Watch Backwardz Compatible (2016) Online!
A couple of idiots trying to fight, scream, run, dodge, and fail their way through their favorite video games.
Episode 1 - Resident Evil 7: Episode 0
Release Date: 2017-01-21We're back and with a brand new game that's not out yet so that's why we are playing the demo! Watch Miles lose his shit as Kyle guides him through a dilapidated old house while being stalked by a homicidal old man. Unfortunately that's not the only horror this house contains. It's Backwardz Compatible and we are playing Resident Evil 7!
Episode 2 - RE7 #1: Welcome to the Family
Release Date: 2017-01-27Resident Evil 7 is finally out! Kyle and Miles are in a search for Ethan's missing wife. Along the way they break into private property, watch someone else's home movies, order a pizza, and do everything wrong while trying to solve a domestic dispute.
Episode 3 - RE7 #2: Daddy Ain't Happy
Release Date: 2017-02-04Kyle and Miles sit down to a nice, quiet, cannibalistic family dinner but when they try to leave early without helping with the dishes well... Daddy gets a little pissed off.
Episode 4 - RE7 #3: Poor Deputy
Release Date: 2017-02-10Kyle and Miles head into the basement and meet up with their old friend Larry...and his friend...and his several other friends. It's ok though because Larry got Kyle and Miles front row tickets to a steel cage match. He just forgot to tell them that the front row is in the cage.
Episode 5 - RE7 #4 - Mama's Babies
Release Date: 2017-02-17Gray Haddock joins Kyle and Miles as they try to fumigate the old house of Marguerite's "babies". Things go sideways almost immediately when the guys realize they just brought a knife to a wasp fight. However with some red neck engineering and a page ripped from Ellen Ripley's Big Book of Bug Extermination Techniques, the gang find a way to even the playing field.
Episode 6 - RE7 #5 - The Spider Lady
Release Date: 2017-02-24The miracle of child birth, some say it's beautiful. They're wrong. It's an awful, disgusting, terrible, nauseating, gag inducing event and that's just for normal human birth. Oh and that's not counting the gynecological disaster that is Margaret's wasp infested uterus. Are you ready for this? Good cause Kyle and Miles are not.
Episode 7 - RE7 #6 - Happy Birthday!
Release Date: 2017-03-04Kyle and Miles have cut down Jack and killed Marguerite so now it's Lucas' turn. Before that can happen the duo must find two key cards, navigate a house full of new booby traps and watch dear old Clancy struggle with one of Lucas' more sinister puzzles. (Miles would just like to point out that HE was the one who killed Jack and Marguerite, not Kyle)
Episode 8 - RE7 #7 - Brawl in the Bayou
Release Date: 2017-03-10Kyle and Miles find themselves stuck in Lucas' puzzle room but this time as Ethan. Luckily the duo have read Clancy's Pro Strategy Guide and know all the tips and tricks to help get them out. However the prize for solving this puzzle might not be something they want; the return of an old friend who's lookin' for a rematch.
Episode 9 - RE7 #8 - I'm on a boat and it's 107 proof
Release Date: 2017-03-17What was supposed to be a V.R. fueled scream fest has turned into a drunken rage as Kyle and Miles fight, shoot, and peg their way through the wreckage that brought Mia and Eveline to the Baker's back yard. What secrets will they find? How many shots will they take? What does it feel like to have whiskey that's 54% alcohol burn your lungs? All of that and more will be answered on this episode of Backwardz Compatible.
Episode 10 - RE7 #9 - What Are? What is?
Release Date: 2017-03-24Kyle and Miles make their way through the derelict ship that brought Mia and Eveline to the Baker's back door. What secrets will they find? How many Larry's will they peg? What's it like to have a homeless guy yell at you in the middle of a laundromat? All of this and more will be answered on this episode of Backwardz Compatible!
Episode 11 - RE7 #10 - E-001
Release Date: 2017-03-31Kyle and Miles have fought their way through the ship and now stand at the entrance to the salt mines. The secrets to Eveline, Mia, and the Baker's are hidden somewhere down there and if they find them then hopefully they will discover a way to stop Evie. One thing is for sure, it ends tonight. Join our hapless duo as they make their way through the last episode of the RE7 campaign
Episode 12 - Sonic Adventure 2, #1 - Gotta Go Fast!
