Watch Love Monster (2020) Online!
This animated series follows the colourful and funny adventures of lovable hairy hero Love Monster as he searches for the right thing to do in a world in which he is one of a kind.
- Rachel Bright
- Chapman Maddox
- Sindy Boveda-Spackman
Episode 1 - Hot Chocolate Day
Release Date: 2020-09-21Delivery Duckling arrives and tells Love Monster he has been chosen to be sipping host at a special Hot Chocolate Day ceremony.
Episode 2 - Harvest Day
Release Date: 2020-09-22Love Monster has been chosen as the prize-picker at the Harvest Day contest, but when he gets there it turns out there is only one prize and three teams.
Episode 3 - Kite Day
Release Date: 2020-09-23Elder Panda is teaching Love Monster to fly a kite. Love Monster loves to watch it swish around in the air. Elder Panda goes off to get some froyo, which is perfect on Kite Day. Before he goes, he tells Love Monster that soon it will be time for him to go on to his next kiting challenge.
Episode 4 - Sleepover Night
Release Date: 2020-09-24Love Monster is having his first ever sleepover night with Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny in a tent in his garden, and to make it extra special, he buys a snooze cloud pillow, which has double the bounce and triple the comfort.
Episode 5 - Fluffytown Rocks Day
Release Date: 2020-09-25Love Monster is practising a very complicated DJ spin, but he can’t get it right.
Episode 6 - Red Envelope Day
Release Date: 2020-09-28Love Monster is carefully putting the finishing touches to a set of cards that he is going to send out for Red Envelope Day.
Episode 7 - Tidy Up Day
Release Date: 2020-09-29It’s Tidy Up Day, so everyone in Fluffytown is tidying things. Love Monster helps Book Cub to clean up the forest, and as he does so, finds several items that would make great souvenirs. These include a bunny-shaped rock, a cloud-shaped leaf and a heart-shaped stone. But he doesn't notice that each time he take a souvenir, it disturbs a forest creature that was using it. Once he finally realises this, he and Book Cub work together to put all of the treasures back in their rightful places.
Episode 8 - Ha Ha Ha Day
Release Date: 2020-09-30Love Monster visits Dr Piggles on Ha Ha Ha Day, only to find that his friend has the hiccups and is unable to make his patients laugh. Dr Piggles asks Love Monster if he can fill in for him while he rests, assuring him that he'll be right there to help out. But when the hiccups get worse, he has to lock himself in the back room, and Love Monster must find ways to make all the patients laugh by himself.
Episode 9 - Befriend a Bug Day
Release Date: 2020-10-01It's Befriend a Bug Day, but Love Monster keeps accidentally annoying or scaring the bugs in his garden. When Elder Kitten reminds him that he is DJing at the Befriend a Bug party later, he starts practising his beatboxing. He notices some caterpillars on a nearby branch dancing to the music, but when he tries to approach them, they get frightened and curl up.
Episode 10 - Frozen Fun Day
Release Date: 2020-10-02It’s Frozen Fun Day, and Love Monster is having trouble learning to ice-skate. He asks Elder Kitten, who is much better at it, to teach him. Elder Kitten agrees to show him how and tells him that the trick is to get back up after falling. Despite falling over again and again, Love Monster gradually gets better - but how will he do in the big show?
Episode 11 - Make Something Epic Day
Release Date: 2020-10-05It’s Make Something Epic Day, and Love Monster knows exactly what he is going to make. In a fantasy, he imagines standing at the top of an epic fort in the forest while his friends come to play with him. Out of the fantasy, Love Monster gets to work on a building using rocks, twigs and wood from the forest. But when he has finished building, the fort that he has made isn’t epic at all. It’s just a pile of rocks, twigs and wood. He realises that this might be a bigger job than he thought.
Episode 12 - Do Something New Day
Release Date: 2020-10-06Love Monster is finding it hard to think of something new to do on Do Something New Day, so he heads to Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny’s house to see if she has any ideas.
Episode 13 - Challenge Yourself Day
Release Date: 2020-10-07Love Monster is excited to start a Challenge Yourself Day adventure with his friends. He’s planned a mountain hike with a special sunset surprise for them at the peak. At the base of the mountain, Love Monster hands out equipment to Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny, Bad Idea Puppy and Book Cub. But when he tries to talk through his plan and warm-up, his friends play with their equipment and have fun doing their own exercises. A little frustrated, Love Monster blows his whistle to get their attention and says it’s time to start climbing.
Episode 14 - Super Sound Day
Release Date: 2020-10-08Love Monster heads out to meet up with Book Cub, who has a special Super Sound Day surprise for him. Before he meets her, he hears a buzzing bee and has fun beatboxing to it.
Episode 15 - Lost Things Day
Release Date: 2020-10-09Love Monster arrives at the Lost Things Office, ready to help Elder Bunny try and reunite the citizens of Fluffytown with possessions they might have lost.
