Watch Life of Riley (2009) Online!
Life of Riley is a British comedy television series, shown on BBC One and BBC HD. The show stars Caroline Quentin and Neil Dudgeon, who are recently married, and is set around their dysfunctional family. The show also features the couple's four children, Danny, Katy, Ted, and Rosie. After three series it was confirmed that the show had been cancelled.
Episode 1 - Just The Two Of Us
Release Date: 2010-03-17Maddy decides that she needs to spend more quality time with her husband, but in doing so almost kills him (and her marriage)...
Episode 2 - Crowded House
Release Date: 2010-03-24When building work puts Maddy and Jim's bedroom off limits, everyone has to shuffle round to make room and the lack of personal space leads to some uncomfortable discoveries.
Episode 3 - Nine To Five
Release Date: 2010-03-31Maddy decides the time has come to get back into paid employment, but juggling her office job and her domestic responsibilities turns out to be harder work than she had expected.
Episode 4 - Is She Really Going Out With Him?
Release Date: 2010-04-07Robbie get a new trendy young girlfriend but Maddy isn't bothered until she finds out that her son, Ted, thinks she's the best thing on two legs.
Episode 5 - School's Out
Release Date: 2010-04-14Maddy is determined to get her son Ted into the best school in their area. She finds out that passing the entrance exam is the easy bit compared to other things.
Episode 6 - Crazy
Release Date: 2010-04-21Maddy finds out that Danny is seeing a counsellor at the school. When Maddy tries to help she just ends up making things worse