Watch Time Belt (2003) Online!
Time Belt is a science fiction/comedy series created by Chris Tallman that ran from 2003-2004 on Channel 101. The series followed the adventures of Dr. Bloom, a nerdy scientist who, after his girlfriend is killed in a lunar shuttle explosion, creates a belt that allows the wearer to travel through time. With intentionally poor production values, the series served as one of Channel 101's many homages to low-budget science fiction films.
Episode 1 - Just a Theory
Release Date: 2003-06-30Dr. Daniel Bloom and Dr. Sara Becker are scientists developing an experimental form of time travel-- the Time Belt. When disaster strikes, and Sara is killed, Dr. Bloom acts without thinking in a desperate attempt to save his lost love.
Episode 2 - Got Any Micro-Transistors?
Release Date: 2003-07-28Flung far into the future, Dr. Bloom finds himself face to face with Garrett , an evil cyborg. Things go from bad to worse when a sinister stranger appears, wearing a Time Belt of his own.
Episode 3 - Hitler!
Release Date: 2003-08-25Dr. Bloom is in Nazi Germany and Hitler has the Time Belt. The good doctor must battle past Nazi girls and laser eyes to save Anne Frank and continue his rescue mission.
Episode 4 - Can I Tell You A Story?
Release Date: 2003-09-29Dr. Bloom awakens safe at home, with his wife and son at his side. His journey is over...or is it?
Episode 5 - Oh. Shit. Zombies.
Release Date: 2003-10-26When the world is overrun by the living dead, Dr. Bloom must join forces with the last woman alive on a suicide mission to retrieve the Time Belt.
Episode 6 - Computerman... Kill Dr. Bloom!
Release Date: 2004-01-25Things are already tense between Dr. Bloom, Eugene, and Computerman when Montague arrives. Initiate fight sequence.
Episode 7 - ...At the Table of the Gods
Release Date: 2004-03-01Dr. Bloom lands at the beginning of time-- in the middle of a fight to the death between bloodthirsty dinosaurs and savage Amazons. Without the Time Belt, will he ever see Sara again?
Episode 8 - Finally.
Release Date: 2004-03-29Dr. Bloom learns that the Time Belt has thrown the world into chaos. He must return to where it all began and make a choice: Will he sacrifice Sara in order to save the world?