Release Date: 2017-04-07Could it be? Has it finally happened? Are Miles and Kyle going to play THE greatest Sonic game ever made? That's right Backwardz Compatible will be bringing you the blistering speed of Sonic and Shadow, the hard hitting mech action of Tails and Dr. Eggman, plus all of the high flying, treasure hunting action of Knuckles and Rouge. Did I mention Chaos? Cause there is gonna be plenty of Chaos. Strap yourselves in because it's Sonic Adventure 2 on Backwardz Compatible.
Episode 13 - Sonic Adventure 2, #2 - Parenting 101
Release Date: 2017-04-14Kyle and Miles ponder one of life's great mysteries. "Is that Knuckles hand or is it a glove?" and "If it's a glove, what does his hand look like?!" They then show why Knuckles should win Father of the year.
Episode 14 - Sonic Adventure 2, #3 - #Eyebrows4Cheng
Release Date: 2017-04-213D Animator Melanie Stern joins Kyle in berating and ridiculing Miles parenting methods. Will she be able to enlighten Miles and change his ways or will he forever be just a monster of a parent? Tune in to find out in this episode of Backwardz Compatible!
Episode 15 - Sonic Adventure 2, #4 - Rage So Hard
Release Date: 2017-04-26Kyle and Miles start this week off right with a big ol' boss battle. They're getting close to the end of the Hero story and the pressure is high. Sometimes when the pressure is that high and you fail it's frustrating. Sometimes frustration turns into rage. Sometimes that rage then erupts violently on poor unsuspecting water bottles. What does all of this mean? Just watch to find out.
Episode 16 - Sonic Adventure 2, #5 - The Dark Side
Release Date: 2015-05-05Kyle and Miles have one Final Rush before they can play the Dark Story but standing between them and glory is the Edge Lord himself Shadow. Can Kyle and Miles defeat the embodiment of cool? Will Damian grow up to be a well adjusted Chao? What does a hedgehog penis look like? All of this and more will be answered in this episode of Backwardz Compatible.
Episode 17 - Sonic Adventure 2, #6 - Who are all these people?
Release Date: 2017-05-12Kyle and Miles are joined by Crunchyroll's Victoria Holden aka @SailorBee aka Shadow's gf 4 life and she brought a whole entourage of people with her.
Episode 18 - Sonic Adventure 2, #7 - No One Between Us
Release Date: 2017-05-19Kyle and Miles are tearing through the Dark Story, gush about the big news from Sonic Forces, and find the Wal Mart of military bases but when it looks like everything is going so well they decide to sing a duet and blow their load early. Maybe they were too excited after they found a picture of Sonic's original girlfriend Madonna.
Episode 19 - Sonic Adventure 2, #8 - Word Association
Release Date: 2017-05-26Kyle and Miles are finally, FINALLY reaching the end of the Dark Story. Hopefully Miles gets his spine popped back in place so they can finish this one right.
Episode 20 - Sonic Adventure 2, #9 - All the Upgrades
Release Date: 2017-06-02As many of you have pointed out the boys are missing some upgrades. So Kyle and Miles have made the decision to get all the upgrades that matter.
Episode 21 - Sonic Adventure 2, #10 - Last Story
Release Date: 2017-06-09It's all been leading to this. What was the warning Dr. Eggman got at the end of the Dark Story? What's going to happen if Sonic Already destroyed the Eclipse Cannon? What happened to Shadow on space colony Ark before Eggman found him? All of this and more will be answered on this final episode of Sonic Adventure 2!
Episode 22 - One Off: Battlesloths 2025
Release Date: 2017-06-16Kyle and Miles are still deciding on a new game series so why not play a fun one off while they make a decision? Gray Haddock and Josh Ornelas join our intrepid duo for a fun and chaotic game of Battlesloths 2025: The Great Pizza Wars.
Episode 23 - DMC3, #1 - A Crazy Party
Release Date: 2017-06-23Kyle and Miles have been invited to one crazy party filled with half demons, full demons, a sibling rivalry, a sky whale, a crazy lady on a motorcycle, and a world destroying tower. Not to mention one guy with more quips, puns and one liners than all of Arnold Schwarzenegger's movies combined. If things sound crazy don't worry, just sit down, turn the volume up and let's rock!
Episode 24 - DMC3, #2 - A Soul of Steel
Release Date: 2017-06-30While Kyle and Miles run around on their demon massacre they talk about the oft forgotten brother to Dante and Vergil.
