Watch Thomas & Friends (1984) Online!
Thomas & Friends is a British children's television series, which had its first broadcast on the ITV network on 4 September 1984. It is based on The Railway Series of books by the Reverend Wilbert Awdry and his son, Christopher Awdry. These books deal with the adventures of a group of anthropomorphised locomotives and road vehicles who live on the fictional Island of Sodor. The books were based on stories Wilbert told to entertain his son, Christopher during his recovery from measles. From Series one to four, many of the stories are based on events from Awdry's personal experience.
- Reverend W. Awdry
- Britt Allcroft
- Christopher Awdry
Episode 1 - Follow That Flour
Release Date: 2006-10-02Thomas is not happy that James is collecting the flour for the cakes to be had at a children’s party. Thomas is so cross that he is stuck shunting trucks instead, he bangs James’ flour truck hard, which causes the door to fly open, resulting in all the flour pouring out! Thomas goes to get a replacement flour truck but by the time he reaches the mill, it is shut. But there is one last hope: There is another truck full of flour – behind a whole lot of empty ones.
Episode 2 - A Smooth Ride
Release Date: 2006-10-02Sir Handel has been away for a long time, on a big job during the summer, but he has now at last returned. Sir Handel’s first task back at home is a job assigned by Mr. Percival to carefully transport a stock of apples. Once Sir Handel is away, everything seems all and well – but then he starts to rattle terribly, upon traveling up hills. To cover up, Sir Handel asks Peter Sam to help him transport the stock of apples. But when Sir Handel has to take Mr. Percival and his wife on a picnic, he may have no choice but to tell of his problem.
Episode 3 - Thomas and the Jet Plane
Release Date: 2006-10-03Thomas must collect a group of children from the Airport, and take them to the Sodor Summer Picnic. When Thomas arrives at the Airport, he meets a new Jet Plane for the first time, named Jeremy. Jeremy comes off to Thomas as being rather boastful, when he says how splendid it is to fly high in the air, and so Thomas decides he won’t be talking to him again, anytime soon! However, Thomas still wonders what it would be like to be a jet plane, rather than a steam engine for a change. Soon after Jeremy has taken off, he notices a storm is brewing, and descends back down to warn Thomas. Will the picnic have to be cancelled?
Episode 4 - Percy and the Funfair
Release Date: 2006-10-03The carnival has arrived on the Island of Sodor. There are many sights to see, such as the Chinese Dragon. The Steam Team are each given a part of the carnival’s attractions to transport – except for Percy. He is very sad that he is stuck merely pulling coal. Percy attempts to join in the fun by trying to help the other engines out, but forgets about his coal duties…
Episode 5 - The Green Controller
Release Date: 2006-10-04Lady Hatt assigns Percy to tell the other engines what their jobs are on this day, as the Fat Controller has unfortunately lost his voice. Percy refuses help from Thomas, even though he does have many things to keep in his mind, to tell the engines. Percy soon ends up all befuddled and tells Gordon, James and Toby completely the wrong things! The results prove quite disruptive…
Episode 6 - Duncan Drops a Clanger
Release Date: 2006-10-04The hill clock tower’s bell needs to be given a good polish off for the country fair. The Foreman tells Duncan to travel slowly with the bell, but Duncan ends up becoming so enraptured by the bell’s sound it makes, going along the bumpy sections of track, that he doesn’t listen. It is only when the bell flies off his flatbed truck, upon hitting a dip, that Duncan realizes he should have listened. Duncan will have to put in quite an effort to retrieve the bell – which has become dangerously stuck in a tree. Any second, it could fall.
