Watch Pecola (2003) Online!
The show stars Pecola, a curious and hyperactive penguin who tries to help the people of Cube Town but often wreaks havoc instead. Pecola is an orphaned penguin who lives with Pecolias, his grandfather. Cube Town is a small, isolated coastal village that contains an art museum, a beach, a lighthouse, and a canal. It is located adjacent to Crescent Bay surrounded by the Rookery Mountains coastal range and serviced by regular ships which deliver mail, food, and other supplies, as well as occasional tourists from a nearby metropolis named Cubic City. The heights above it lead into Glacier Valley which is snowbound even during summer.
Episode 1 - Double Troubles / Detective Pecola
Release Date: 2003-04-21Double Troubles: Dr. Chu creates a robot to help Pecola learn to be a good penguin. Detective Pecola: Pecola is on the case of the mysterious Cube Town citizen, Al A. Gator.
Episode 2 - Constellation Pecola / Good Deeds
Release Date: 2003-04-22Constellation Pecola: Pecola goes to Professor Hornbender and learns about the Cubic Solar System. Good Deeds: Pecola and Rudy are interrupted while doing their daily pranks, when Robbie comes and tells the two about the new television show, ""Good Samaritans"".
Episode 3 - Fire Drill Frenzy / Hurricane Pecola
Release Date: 2003-04-23Fire Drill Frenzy: Pecola is looking for a job when he searches down a long list of jobs one sticks out from all the rest - a fire fighter. Hurricane Pecola: Rory starts worrying that he'll never be the Mail Carrier of the Month. Pecola comes to help Rory with his problem.
Episode 4 - Robo-Rocket / Mayor Muddle
Release Date: 2003-04-24Robo-Rocket: Pecola, Little Chu and Robo-Pecola head off to the railroad tracks to introduce Robo-Pecola to Steamer. Mayor Muddle: Cube Town is holding another election for mayor but Mayor Papazoni is the only person running for the job.
Episode 5 - Your Wish is My Command / Robbie to the Rescue
Release Date: 2003-04-25Your Wish is My Command: Pecola's neighbor, Aunty Yorkshire is always busy and she wants to do other things. When Pecola finds out that she needs help, he's on her case. Robbie to the Rescue: Robo-Pecola turns Robbie's computer game into a real-live game. As Robo-Pecola and Robbie enter the cyber world, trouble confronts the two.
Episode 6 - One Lonely Night / Miss Lucky's Bloopers
Release Date: 2003-04-28One Lonely Night: At the astronomy lab, Professor Hornbender cannot keep his eyes on the night sky because he gets so tired. Pecola comes to help Mr. Hornbender with his sleeping problems. Miss Lucky's Bloopers: Miss Lucky's telivision show is canceled because of low ratings after the new show, ""Big City Life"" premired with very high ratings.
Episode 7 - Spring Cleaning / Monster Moth
Release Date: 2003-04-29Spring Cleaning: It's Spring Cleaning Day in Cube Town, and the only thing Pecola wants to do is help out. No one wants Pecola's help because he's always a trouble maker. Monster Moth: Rudy, Little Chu and Pecola make a joke about a giant, fire-breathing moth. As the rumor goes around, Rudy and Little Chu make a costume for Pecola as the giant moth.
Episode 8 - Cube Town Tri-Brag-A-Thon / Wild Ride
Release Date: 2003-04-30Cube Town Tri-Brag-A-Thon: Bongo has trained his way into another marathon race. Bongo has never lost in any of the Cube Town races before. When the crowd cheers for Bongo he suddenly starts bragging which makes the other contestants angry. Wild Ride: The Rookery Mountain Tunnel has been worked on by many construction workers and now it's completed. The Rookery Mountain Tunnel will transport people from other towns into Cube Town.
Episode 9 - Half Baked / Hide n' Go Sleep
Release Date: 2003-05-01Half Baked: Mrs. Bernard is fed up with her sleepy husband, Bernard because he never helps working with the bakery. Pecola and Coco try and help Bernard with his relation ship with his wife. Hide n' Go Sleep: Hide n' Seek has always been a great game but competition is acceptional in Cube Town. The defending champ, Mr. Puggalski is back. Will he grab the Hide n' Seek trophy once again?
Episode 10 - Not Seeing is Disbelieving / Melancholy Pecola
Release Date: 2003-05-02Not Seeing is Disbelieving: Pecola's always been a curious penguin, but this is ridiculous. Pecola pulls a red lever that makes him turn invisible. Melancholy Pecola: Pecola has seemed very depressed lately in Cube Town. The citizens wonder why Pecola is not acting like his usual self - crazy, mischievous and absurd.
Episode 11 - Pecola's Penguin Special / Bot and Switch
Release Date: 2003-05-05Pecola's Penguin Special: Pecola takes over for Cori as she goes to see a movie. Pecola decides to make a sandwich of his very own while Cori is gone. Bot and Switch: Pecola gets angry when Robo-Pecola begins to become the main attraction in his town. Pecola comes up with a dirty plan to make a costume and to dress up like Robo-Pecola to possibly ruin his fame.
Episode 12 - Golagola / Operation Papazoni
Release Date: 2003-05-06Golagola: Pecola decides to go by Cube Town's bay and he suddenly starts gasping for air - Pecola's sinking in deep water. A sea monster named, Golagola comes to Pecola's rescue. Operation Papazoni: Pecola looks at his calandar and finds out that it's Mayor Papazoni's birthday. Pecola tells everyone in Cube Town about the mayor's birthday.
Episode 13 - High and Dry / Two Brilliant Inventors
Release Date: 2003-05-07High and Dry: Pecola meets a new friend through Pecolius' old rainbox. Pecola's friend is a cloud and she only causes trouble as rain ruins Cube Town's great weather. Two Brilliant Inventors: Little Chu makes a new invention - new and improved sunglasses. Little Chu thinks that Dr. Chu called his sunglasses pathetic and Little Chu begins to cry.
Episode 14 - Ode to Pecola / Laundry Quandary
Release Date: 2003-05-08 -
Episode 15 - Cool It / Yeti or Not
Release Date: 2003-05-09 -
Episode 16 - Curse of Cube Town / Postman Pecola
Release Date: 2003-05-12 -
Episode 17 - Runaway Pecola / Pecola's Island
Release Date: 2003-05-13 -
Episode 18 - The Town Crier / Pecola Grows Horns
Release Date: 2003-05-14 -
Episode 19 - Coco's Concert / Spaceman Pecola
Release Date: 2003-05-15Coco's Concert: Pecola's friend, Coco, has a concert in which she must sing. The only problem is, Coco is a really awful singer!
Episode 20 - A Career Day / Power Pecola
Release Date: 2003-05-16 -
Episode 21 - Robo Rudy / Lights, Camera, Pecola
Release Date: 2003-05-19 -
Episode 22 - Prince Puggalski / Painting Pecola
Release Date: 2003-05-20 -
Episode 23 - Pecola and the Pirates / Mysterious Pecola
Release Date: 2003-05-21 -
Episode 24 - Gazelle's Goof / Pecola in a Yacht of Trouble
Release Date: 2003-05-22 -
Episode 25 - Yorkshire's Puddin' / Pecola's Tunnel Trouble
Release Date: 2003-05-23 -
Episode 26 - Yo! Pecola / Great Cubes of Fire
Release Date: 2003-05-27