Watch The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) Online!
Cousins Bo and Luke Duke and their car "General Lee", assisted by Cousin Daisy and Uncle Jesse, have a running battle with the authorities of Hazzard County (Boss Hogg and Sheriff Coltrane), plus a string of ne'er-do-wells often backed by the scheming Hogg.
Episode 1 - Carnival Of Thrills (1)
Release Date: 1980-09-16When the Dukes attend a stunt show called "Carnival of Thrills," the star of the show is injured while trying to jump a car over 32 parked cars. Looking for a new star, carnival owner Diane Benson offers Bo the job. While Diane seduces a lovestruck Bo with her charms; Luke, Daisy and Uncle Jesse suspect something is amiss. Their fears are confirmed when an insurance investigator reveals that the earlier stunt show mishap—-along with several others—-was no accident. Luke tries to convince Bo of his findings, but Bo does not listen. This leads to a huge fight that results in Bo leaving the Duke farm, threatening further repercussions on the Duke family. Meanwhile, Boss Hogg can foreclose on the "Carnival of Thrills" if Diane can't pay back a loan she makes for use of the Hazzard County fairgrounds. Furthermore, Rosco manages to impound the General Lee for a taillight he busted; and, in an attempt to keep Bo from taking the stunt job, Luke allows the impounding to happen.
Episode 2 - Carnival Of Thrills (2)
Release Date: 1980-09-16When the Dukes attend a stunt show called "Carnival of Thrills," the star of the show is injured while trying to jump a car over 32 parked cars. Looking for a new star, carnival owner Diane Benson offers Bo the job. While Diane seduces a lovestruck Bo with her charms; Luke, Daisy and Uncle Jesse suspect something is amiss. Their fears are confirmed when an insurance investigator reveals that the earlier stunt show mishap—-along with several others—-was no accident. Luke tries to convince Bo of his findings, but Bo does not listen. This leads to a huge fight that results in Bo leaving the Duke farm, threatening further repercussions on the Duke family. Meanwhile, Boss Hogg can foreclose on the "Carnival of Thrills" if Diane can't pay back a loan she makes for use of the Hazzard County fairgrounds. Furthermore, Rosco manages to impound the General Lee for a taillight he busted; and, in an attempt to keep Bo from taking the stunt job, Luke allows the impounding to happen.
Episode 3 - Enos Strate to the Top
Release Date: 1980-11-05When taking pictures of Uncle Jesse in front of a bank in Atlanta, Daisy inadvertently gets two bank robbers in the shot who kidnap her in exchange for the photographs. Meanwhile, Enos defies Rosco's orders, helping Bo and Luke rescue Daisy and captures the bank robbers in the process. Enos is then offered a job with the Los Angeles Police Department.
Episode 4 - The Hazzardville Horror
Release Date: 1980-11-07A father and son criminal duo steal Boss' silver from the Boar's Nest and hide out in a house owned by Hezechiah Pringle, which he left to his niece, Mary Lou Pringle. When Mary Lou returns to Hazzard to sell the house, the crooks try to scare her off by staging a series of paranormal events. She turns to Bo and Luke for help, who are on the run from Rosco because Boss is convinced they are the silver thieves and therefore ordered Rosco to arrest them for the theft.
Episode 5 - And In This Corner, Luke Duke
Release Date: 1980-11-14After Luke broke an expensive mirror of Boss Hogg's, Jesse may be forced to sell the farm to pay for it unless Luke fights Catfish Lee, managed by a crooked promoter, in a boxing match.
Episode 6 - The Late J.D. Hogg
Release Date: 1980-11-21Boss manages to foreclose on the Duke farm unfair and square, no thanks to his idiot cousin, Deputy Cletus Hogg. Also, he has them arrested unfair and square on a federal charge. But Boss gets news from his physician that he supposedly has some type of terminal illness that gives him only two weeks to live. The only way to save him from the devil is to revert all of his bad deeds and perform good ones until his time comes. However, Boss Hogg's doctor receives a report that his diagnosis of Boss' condition was done in error, and Boss is healthy after all. Boss is then pleased at the correct results, but becomes devastated when he realizes that the good deeds he has already done cannot be reversed again.
Episode 7 - Uncle Boss
Release Date: 1980-11-28Boss Hogg unleashes his "secret weapon" against the Dukes: his college-educated nephew Hughie Hogg (Jeff Altman), who comes to Hazzard with some dirty tricks and schemes to frame Bo and Luke into prison.
Episode 8 - Baa, Baa White Sheep
Release Date: 1980-12-05Boss Hogg's honest, rich twin brother Abraham Lincoln Hogg (Sorrell Booke in a dual role) has come to Hazzard for the reading of their great aunt's will, which entitles a piece of land to both him and Boss. But Boss had Abe declared legally dead years ago and sold the land.
Episode 9 - Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane
Release Date: 1980-12-12After meeting a woman through a computer dating service, Rosco plans to get married. Boss plans for him to invite everyone in town to his wedding--except the Dukes. This makes them the only possible suspects for the bank robbery he's arranging to take place during the ceremony. But Boss is unaware that Rosco's supposed fiancé and her gang are planning a robbery of their own.