Episode 7 - Thomas's Tricky Tree
Release Date: 2006-10-05When Thomas arrives at the Wharf and explains to Peter Sam and Duncan that he has been sent to collect a Christmas Tree from Sir Handel, the pair tease him, taking it that Thomas does not know what a Christmas Tree looks like. Thomas is absolutely fuming. He very well knows! So cross, Thomas becomes, he decides to accept help from no-one for the rest of the day. Before long, Thomas eyes a flatbed truck, on which a tarpaulin is covering what appears to be in the shape of a Christmas Tree. Thomas hastily hauls it away, but it’s no Christmas Tree under there, as he finds just down the line…
Episode 8 - Toby's Afternoon Off
Release Date: 2006-10-05Toby thinks he has the afternoon off, and so plans to visit the farmyard and see the animals, which he enjoys greatly. But Toby is soon worried upon the Fat Controller assigning him three very important, and very out of the blue special trains. He couldn’t possibly make it in time to the farm now, or at least on his own. To try and still make it, Toby asks the other engines if they are able to help him out at all, but they are simply much too busy for the poor little Tram Engine. But with great luck for Toby, choppy seas delay one of the special deliveries till the next day, which means Toby will now make it to the farm, or so he thinks.
Episode 9 - It's Good To Be Gordon
Release Date: 2006-10-06One more, just one more time is all Gordon needs to break his Express record. When he is given Henry’s special coal by mistake, he speaks not a word of it, thinking it will make him reach greater speeds. But when Henry’s firebox becomes blocked, due having to survive on regular coal, Gordon feels bad. He goes back to Henry, and swaps tenders with him, so Henry can puff along again with no trouble, even it means having to miss out on setting the Express record.
Episode 10 - Seeing the Sights
Release Date: 2006-10-06Thomas puffs wildly from stop to stop, leaving all the holidaymakers behind, to try and prove he can be speedy too, upon Gordon saying he would be able to do the run much quicker. Bertie the Bus observes the stranded passengers, and takes it in his stride to collect them all and get them to Thomas before it’s too late.
Episode 11 - Fearless Freddie
Release Date: 2006-10-07After several years, Fearless Freddie the Warhorse Engine, has come back to the Narrow Gauge Railway on Sodor. Freddie challenges brothers, Skarloey and Rheneas, to a race, boasting he is the fastest in the hills. But Freddie cheats and uses a shortcut route. When Skarloey and Rheneas challenge Freddie to race yet again, he takes another shortcut! But not only that, this time, in Rheneas’ desperation to get ahead of Freddie, he ends up running right off the rails. It will be up to Freddie to help Rheneas get his wheels back on the rails again.
Episode 12 - Toby's New Shed
Release Date: 2006-10-07At Arlesdale End, Toby’s shed roof is leaking. Thomas thinks it would make Toby most happy if the roof was fixed, and so gets down to sorting out a new roof being built for the Tram Engine. But to Thomas’ surprise, upon Toby’s seeing the new roof, he is most distraught. What could possibly be tugging at Toby?
Episode 13 - Big Strong Henry
Release Date: 2006-10-08Sodor is in the grip of winter. Farmer McColl needs an engine to haul some heavy goods for him, and when Gordon ends up being assigned to the task, of which he is most boastful about, Henry is sad he wasn’t given a chance. The engines, not pleased with Gordon’s pompousness, tell him that Henry could do just as good a job, giving him the title: ‘Big Strong Henry’. But Henry is concerned. Will he be able to live up to such a title?
Episode 14 - Sticky Toffee Thomas
Release Date: 2006-10-08A fancy dress party is being held for some children, where Thomas shall be giving them rides. Thomas wonders deeply about what he could possibly wear as a costume. Upon being given a good clean at the Washdown, Thomas comes up with the idea of going as a giant bubble bath! But his “bubble” is soon burst when he ends up crashing into Toby the Tram Engine, due not being able to see through the soap in his eyes! After two more incidents still, the first involving getting cloaked in toffee apple and the other getting covered in leaves and nasty branches, Thomas is in quite a state. But little does he know that his state will turn out all for the better.
Episode 15 - Which Way Now?
