Watch Iris, The Happy Professor (2025) Online!
Iris, The Happy Professor or was a Canadian-produced television puppet show that ran from 1992 to 1994, revolving around Professor Iris, a purple ibis who taught his class, which included his three students; Piano, Skeleton, and Plant. The Professor would teach a variety of subjects to his students and would always wear bowties based on whatever the lesson was, not unlike Ms. Frizzle and her dresses from The Magic School Bus. Also featured on the show was Ms. Principal, the school's headmistress who would often come in, complaining about the noises.
Episode 1 - Space
Release Date:Skeleton boards a rocket for a journey to the moon and the outer planets.
Episode 2 - Musical Instruments
Release Date:Ms. Principal coaxes everyone to form a band for an upcoming competition.
Episode 3 - Snow
Release Date:The classroom window id not closed, allowing a snow drift to clutter everything. It doesn't stop Professor Iris and the class from their lesson on snow.
Episode 4 - Fish
Release Date:Ms. Principal brings a goldfish to the classroom. Iris and the class try to cheer it up.
Episode 5 - Dancing
Release Date:Professor Iris is in a dancing mood, and so is Ms. Principal. Only Skeleton seems to go against the flow.
Episode 6 - Cats
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Episode 7 - Wind
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Episode 8 - Presussion Instruments
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Episode 9 - I Feel Sick
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Episode 10 - Olympic Games
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Episode 11 - Castles
Release Date:Ms. Principal appears to be trapped in a castle turret, and it's up to Professor Iris and his class to try and rescue her.
Episode 12 - Water
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Episode 13 - When I Grow Up
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Episode 14 - Cold Places
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Episode 15 - Rivers
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Episode 16 - Shoes
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Episode 17 - Friendship
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Episode 18 - Dinosaurs
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Episode 19 - I'm Scared
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Episode 20 - Games
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Episode 21 - Dreams
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Episode 22 - I Can Count
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Episode 23 - Hot Places
Release Date:The school's heating system has broken down, forcing everyone to bundle up. On top of that, Ms. Principal has a cold. Professor Iris whisks here to his magic chalkboard to experience the desert.
Episode 24 - Turtles
Release Date:Skeleton can't fathom that a turtle could beat a hare in a race. Professor Iris whisks the entire class into the turtle's environment, where a turtle races Skeleton dressed as a hare.
Episode 25 - Garbage
Release Date:Skeleton's ""little snack"" grew to four times what he really ate and about eight times the amount of garbage he thought he'd produce. With the classroom a mess, Professor Iris puts Skeleton on the job as a garbage collector.
Episode 26 - Boats
Release Date:Ms. Principal has found what appears to be a treasure map. Thus Skeleton and Plant board a boat, where Professor Iris holds his lesson.