Watch The Animals of Farthing Wood (1993) Online!
The Animals of Farthing Wood is an animated series created by the European Broadcasting Union between 1992 and 1995 and based on the series of books written by Colin Dann. It was produced by Telemagination, based in London, and La Fabrique, based in Montpellier in France, but also aired in other European countries. The first countries to air the series were Germany and the United Kingdom, in January 1993.
- Jenny McDade
- Gordon Harrison
- Jean-François Laguionie
Episode 1 - Comings And Goings
Release Date: 1995-09-28Many of the Animals have had children and even grandchildren. Fox's Grandson Plucky wanted a race with Dash. Weasel is going to have children which Weasel was not happy about. In another part of White Deer Park, The Great White Stag takes a drink from the stream and unexpectedly Perishes. Whistler who was flying around White Deer Park had found out and he alerted Fox and the other animals. Fox had Figured out that a bad tempered Deer named Trey would take his place. Owl had flown away to go look for a Mate. Meanwhile, a Plague of Rats head towards the Great White Stag's Dead Body lead by a big white Rat named Bully. Else Where, When Plucky and Dash take a Drink at a Pond, They get encountered by Trey and he tells them that it's his pond he will only let Non-Deer drink from it. The Rats had been watching and they were about to Capture Mossy until Measly scared them away. The Weasels had a great chase from Trey from that screaming who prevents screaming happening in White Deer Park. Weasel had decided for she and Measly to leave White Deer Park. Meanwhile Shadow the Badger arrives at White Deer Park with a mate named Hurkel and a Snake named Sinuous who mates Adder and some Voles arrive at the Park as well.
Episode 2 - Out and About
Release Date: 1995-10-05Owl leaves the park in search of a mate and the Weasel family have left to start a new life else where. Plucky and Dash race again, while Trey harasses the other Farthing Wood animals. Meanwhile, Bully and his rats begin to build their numbers.
Episode 3 - Water, Water
Release Date: 1995-10-12Water becomes an issue for the Animals of White Deer Park. Shadow and Hurkel arrive at the park only to see that the only water source Trey will allow the animals to drink from has been poisoned. That was the stream that The Great White Stag perished from. Meanwhile outside White Deer Park, Owl encounters a Rook named Moth eaten Rook who wants to talk to her. However Owl flies away with the Rook following her.
Episode 4 - The Missing Fox's Friend
Release Date: 1995-10-19While the number of Bully's rats continues to grow, so does the number of missing animals. When Dash sees Plucky being taken away in a cage to a truck, she decides to follow the truck only to be shut out of a mysterious human establishment surrounded by high walls and spike-top gates. Meanwhile, the Weasels to stay at a farm but the animals wouldn't let them stay. They gain a new Protector who is Rollo the Sheep Dog.
Episode 5 - Tiffs And Tempers
Release Date: 1995-10-26Weasel and Measley find a seemingly nice burrow for them to live when they discover it is being occupied by vicious wildcats. Their loyal "weasel dog" Rollo comes to their rescue. Meanwhile, Fox confronts Trey and tells him that he'll either come to hell or high water, Trey will respect the other animals of the park and he will step down as leader if one of the stags can fight against him for Leadership. Also Ranger, Charmer, and Whisper confront Bully for the first time and he makes his intentions clear. Charmer manages to kill one Rat. His name gets mentioned as Scragg.
Episode 6 - Adventure For The Birds
Release Date: 1995-11-02The weasel family are still looking for another home away from White Deer Park. While the rest of the Farthing animals are still trying to find out where the missing animals are. It is up to Whistler to solve it. He follows the truck to a walled-in nature reserve. When Plucky finds him, he tells him that the place is a new sanctuary. Although it's a nice place, many of the animals were separated from their families. Meanwhile Owl is still trying to escape the moth-eaten Rook, who says he loves her, but gets into trouble when she hides in a house.
