Watch Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends (1998) Online!
Louis Theroux which delves into the weirder fringes of American society.
Episode 1 - Infomercials
Release Date: 1999-05-12Louis investigates the world of television informercials and tries to sell a paper shredder on television as an infomercial host.
Episode 2 - Swingers
Release Date: 1999-05-26Louis journeys to Southern California to investigate the weird world of wife-swapping. Is he man enough for the group room? And what do you do if you want to touch someone's primary erogenous zones?
Episode 3 - Black Nationalism
Release Date: 1999-06-02American black nationalist groups have been branded anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynist and even racist by the mainstream press. Louis Theroux goes to Harlem in New York to meet its proponents, and meets the Reverend Al Sharpton, the main point of contact in the black nationalist movement. Theroux also meets Khalid Abdul Muhammad, dubbed by the media 'the most dangerous man in America' and visits the Israeli School of Universal Practical Knowledge, who believe that blacks are the true Israelites and that all English monarchs until early modern times were black. Theroux also joins Al Sharpton on a march on Wall Street to protest at the shooting by New York police of Amadou Diallo, who was shot 19 times.
Episode 4 - Demolition Derby
Release Date: 1999-06-09Louis has to overcome his nerves to enter a demolition derby in car-mad Michigan.
Episode 5 - Off-Off Broadway
Release Date: 1999-06-15Louis meets the hordes of out-of-work actors in New York as they try to land a part – and even goes on an audition himself, for a job on a Norwegian cruise ship.
Episode 6 - Wrestling
Release Date: 1999-07-06How real is wrestling? How dangerous is it? Does Louis have what it takes to become one? Just some of the questions Louis answers in this adventure into the American subculture.