Watch Hartklop (2023) Online!

A group of brilliant newly graduated doctors are thrown together in the corridors of the Beyers Naudé Academic Hospital, where they perform miracles to save the lives of their patients - regardless of the cost to themselves.

  • Zoë Laband

Release Date: 2023-07-18
Seasons: 1
themoviedb icon 9.0/10
  • Country: ZA
  • Language: Afrikaans
Carla Classen
Carla Classen
Dr. Karima Salie
Simoné Pretorius
Simoné Pretor...
Dr. Elani Breytenbach
Renate Stuurman
Renate Stuurm...
Dr. Veronica Pietersen
Leandie du Randt
Leandie du Ra...
Dr. Jolene Joubert
Marlee van der Merwe
Marlee van de...
Dr. Suzanne de Jongh
Jacques Bessenger
Jacques Besse...
Dr. Daniël Strydom
Dawid Minnaar
Dawid Minnaar
Prof. Gustav Coetzee
Matie Van Graan
Matie Van Gra...
Mev de Lange
Thulani Mtsweni
Thulani Mtswe...
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