Episode 16 - Frosty Frolics Day
Release Date: 2020-12-07It’s Frosty Frolics Day, and Love Monster plans to spend it with Bad Idea Puppy and his cousin Good Idea Puppy, who has come to visit. Love Monster thinks that since Good Idea Puppy is the guest, she should choose which activity they do first. She decides that they should start with the ice slide. Love Monster and Good Idea Puppy go together and have a great time, but Bad Idea Puppy has to go on his own and struggles to slide down.
Episode 17 - Day After Woo Hoo Day
Release Date: 2021-01-01A half-asleep Love Monster exits his house and walks towards the green, passing snoozing citizens on the way. He notices that the whole of the green is covered with litter and snoring Fluffytowners. Love Monster remembers that yesterday was Woo Hoo Day and the whole of Fluffytown had a big party - which makes today the Day After Woo Hoo Day.
Episode 18 - Invent Something New Day
Release Date: 2021-03-15Love Monster and his teammate Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny are excited to be entering the Invent Something New Day contest at the recycling shed.
Episode 19 - Mooncake Day
Release Date: 2021-03-15It’s the morning of the Mooncake Day festival. Love Monster announces to everyone that he is going to make an enormous, record-breaking, strawberry moon cake for the finale, which will take place at his house later. The festival begins, and Love Monster borrows a recipe book from Book Cub on how to make moon cakes. Love Monster reads the list of ingredients; he’ll need eggs, butter, flour and strawberries. Book Cub reminds him that big moon cakes take a little longer to make, but they are worth the extra work.
Episode 20 - Starring Role Day
Release Date: 2021-03-15It’s Put on a Play Day, and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny and Bad Idea Puppy are both hoping that they are picked for the starring role in a play called The Mystery Package. Love Monster doesn’t know which role he would like. When Elder Kitten announces that this year he would like to play a tree, Love Monster is given the role of the director.
Episode 21 - Pool Party Day
Release Date: 2021-03-15Love Monster is finishing the preparations for his pool party when he notices a very small leak in his inflatable pool. As Love Monster inspects the leak, Bad Idea Puppy, Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny and Delivery Duckling arrive ready for the party. Love Monster thinks he could tape the leak up quickly but doesn’t want to miss out on the fun with his friends, so he leaves it.
Episode 22 - Spectacular Sparkly Night
Release Date: 2021-03-15Love Monster is playing a quiet game of checkers with Monster Teddy when a firework makes a loud bang outside and startles him. Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny and Bad Idea Puppy arrive and check if he is okay. Love Monster asks what the noise was, and his friends explain that it was a firework, ahead of the Spectacular Sparkly Night show that evening. Love Monster really wants to see the amazing fireworks with his friends, but he doesn’t like being scared by the loud noises.
Episode 23 - In a Spin Day
Release Date: 2021-03-22Love Monster has agreed to teach Bad Idea Puppy how to DJ for the In a Spin Day opening ceremony. He starts by trying to teach him the beginning of his In a Spin Day song. The song is composed by pressing a series of buttons in a particular order, which Love Monster slowly demonstrates. But when it’s Bad Idea Puppy’s turn, he forgets the order and hits other random buttons, causing the song to go super-fast or super-loud. Not how Love Monster wants it to be.
Episode 24 - Dress Up Day
Release Date: 2021-03-22It’s Dress Up Day in Fluffytown, and Love Monster is excited to show off his Music Monster superhero costume. It’s a superhero character that he has invented, and his superpower is his beatboxing, which makes villains run away.
Episode 25 - Very Dark Night
Release Date: 2021-03-22It’s the darkest night of the year, so Love Monster plans on getting cosy in bed. He turns the light off but jumps when he hears a hooting noise from outside. He looks out of the window and chuckles when he sees that it’s just Nighty-Night Owl on her bedtime walk. Love Monster looks at the dark room apprehensively and turns on his bedroom light, saying maybe he and Monster Teddy can sleep with the light on. He gets into bed but struggles to fall asleep with the bright light above him.
Episode 26 - Super Fun Day
Release Date: 2021-03-22Love Monster goes about his morning routine of making breakfast, but nothing goes right for him – he stubs his toe, spills his cereal, runs out of milk and his toaster malfunctions. On the radio, Elder Kitten announces that today is Super Fun Day, a day where Fluffytowners are encouraged to have their most-super-fun-day ever. Love Monster grumbles to himself that Super Fun Day is not super-fun so far.
Episode 27 - Movie Night
Release Date: 2021-03-22Love Monster and Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny are at Love Monster’s house, excitedly preparing for Fluffytown’s Movie Night. Love Monster has made a huge bag of popcorn to share and is also bringing the new Hero Bunzino movie for everyone to watch. Tiniest Fluffiest Bunny and her cousin Eager Beaver have even dressed up as Hero Bunzino for the occasion! They head out, but when Love Monster tries to carry the huge bag of popcorn out, it gets stuck in his doorway. He gives it a big push, which causes some popcorn to spill out and cover Eager Beaver, who captures the whole thing on her new movie camera.