Watch Fishing with John (1991) Online!
Musician John Lurie knows nothing about fishing, but that doesn't stop him from embarking on fishing in exotic locations with friends.
Episode 1 - Montauk with Jim Jarmusch
Release Date: 1991-11-20John Lurie fishes takes film director Jim Jarmusch fishing for shark near Montauk, Long Island, and shows Jarmusch an unusual way to catch a shark with a piece of cheese and a pistol.
Episode 2 - Jamaica with Tom Waits
Release Date: 1991-11-27John Lurie takes Tom Waits fishing for snapper in Jamaica. Waits gets seasick on the old tug boat they rent, but he later manages to astonish Lurie by putting a live red snapper down his pants.
Episode 3 - Costa Rica with Matt Dillon
Release Date: 1991-12-04John Lurie takes movie star Matt Dillon on a fishing trip to Costa Rica, where they meet a village elder who teaches them the Fish Dance and a guide who claims to be able to turn into a bird.
Episode 4 - Maine with Willem Dafoe
Release Date: 1991-12-11J.ohn Lurie takes actor Willem Dafoe ice fishing in northern Maine. After constructing a shelter and drilling holes in the ice, their survival becomes questionable after Dafoe runs out of cheese crackers
Episode 5 - Thailand with Dennis Hopper (1)
Release Date: 1991-12-18John Lurie takes movie star Dennis Hopper to Thailand in search of the elusive giant squid. After having no luck on the southern coast, they head north on a trawler to seek advice from the reclusive squid monks.
Episode 6 - Thailand with Dennis Hopper (2)
Release Date: 1991-12-25John Lurie and movie star Dennis Hopper continue their search for the elusive giant squid in the coastal waters of Thailand. After stealing a boat from the squid monks, they soon find themselves hypnotised into a helpless state by the strange powers of the giant squid itself.