Release Date: 2006-10-09Rusty is very hasty, and tells the workmen he is taking around to get their direction sign painting done as quickly as possible at the various locations. Rusty then takes the Fat Controller and his family down the line for a walk around the mountains. They are supposed to meet him back at the tea rooms, but when they do not return, Rusty grows concerned and goes out of his way to look for them. When Rusty finds several people at all the wrong places as he goes along, he realizes that it must be the direction signs that are causing all the bother!
Episode 16 - Thomas and the Shooting Star
Release Date: 2006-10-09Thomas is taking some engineers to the Power Station, but at the same time really wants to see a special shooting star, which will be showing itself up in the sky anytime now. Not wanting to miss it, Thomas makes sure to only travel down lines which will not block his vision of the sky. But this means not taking the quickest route possible to the Power Station, which is in no way a good thing.
Episode 17 - Edward Strikes Out
Release Date: 2006-10-10Edward doesn’t think too highly of a new rail crane who has arrived on the Island of Sodor, named Rocky. The crane does not have the ability to drive, due having no engine or the like. When Harvey is later unable to clear some pipes off the line in time that Edward spilled, Gordon ends up running right over them, thus, resulting in a terrible crash. Harvey may be a strong crane engine, but not quite strong enough to lift a big engine such as Gordon. It will now be up to Edward to inform Rocky he is needed.
Episode 18 - Topped Off Thomas
Release Date: 2006-10-10Upon challenging Spencer the Streamliner to a bit of a race, Thomas ends up whizzing through Kellsthorpe station so fast he causes a strong gust that blows the Fat Controller’s hat clean away. Thomas takes it in his stride to try and get the top hat back, but on each occasion he nears it, the hat decides to blow away! Thomas will have to try another method of attack.
Episode 19 - Wharf and Peace
Release Date: 2006-10-11Poor Skarloey. He absolutely hates the Wharf as it’s so loud and he doesn’t know a soul there. James teases Skarloey even, calling him a ‘scaredy engine’ upon the Troublesome Trucks giving the little chap a start. Skarloey wonders if he really is a ‘scaredy engine’. But after three brave acts throughout the day involving Rusty, Duncan and Rheneas, he soon realizes that perhaps what James said was quite unfair.
Episode 20 - Thomas's Frosty Friend
Release Date: 2006-10-11High winds cause a giant balloon of a snowman to attach itself to one of Thomas's buffers. A great deal of folk attempt to tell Thomas how it has managed to get itself stuck on him, but to no avail. Thomas simply won't listen, as he is much too concerned about getting his job done of bringing timber to Farmer McColl.
Episode 21 - Emily and the Special Coaches
Release Date: 2006-10-12Gordon has finally beaten the Express record, and will be given a special set of coaches at a big ceremony to be held for him. Diesel, though, isn’t exactly overjoyed about Gordon’s achievement, upon hearing from Emily, who is most rude to him indeed. So Diesel decides to go and hide Gordon’s special set of coaches…
Episode 22 - Thomas and the Colours
Release Date: 2006-10-12James is all decked up in flags and bunting in the colours of the Sodor School football team, as he will be pulling the team train. Jealous Thomas wanted to be given such a job, and so tricks James into puffing down an old, disused line, causing James’ splendid decorations to be torn to pieces! Thomas will have to put in a big effort to put things right once more.
Episode 23 - Thomas and the Birthday Mail
Release Date: 2006-10-13On the way to delivering some birthday mail to Alice, who lives at High Farm, Thomas meets Rosie, a young tank engine, who absolutely idolizes him. Thomas becomes very angry when Rosie tries to follow him down the line to High Farm, and so attempts to lose her. But when Thomas ends up in a tremendous landslide, Rosie of course soon catches up with him. Will Thomas accept the young lass’ help?
