Watch BoJack Horseman (2014) Online!
Meet the most beloved sitcom horse of the '90s , 20 years later. He's a curmudgeon with a heart of...not quite gold...but something like gold. Copper?
Pinky Penguin (voice)
BoJack Horseman / Butterscotch Horseman (voice)
Todd Chavez / AA Bird / Donkey Kid / Skippy (voice)
Dr. Allen Hu (voice)
Lennie Turtletaub (voice)
Additional Voices (voice)
Angela Diaz (voice)
Diane Nguyen / Vincent Adultman / Kevin / Samantha The Food Critic / Olivia / Joelle Clark / Otter / Cow Waitress / Sarah Lynn's Assistant / Ship Co-Captain / Golden Snowflake Announcer / Nurse / Waitress / Cow Waitress / Announcer (voice)
Princess Carolyn / Sharona (voice)
Mr. Peanutbutter / Marv / Virgil Van Cleef / Prescott / Andrew Garfield / Sandro / Dog Valet / Underwater Man / Concerned Man / Janitor / Bartholomew Scagsworth / Sloth Lawyer / Blimp Co-Pilot / Abortion Doctor / George Tickle / Giant Chocolate Oscar Guy
Character Actress Margo Martindale (voice)
Additional Voices (voice)
Artie (voice)
Officer Meow-Meow Fuzzyface (voice)
Cartel Man (voice)
Beatrice Horseman (voice)
Pedestrian / Beyoncé (voice)
Diane's Mother (voice)
Wayne (voice)
Sextina Aquafina / Sarah Lynn's Mother (voice)
Additional Voices (voice)
Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack
Sitcom Writer / Sharona (voice)
Tom Jumbo-Grumbo (voice)
Ira Glass (voice)
Zoë / Zelda (voice)
Quentin Tarantulino (voice)
Bubbles / Tina (voice)
Roxie (voice)
Clemelia Bloodsworth (voice)
Ethan / Guy Who Thinks Ghostwriters Write For Ghosts (voice)
Pickles Aplenty (voice)
Sir Mix-a-Lot (voice)
Pickles Aplenty / Melinda Golightlier (voice)
Police Chief / Farmer's Wife (voice)
J.D. Salinger (voice)
Zach Braff (voice)
Airport Worker (voice)
Elefino Customer (voice)
Vert / Baseball Announcer (voice)
Becca (voice)
Captain Peanutbutter (voice)
Ilana #1 / Ilana #2 / Demi Aplenty (voice)
Gregory Hsung (voice)
David Chase (voice)
Vietnamese Mother / Pangolin Cashier / Crane at Americrane Airlines (voice)
Danny Bananas (voice)
C.E.O. (voice)
Yancy Charlemagne / Pastiches Receptionist (voice)