Watch Fanfan (1993) Online!

After seeing the initial passion and romance fade into a series of routine and boring relationships, Alexandre (Vincent Perez) concludes that romance ends when sex enters into a relationship. Determined to prevent this from happening with his latest love-interest—a sexy young woman named Fanfan (Sophie Marceau)—he decides that platonic love is the solution. Despite the wonderful, romantic, and inventive ways Alexandre finds for them to spend time together, Fanfan is left disappointed by his refusal to make love to her. Their exciting relationship becomes jeopardized by Alexandre's unwillingness to change his new approach to love.

  • Alexandre Jardin

  • Alexandre Jardin

Release Date: 1993-06-16
themoviedb icon 6.3/10
  • Language: Français
  • Runtime: 89
Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marcea...
Vincent Perez
Vincent Perez
Marine Delterme
Marine Delter...
Gérard Séty
Gérard Séty
Bruno Todeschini
Bruno Todesch...
Arielle Sémenoff
Arielle Sémen...
La mère de Laure
Marcel Maréchal
Marcel Maréch...
Le père de Fanfan
Gérard Caillaud
Gérard Cailla...
Le père de Laure
Micheline Presle
Micheline Pre...
Jean-Marie Cornille
Jean-Marie Co...
Le propriétaire
Maxime Lombard
Maxime Lombar...
Mathilde Vitry
Mathilde Vitr...
La femme du propriétaire
Patrick Aubrée
Patrick Aubré...
Le président
Pierre Gérald
Pierre Gérald
Le vieux monsieur
Thierry Lhermitte
Thierry Lherm...
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