Episode 24 - Duncan's Bluff
Release Date: 2006-10-13Villagers, high up in the hills, need plenty of coal as Sodor is in the deep of winter. Duncan is taking coal there from the Wharf, which James delivers. For a lark, Duncan says he will race James. If Duncan delivers the coal first, he wins. If James arrives with more coal first, he wins. So, just who will win? Well, it certainly wouldn’t seem to be James when Duncan resorts to a spot of cheating…
Episode 25 - Missing Trucks
Release Date: 2006-10-14In an act of kindness to his brother, Rheneas decides to pull Skarloey’s trucks for him as he is most busy. But Rheneas also has his own load to take, and finds that it’s simply all too much on him, upon attempting to climb a difficult hill. So Rheneas parks Skarloey’s trucks in a siding, and simply delivers his own load first. When he returns for Skarloey’s lot, it has disappeared!
Episode 26 - Thomas and the Treasure
Release Date: 2006-10-14A Maritime Museum is to be opened on Sodor, by an Admiral. When Thomas picks him up from Brendam Docks, Salty tells Thomas the story about long lost treasure belonging to pirates, and also gives the clues as to where it has been buried somewhere on the Island. Unfortunately for the Admiral, this means he will be late for the opening, as Thomas becomes simply enraptured by the idea and can’t stop thinking about it for the whole journey! Most annoyed by distracted little Thomas terribly delaying the Admiral, the Fat Controller arranges for him to be transported by Harold the Helicopter instead. Despite this, Thomas decides he will find that treasure.
Episode 27 - James the Second Best
Release Date: 2006-10-15A Railway Poster is to be produced, and the Fat Controller needs an engine to be the centre of it – and that engine is decided to be Edward. James is most jealous of Edward when he learns of the news. He wanted to be the engine on that poster. So James decides to try and prove to the Fat Controller that it should be him, and not Edward, who gets the gig.
Episode 28 - Thomas and Skarloey's Big Day Out
Release Date: 2006-10-15Skarloey is in dire need of repairs, but the workshop is all the way over on the other side of Sodor. Thomas kindly comes forward, in that he will transport Skarloey there. Once Skarloey is on a flatbed truck, the Thin Controller warns Thomas about its coupling, as it could easily come loose. Skarloey is feeling very miserable, so Thomas tries as hard as he can to make the little chap feel better, by showing him sights around the island. When none of his efforts seem to work, Thomas comes up with the idea of showing Skarloey the view from the peak of Gordon’s Hill, but he has forgotten about that flatbed’s coupling…
Episode 29 - A Visit From Thomas
Release Date:The Pack are building a new school, which will include a football field, library and swimming pool. As Oliver is loading dirt into Max, his shovel hits something hard of sorts. He carefully begins to scrape away the earth, and makes an amazing find...
Episode 30 - Jack Owns Up
Release Date:Jack and Alfie are exported to a warehouse by Thomas, where the other Pack members are working. Jack's great excitement causes him to knock a good deal of roof tiles over, which goes unwitnessed. Jack scampers off hastily. In a short while, Ned, unaware about the tiles on the ground, ends up running over them! When this is found out, everyone, bar Jack of course, thinks it was all Ned's fault! Ned will now be sent back to the yard in disgrace - unless "Jack Owns Up"...
Episode 31 - On Site With Thomas
Release Date:The Pack are working on the foundations for a new community centre. Patrick is pouring cement for a platform, and declares to Jack and Alfie he is the most important. Conflict breaks out among the vehicles on the subject of just who is the most important. From this, Max and Monty end up trying to beat each other to unload at the dumping ground. But little do they know they are on a collision course with Patrick, who is coming from the opposite direction...
Episode 32 - Percy's Scary Tale
Release Date:It is that time of year once more: Halloween! Kelly tells a "scary tale" about a one-eyed truck. Percy and Alfie are scared, although Max and Monty don't believe Kelly. But when the twins have to pass through the forest, clouded in fog, in the dead of night, they see a strange light, accompanied by an eerie sound. In their minds, there is no doubt it must be the one-eyed truck coming for them!
Episode 33 - Kelly's Windy Day
Release Date:Kelly the Crane is transported to where the rest of The Pack are, by Thomas. Once Kelly is working, high winds manage to tip the poor crane right over, which leaves him badly shaken. So will Kelly later be able to build up enough courage in himself to rescue Isabella the Lorry from a terrible fate?