Episode 25 - DMC3, #3 - Role Play
Release Date: 2017-07-10Kyle and Miles continue their ascent to the top of Temen-ni-gru and along their way they discuss how best to role play a Batman villain...in the bedroom.
Episode 26 - DMC3, #4 - Attic Metal
Release Date: 2017-07-15Kyle and Miles are joined by Editor and Producer, Cole Gallian. Whille Cole entertains Miles with stories about his new house, Kyle runs into some trouble with a voluptuous Vampire.
Episode 27 - Dream Daddy
Release Date: 2017-07-22Athletic Dad, Coffee Shop Dad, Rich Dad, Dad Dad. So many Dads and so little time but Kyle and Miles want to meet them all in the hopes of finding the perfect Dad.
Episode 28 - DMC3, #5 - Dante Daddy
Release Date: 2017-07-28Kyle and Miles pickup right where they left off with DMC3. This episode is full of bosses, post RTX stories, a special appearance by "Michael Caine", and that good old wise crackin' Dante.
Episode 29 - DMC3, #6 - The Dick That Fucks The World
Release Date: 2017-08-04They started from the bottom, then went to the top, and now they're at the bottom again. Kyle and Miles don't know what Temen-ni-gru has in store for them...but the Jester does.
Episode 30 - DMC3, #7 - Bedroom Eyes
Release Date: 2017-08-12While Arkham is busy opening the portal to the demon world, Kyle tells Miles about the other Star Wars smuggler, Dash Rendar.
Episode 31 - DMC3, #8 - Demonic Chess
Release Date: 2017-08-18Kyle and Miles finally reach the top of Temen-ni-gru and enter the portal to the demon world. What would you expect to greet them? Demons? Tortured souls? Lucifer himself? What awaits is much more sinister, a giant game of chess. Where's Ron Weasley when you need him?
Episode 32 - DMC3, #9 - Boss Rush
Release Date: 2017-08-27Like any classic game, when you get close to the end, sometimes you have to face off with each boss you've defeated up to that point one more time. As if there hands weren't full enough, Kyle and Miles decide they want to play a game of "Would you rather?" to make things a little more interesting. So ask yourselves this, would you rather give up oral sex (giving and receiving) or give up cheese?
Episode 33 - DMC3, #10 - Two Brothers
Release Date: 2017-09-01This is it, the last two missions for DMC3! Everything has been building to this moment, the sky whale, the fight with the Jester, driving a motorcycle up the side of a building, the giant chess game, getting shot in the head, getting stabbed in the chest, and let's not forget the desecration of a beloved pizza slice. Finally Kyle and Miles will face off with Arkham, confront Vergil, and close the portal to the demon world...hopefully.
Episode 34 - DreadOut #1 - Definitely Not Fatal Frame
Release Date: 2017-09-08It's under 90 degrees outside and in Texas that means it's fall and fall means it's time for some scary games. Indonesian horror game DreadOut made waves when it was first released so Miles bought it on Steam; problem is he was never brave enough to play it by himself so he brought it to Backwardz Compatible so Kyle can join in his misery.
Episode 35 - DreadOut #2 - Get Schwifty
Release Date: 2017-09-15It's Friday, you're done for the day, it's time to sit down, relax, and enjoy some videos right? That may be true for everyone else in the world but Kyle and Miles got after school detention. For what? I don't know, but what I do know is that the teacher forgot about our boys and locked them in for the night. So now Kyle and Miles have to brave a school haunted by a pig, some white haired harlot, and a principal with mental issues. The only thing standing between them and these ferocious phantoms is the camera on their smartphone. I hope they brought a charger.
Episode 36 - DreadOut #3 - Lenny G
Release Date: 2017-09-22Kyle and Miles have obtained the scissors, the ONLY thing that can cut rope apparently. Now nothing is stopping them from going to the front of the school and using the keys to open the door. Oh, TOTALLY unrelated but how do you feel about swarms of locus and/or rats crawling on your face?
Episode 37 - DreadOut #4 - Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall
Release Date: 2017-09-29Kyle and Miles have fought ghosts, and they have run from ghosts, but did they ever consider trying to sit down and talk to a ghost? Maybe these ghosts are just misunderstood, maybe the woman in the red dress just wants to be friends, maybe the ghost that killed Doni was just trying to give him a neck massage and her hand slipped, I don't know, but what I do know is that this is the last episode of DreadOut.
