Release Date: 2006-06-21Jeremy and Kyle visit the Netherlands where they encounter another enemy. Dumbstruck by this, Jeremy consults teh_masterer to find out what this all is about.
Episode 12 - Game Over
Release Date: 2006-11-06Jeremy gets into trouble when Doug dismisses their friendship because of Anastasia. Additionally Anastasia gets kidnapped by the "Big Bad" in order to lure Jeremy into his lair. There the season's finale ends in a big bang...