Watch Hawaii Five-O (1968) Online!
Hawaii Five-O is an American police procedural drama series produced by CBS Productions and Leonard Freeman. Set in Hawaii, the show originally aired for 12 seasons from 1968 to 1980, and continues in reruns. Jack Lord portrayed Detective Lieutenant Steve McGarrett, the head of a special state police task force which was based on an actual unit that existed under martial law in the 1940s. The theme music composed by Morton Stevens became especially popular. Many episodes would end with McGarrett instructing his subordinate to "Book 'em, Danno!", sometimes specifying a charge such as "murder one".
Episode 1 - The Young Assassins
Release Date: 1974-09-10Danno and a college professor are kidnapped by a revolutionary group of young radicals led by a hardened criminal.
Episode 2 - A Hawaiian Nightmare
Release Date: 1974-09-17A geophysics expert, Bernard Brown, is heavily in debt, so he comes up with a plan to cause an explosion in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, which will cause lava to pour all down the hillside and into the city of Hilo, unless the Governor comes up with half a million dollars as a ransom.
Episode 3 - I'll Kill 'Em Again
Release Date: 1974-09-24Eddie Josephs is a paranoid schizophrenic who is carrying out murders based on old Five-O cases. McGarrett must follow his clues and catch him before more people die.
Episode 4 - Steal Now -- Pay Later
Release Date: 1974-10-01A sophisticated thief is selling his goods to legitimate businessmen, and Five-O must find a way of trapping him.
Episode 5 - Bomb, Bomb, Who's Got The Bomb?
Release Date: 1974-10-08Senator Harlan Henderson suffers from multiple personalities, and one side of him wants to kill himself. However, he ends up blowing up his secretary, and McGarrett uses handwriting and a diagnosis from a psychiatrist to try to crack the case.
Episode 6 - Right Grave, Wrong Body
Release Date: 1974-10-15A criminal, Hobart, is robbing liquor stores using a policeman's former gun, but the officer wants it back as he used it to kill a bankrobber five years before and the body has been uncovered.
Episode 7 - We Hang Our Own
Release Date: 1974-10-22When his son is beaten to death, a powerful cattle baron takes matters into his own hands, and McGarrett and Five-O must prevent the rule of law from breaking down.
Episode 8 - The Two-Faced Corpse
Release Date: 1974-10-29A gangland execution investigation takes a turn for the peculiar when it is found that the victim had two identities.
Episode 9 - How To Steal A Masterpiece
Release Date: 1974-11-12Five-O must investigate why three infallible security systems are failing to prevent the theft of priceless artworks.
Episode 10 - A Gun For McGarrett
Release Date: 1974-11-26After an attempt is made on Steve McGarrett's life, he is drawn towards a female art dealer, but she too may not be good for his health…
Episode 11 - Welcome To Our Branch Office
Release Date: 1974-12-03Two conmen use a gang of Five-O lookalikes and doubles to extort money from Honolulu businessmen.
Episode 12 - Presenting... In The Center Ring... Murder
Release Date: 1974-12-10Wo Fat returns to Hawaii in order to have a Chinese diplomat whom he classes as a foolish peace-maker assassinated.
Episode 13 - Hara-Kiri: Murder
Release Date: 1974-12-31McGarrett and Five-O need to find out why a Japanese banker ritually killed himself and catch a true criminal into the bargain.
Episode 14 - Bones Of Contention
Release Date: 1975-01-07A Honolulu murder is mysteriously linked to a human fossil smuggled out of China in the Second World War.
Episode 15 - Computer Killer
Release Date: 1975-01-14An investigation into a murder is sent off track through the modification of computer information, and Five-O must use the latest technology to rescue the case.
Episode 16 - A Woman's Work Is With A Gun
Release Date: 1975-01-21Three women desperately in need of money take to armed robbery of tourist buses as a way to raise some quick cash.
Episode 17 - Small Witness, Large Crime
Release Date: 1975-01-28When a young boy is arrested as a witness to a murder, McGarrett must contend with a fiery deputy public prosecutor.
Episode 18 - Ring Of Life
Release Date: 1975-02-04A million dollar reward for the return of five figurines sparks off a trail of murder and theft that leads to Hawaii.
Episode 19 - Study In Rage
Release Date: 1975-02-11When a psychotic man kills his doctor, Five-O must use a unfinished painting to gather clues to his whereabouts.
Episode 20 - And The Horse Jumped Over The Moon
Release Date: 1975-02-18An elaborate sea and air scheme for heroin smuggling goes unnoticed until one of the gang tries to sell out their plan for a fix of heroin.
Episode 21 - Hit Gun For Sale
Release Date: 1975-02-25McGarrett must prevent a mob war by tracking down an unknown hitman and his intended target.
Episode 22 - The Hostage
Release Date: 1975-03-11When a deranged ex-Army officer shoots a policeman and takes a young girl hostage, McGarrett disagrees with a police captain over the best way to free her.
Episode 23 - Diary Of A Gun
Release Date: 1975-03-18A Saturday Night Special passes from person to person and causes Five-O trouble and others misery.
Episode 24 - 6,000 Deadly Tickets
Release Date: 1975-03-25Five-O works with a air traffic investigator in order to put a stop to illegal ticket sales which have already cost several lives.