Episode 7 - The Long-Tailed Visitor
Release Date: 1995-11-09Awoken by roaring the animals slowly gather to watch as Trey fights with another stag to become leader of the herd. They hope that Trey loses as any other stag would probably treat them better but he doesn't. While Fox is alone sleeping Bully and his rats pay him a visit and threaten his life while telling him that he should leave along with the Farthing animals. Fox refuses saying they'll continue to fight them, surrounded by rats he fears the worst until they run away when they spot a badger on its way. Hurkel arrives to ask Fox if he wants to watch the stags fighting but when he smells rats in his earth Fox tells him to get Ranger to assemble all the foxes and Adder and Sinuous - they are going to attack the rat's headquarters. They ask Spike where the headquarters are but he denies he knows where it is, luckily a hare tells them. When the animals return after a night of fighting, Dash believes they were chased by hunters and beagles until told it was through fighting rats. An exhau
Episode 8 - Scared Silly By Snakes
Release Date: 1995-11-16The two snakes find their way to Bully's nest after speaking to a rat with a feeling of impending doom. However Bully manages to escape leaving Adder and Sinuous frantically racing through tunnels with overwhelming numbers of rats looking for a way out. Adder reaches the surface but Sinuous turns the wrong way and ends up trapped underground. Toad tells Fox about the dwindling Frog numbers due to the rats eating them and Fox agrees to get the foxes to stand guard around the pond. Whistler informs Plucky about the events happening in White Deer Park and how they need his help to fight the rats. When the gates to the new reserve open to let out a van Plucky takes his chance to escape and jumps into the back of the van. However it goes the wrong way, but it is forced to stop when sheep block its path. Plucky jumps out and races back to White Deer Park. Meanwhile Owl is devastated when Hollow tells her about the pretty young owl he intends to become his mate once mature. Owl refuses
Episode 9 - A Bigger Oink
Release Date: 1995-11-23The animals in White Deer Park are still trying to deal with the army of rats and try to make the Warden aware of the problem. Meanwhile the weasels and the piglet come across a copse with a grumpy Wild Boar living there. Bully forms a task force to hunt down and kill the snakes. They find Sinuous, thinking it's Adder and kill him. Hurkel and Shadow try to comfort Adder as Bully slinks away unnoticed.
Episode 10 - The Mole Game
Release Date: 1995-11-30Toad and Spike invent a game called "The Mole Game" They have to guess where Mossy the Mole will come up. Ranger ends up winning when Charmer asks what Toad and Spike are doing, which quite makes his day. Adder has vowed to kill as many rats as she can to avenge her mate's death. Owl is still imprisoned in her Jacket of building cement, a few other fellow flappers (A Robin, A Green Woodpecker, A Rook, and another female owl) decide to try and break the cement by shoving her off the branch, but the plan fails, she is off the branch and still in the cement (It made her feel very Slow and Heavy). Toad and Spike continue playing their game, but soon become surrounded by Bully and his rat army, Spike's cover is blown when he responds to Bully's Call of "Who am I" With a "Bully Bully Bully" complete with salute! Toad tries to escape, but ends up captured. Mossy has rushed to get help, only to find Dash. Dash goes and gets some White Deer to chase her, they stampede over the rats, squashing nearly every one. Spike feels awful for his behaviour, but is relieved when Toad is found alive at the pond, and Toad fully forgives him when Spike promises to fight like a Terrier the next time it happens. Spike was kicked out of the rat plague.
Episode 11 - The Worst Kind of Hurricane
Release Date: 1995-12-07As Mossy predicted, a hurricane come to the area around White Deer Park. The fierce winds knock over the last Farthing Wood beech tree and release Owl from her cement shell. After the hurricane ends, Rollo and the Warden find Shadow unconscious and take her to the cottage. Fox discovers Trey pinned under a tree. Another stag, Laird, comes to free Trey and readies to challenge him to a fight for leadership. Because of his injury, Trey reluctantly limps away abdicating his power to Laird. Afterwards, he is taken away by the Warden. Measley declares that he will take no more of Weasel's insults and decides to take their young ones back to White Deer Park. Weasel agrees wholeheartedly.
Episode 12 - Homeward Bound
Release Date: 1995-12-14When the weasels return home, all the animals are overrun with joy. Fox explains their problem with the rats to the weasels and asks for their help. They agree, but first they must train Fido and Cleo on how to deal with rats ... using Spike as a volunteer. Mossy tells Hurkel that he found Shadow in a hutch by the Warden's cottage. While Hurkel and the weasels try to get her out, the Warden's cat summons Rollo to get rid of them. Of course, he recognizes his weasel friends and is very happy to see them. Meanwhile, after a few fights for leadership of the herd, the white deer and Farthing animals name Laird as the new leader of White Deer Park. Elsewhere, the rats, at their largest number yet, prepare to launch a massed attack on the animals of the park.
Episode 13 - Bully-Bully-Bully
Release Date: 1995-12-21Owl and Hollow return to White Deer Park just in time to overhear Bully addressing an assembly of his rats. She goes to gather the other animals and they plan to counterattack. Plucky sends Mossy to find Laird so he can send the white deer to stampede the rats. But despite their best efforts, the rats are still too numerous. There seems to be no chance of stopping them, until Cleo bites off Bully's tail. All the animals, including the rats begin to laugh at Bully and he skulks off to the sewers where he came from. After the battle was won, the other rats apart from Spike returned to where they were before they came to the park and Fox calls an assembly to announce that he has decided to step down as leader of Farthing Land. He places Plucky in charge despite slight protest from Ranger. Trey returns to inform the animals that the Warden has merged White Deer Park with the new sanctuary to make one large wildlife preserve. He announces that with so much more space, he has decided to lose his brutish disposition, though he is still not fond of weasels. As Fox and Trey walk away together, Plucky decides that after a hard day's fighting, everyone should rest and explore the new addition to White Deer Park the next day.