Episode 10 - The Great Santa Claus Chase
Release Date: 1980-12-19In the series' only Christmas-themed episode; Boss, who is in an Ebenezer Scrooge-like mood throughout this episode, hires a trio of criminals to hijack the Dukes' Christmas tree shipment, then pin the blame on the Dukes. The scheme involves two of the bad guys stealing the trees from Bo and Luke at gunpoint, then the third associate disguised as a clergyman giving the Duke boys a lift into town, and then telling them they forgot "their" $500 down payment on the trees. While Uncle Jesse and Daisy set out to clear their family's name, the criminals plot to double-cross Boss by taking more than their payment due on the trees, breaking into the safe while each one is dressed as Santa Claus. Meanwhile, Bo and Luke, with some help from Cooter, decide to take back the trees and have a little fun confusing Rosco and Cletus while delivering the trees dressed as Santa Clauses. In the end, the episode takes a turn toward forgiveness and fellowship as the Dukes and Cooter invite Rosco and Cletus to their Christmas Eve gathering. Boss comes in later, reformed after having read Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."
Episode 11 - Good Neighbors, Duke
Release Date: 1981-01-02While being chased by Rosco, Bo and Luke crash into a piece of land believed not owned by anyone. They soon find out they are wrong, and make friends with the new citizens of Hazzard, the Bensons. But Luke soon finds out that they're being followed by bounty hunters out to get some kind of document which holds a secret to the Bensons' past.
Episode 12 - State of the County
Release Date: 1981-01-09Boss Hogg's rival uses a good-looking stranger to come into Hazzard and bomb the Boar's Nest. Daisy falls for the stranger, and is soon kidnapped by him.
Episode 13 - The Legacy
Release Date: 1981-01-16A recently widowed old flame of Jesse's returns to Hazzard to claim an old debt owing to her late husband by Boss Hogg, but he refuses it. So she finds a legacy that the Dukes find in a mine under their property containing nine full barrels of shine.
Episode 14 - Duke vs. Duke
Release Date: 1981-01-23Hazzard's annual Hazzard Derby is on. While Cooter is injured trying to help the Dukes, Luke must race in Cooter's car while Bo is in the General Lee. However, all the entrants who signed the contracts didn't see the fine print that every loser will have to give up their cars to Boss Hogg. Rosco's car can't lose with a tank of nitrous oxide in the engine. With a sure win, Boss bets with a big time Chickasaw bookie, Ma Harper.
Episode 15 - My Son, Bo Hogg
Release Date: 1981-01-30When Bo suffers a bump on the head in an auto accident, he begins to suffer from temporary amnesia. Boss Hogg uses this to his advantage, telling Bo that he is his long-lost son, "Bo Hogg." After turning Bo against his family by this brainwashing, Boss asks him to drive a shipment to Chickasaw County. Boss fails to tell him that it is moonshine he is to deliver to C.V. Gumble in Chickasaw County for ten times the going rate. However, when an armored truck driver alerts Chickasaw County Sheriff "Big" Ed Little (Don Pedro Colley), Luke and Daisy try to rescue Bo before he is captured and his probation is revoked; but when Daisy and Luke pull Bo over, the proverbial gloves come off.
Episode 16 - To Catch a Duke
Release Date: 1981-02-06A pair of jewel thieves comes through Hazzard County and while confronted by Boss and Rosco, they make a getaway in the General Lee. This makes Boss think Bo and Luke are a part of the gang. Also, when the loot is found in Rosco's patrol car by his dog Flash, Rosco is fired when Boss thinks he's in on it, too.
Episode 17 - Along Came a Duke
Release Date: 1981-02-13The Dukes' cousin, Jeb Stuart Duke, comes to Hazzard on a motorcycle from Chickasaw County and helps Bo and Luke catch the bad guys.
Episode 18 - By-Line Daisy Duke
Release Date: 1981-02-20Daisy wants to become a newspaper reporter, and to do that she decides to write a story about how Boss Hogg bought stolen tractors.
Episode 19 - The Return of Hughie Hogg
Release Date: 1981-03-06Hughie Hogg is back in town! He coaxes Bo and Luke into joining the Hazzard County Fire Department (so he can sneak shine in to the Duke farm). Rosco catches the Dukes with shine, and they get away. It's one big scheme to get the Duke boys in jail, but in the end Hughie's plan is ruined, and Boss Hogg is really mad!
Episode 20 - Bye, Bye Boss
Release Date: 1981-03-13While on the way to the Boar's Nest, Bo and Luke are ambushed by an escaped prisoner, who steals the General Lee and plans to hunt down Boss Hogg. Later, Boss finds out that the prisoner is an old foe who is set out to get revenge on Boss
Episode 21 - The Great Hazzard Hijack
Release Date: 1981-03-27Three good friends of the Dukes come to Hazzard after Bo and Luke find a bag of $1 million in a river.
Episode 22 - The Hack of Hazzard
Release Date: 1981-04-03While she's away, Bo and Luke run a taxicab service owned by Miz Tisdale, and their first customers are two men with a special briefcase. After arriving at their destination, the two men leave a stolen gold certificate in the back seat of the cab and try to retrieve it without getting caught. Boss Hogg, meanwhile, wants to make sure the briefcase is still in the cab when federal authorities arrive--the main goal (of course) being to implicate Bo and Luke.
Episode 23 - The Canterbury Crock
Release Date: 1981-04-10An old widow sells the Dukes a "worthless" vase for $25. A man comes to the widow after the Dukes leave, looking for the vase which turns out to be of some very good value!