Episode 38 - Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion
Release Date: 2017-10-06It's October and things are getting a little spooky around the office, some might say 2Spooky. Our boys are playing a different spooky game every week in October. This week it's Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion. I know this looks cute and delightful now but trust me, things are not always what they seem.
Episode 39 - Bendy and the Ink Machine
Release Date: 2017-10-132Spooky October continues with Bendy and the Ink Machine! What horrors will Kyle and Miles find in the inky black heart of this once beloved animation studio? Monsters? Ghouls? Or the scariest thing of all...a sprint button that doesn't work?!
Episode 40 - Alien Isolation: Last Survivor
Release Date: 2017-10-202Spooky October brings Kyle and Miles back to the Nostromo, back to the stress, the fear, the crushing anxiety. It brings them back to their lovely and deadly Xenomorph named Scoops. Poor Scoops has had no one to play with for a whole year, I wonder if he'll be excited to see Kyle and Miles? I know our boys will be screaming when they see Scoops.
Episode 41 - Layers of Fear
Release Date: 2017-10-272Spooky October has to come to an end. So why not do it with a nice exploration game right? That's what Kyle and Miles thought anyway, but they got more than they bargained for. What mysteries does this old house hold? What happened to the painters wife and child? What "master piece" awaits under all the layers of this man's past? All I'll say is that the clench factor is astoundingly high in this game.
Episode 42 - Layers of Fear #2
Release Date: 2017-11-03I know, I know, it's November and the card at the beginning says 2Spooky October but listen, our boys filmed this on Halloween and insisted it still counts. After everything they have been through and all the years they surely shaved off their lives from filming this part I think we can let it slide because this is without a doubt the scariest thing Kyle and Miles have played for Backwardz Compatible.
Episode 43 - Layers of Fear - Inheritance DLC
Release Date: 2017-11-10Our boys thought they were done but oh how they were wrong. Years after the main game finished the painter's daughter returns to her childhood home in search of answers but unfortunately for Kyle and Miles the daughter may have inherited more from her father than just this decrepit old house.
Episode 44 - Shovel Knight
Release Date: 2017-11-18Huzzah and greetings eager viewers. Join our intrepid young adventurers as they take up their shovels and journey to defeat the evil Enchantress. Bandits, monsters, rats on propellers, and the Order of No Quarter stand between our heroes and the Tower of Fate where the Enchantress resides. Can our boys make it through these challenges or will they end up being each others downfall? Only time will tell.
Episode 45 - Shovel Knight #2 - Fairy of Shovelry
Release Date: 2017-11-24 -
Episode 46 - Shovel Knight #3 - The Cream of the Crop
Release Date: 2017-12-01Kyle and Miles come across the unrivaled Baz, trade blows with the sub-aquatic Treasure Knight, and cross shovels with the cold hearted Polar Knight.
Episode 47 - Shovel Knight #4 - This Armor was a Mistake
Release Date: 2017-12-08Single screen co-op games can be a lot of fun. They can also be the most infuriating test of friendship two people can experience. This is one of those times.....the latter not the former. Shut up you knew what I meant.
Episode 48 - Shovel Knight #5 - Gold Boi
Release Date: 2017-12-15The time has come, our boys have faced off with every Knight in the Order of No Quarter and now the only thing that stands in their way is The Enchantress and her Tower. Will Kyle and Miles overcome their challenges and avenge their good friend Shield Knight or will they fall never to rise again? One thing's for sure, they're gonna look fly as hell while doing it.
Episode 49 - RE7 - Not a Hero
Release Date: 2017-12-22It has almost been a year since Kyle and Miles put on the shoes of Ethan Winters and took on the foul creatures that inhabited the Baker Estate. At the end of their journey they were promised a new adventure with series mainstay Chris Redfield set for the spring. Cut back to now, it's the middle of winter and our boys can finally get their hands on that sweet, sweet, Chris Redfield DLC that they have been waiting for. Join them as they take on the sick and twisted games that Lucas Baker has concocted and hopefully figure out why Chris Redfield is working for Umbrella.
Episode 50 - RE7 - I.C.P.
Release Date: 2017-12-19Kyle and Miles have a bomb strapped to their wrist, an I.C.P. loving mad man on the loose, and mold, so much mold growing everywhere in this mine. Our boys better grab some bleach and get to cleaning because this DLC is barreling towards it's conclusion. (Stick around after the credits because our boys get an exclusive play through of a Claire Redfield "Secret Mission".)