Episode 34 - A Happy Day For Percy
Release Date:The Pack are working at Cronk station. Jack and Alfie are taken there by Percy. The conditions are very muddy, so everyone must be careful to prevent any dangerous situations from occurring. Byron's job is to dig out a trench. Once finished, he is sad that no-one seems to have taken any notice of his hard work. Meanwhile, Max & Monty are racing through puddles, splashing dirt all over everyone! The pair's silliness ends them running straight over a water supply. It is situated by Alfie, who is caused to start sinking into the now softened ground, due the gushing water. Byron the Bulldozer comes to try and rescue Alfie, but will he be able to?
Episode 35 - A Tale For Thomas
Release Date:A great strike of lightning hits an ancient tree, which is of great rarity. It will be up to The Pack to work as best a team they can, or the tree may never be the same again, and that would never do. Will The Pack be able to pull off a fix-up job on the tree to save it?
Episode 36 - Thomas & The Moles
Release Date:Big storms usually mean a great deal of damage caused, but also mean no work for steamrollers! And this is just the case with Pack member, Buster the Steamroller, who is most miserable about having nothing to do. But when it is found by Miss Jenny that moles have dug hills all round the football field, someone who’s specialty is flattening will be needed…
Episode 37 - Percy Helps Out
Release Date:Thomas is in need of repairs, although he is unable to take himself to the Works, so Miss Jenny kindly sends Nelson. Upon Thomas being loaded onto him, Nelson says he wouldn’t mind being able to be carried along by another! Little does he know that this may very well come true, later that day…
Episode 38 - The Tortoise & The Hare
Release Date:Buster imagines himself being the fastest of all, upon carrying out work at the Sodor Rally Track. But Buster is of course in no way fast, as he is a Steamroller, and Max & Monty give him a terribly hard time about this. When the time comes for the Rally Track to be tested by various members of The Pack, Buster’s wish to come first may just have a chance of coming true, due a rather argumentive pair of Dump Truck twins…
Episode 39 - Thomas' Trusty Friends
Release Date:An old, now disused building structure is being knocked down by The Pack. Ned’s task is to remove the rubble left lying around, which in his view is a rather measly thing to do. Poor Ned only continues to feel sadder and sadder. A little later, Oliver, with his wrecking ball attachment, attempts to knock down a large section of the old building, but just can’t seem to make it shift – not even an inch! But someone may just be able to save the day, in the form of a very miserable Steam Shovel, who may just now transform into quite the opposite.
Episode 40 - Alfie Has Kittens
Release Date:The Pack are demolishing yet another old building, although this time Alfie shall be helping out. But the others make fun of Alfie, calling him ‘small’. This makes Alfie feel terribly sad. Although he is soon given the opportunity to show to everyone just what he is made of, upon the finding of a cat and her kittens in the old building.
Episode 41 - Mud Glorious Mud
Release Date:Isabella the Sentinel Lorry is one very vain Sentinel Lorry indeed, who is most proud of her looks and takes it in her stride to do everything she can to keep her looks as they are! “Mind my paint!” she is always heard to say, often at the most unlikely of times, even if in a dangerous situation! Isabella especially hates being covered in horrible, mucky mud. But she may just have to endure such an undesirable thing, upon the other Pack members running out of fuel, as she is the only one left with enough to collect some more. The fuel is all the way across some fields, which is quite some distance. But it’s not the distance Isabella worries about – it’s all the mud covering the fields!
Episode 42 - Trouble For Thomas
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Episode 43 - Thomas And Percy Mountain Adventure
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Episode 44 - Knapford Station
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Episode 45 - Fun Times With Toby
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Episode 46 - Fun Times With Thomas
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Episode 47 - Fun Times With James
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Episode 48 - Fun Times With Henry
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Episode 49 - Fun Times With Gordon
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Episode 50 - Fun Times With Emily
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Episode 51 - A Happy Day For Percy
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