Watch The Brady Kids (1972) Online!
The Brady Kids is an animated television series, produced by Filmation in association with Paramount Television and seen on ABC from 1972 to 1973. It was an animated spinoff of ABC's live action situational comedy, The Brady Bunch and spun off another Filmation series, Mission: Magic!, starring rock star Rick Springfield.
Episode 1 - Frankincense
Release Date: 1973-09-08The Bradys try to foil a couple of jewel thieves who have stolen their jewel-hungry robots.
Episode 2 - Teacher's Pet
Release Date: 1973-09-15Cindy would like to have a cat for a pet so the Brady's talking pet myna bird Marlon asks' his old friend Miss. Tickle, a High School teacher who he study magic together, if he could barrow her cat Tut Tut for Cindy to take of for awhile. Tut Tut is a ceramic cat on her desk that would come to life after Miss Tickle recited an incantation. But as usual Marlon get's the incantation wrong and transforms Tut Tut into a hippopotamus then transports him to Africa.
Episode 3 - Marcia's Lib
Release Date: 1973-09-22The boys and the girls form rival camping groups, both of which get lost in the woods. The Brady siblings must work together to find their way back to camp.
Episode 4 - Ceiling Zero
Release Date: 1973-09-29Marlon brings the famous painter Michael "Angelglow" from the past to help the kids paint their tree house. But when Michael is stolen by art thieves, the Bradys have to track him down so that Marlon can return the artist to his own time.
Episode 5 - Who Believes in Ghosts?
Release Date: 1973-10-06The Bradys decide to restore the former home of the deceased Colonel Jones. Thieves hide in the house and attempt to scare the kids off, but the ghost of Colonel Jones has other ideas.