Watch Magi (2012) Online!
This story is about the flow of fate and the battle to keep the world on the right path. Aladdin is a boy who has set out to explore the world after being trapped in a room for most of his life. His best friend is a flute with a djinn in it named Ugo. Soon enough, Aladdin discovers he is a Magi, a magician who chooses kings, and he was born to choose kings who will follow the righteous path, battling against those who want to destroy fate. Follow his adventures as he meets others from 1001 Arabian Nights, like Ali Baba and Sinbad, and fights to keep the balance of world in check!
- Shinobu Ohtaka
- Hiroyuki Yoshino
- Shinobu Otaka
Episode 1 - Premonition of a Journey
Release Date: 2013-10-06Citizens of Sindria hold a festival, celebrating their victory. Prince Hakuryu is preparing to leave Sindria. Sinbad tells Aladdin about the other magis. Princess Dunya refuses to speak to anyone except Aladdin. Dunya is affected by the Dark Metal Vessel.
Episode 2 - Departure
Release Date: 2013-10-13Aladdin decides to go on a journey on his own to study magic at the Magnostadt Academy. Sinbad takes on Kogyoku as his sparring partner. Hakuryu wants Sinbad to assist him in destroying the Kou Empire. Hakuryu and Morgiana tell each other their stories.
Episode 3 - Setting Sail
Release Date: 2013-10-20Sinbad and the Eight Generals say their farewells to Aladdin, Morgiana and Hakuryu before they set off on a journey on a ship. Hakuryu seems to have feelings for Morgiana. Do they know that Alibaba is on the same ship as them?
Episode 4 - Pirates
Release Date: 2013-10-27The pirates, led by Orba, attack the ship and using a Magic Tool, they capture Aladdin. After being taken to an island full of children, Aladdin meets a mysterious woman named Aum Madaura. Alibaba, Morgiana and Hakuryu set out to rescue their friend.
Episode 5 - Mother
Release Date: 2013-11-03Alibaba, Morgiana and Hakuryu are now on the island where Aladdin is being held hostage by Madaura. Madaura is not worried about the situation, since she has plans for them. Will she manage to hypnotize Aladdin and his friends, using her Magic Tool?
Episode 6 - A Kind Person
Release Date: 2013-11-10Madaura and the pirates are captured by the Actian Navy. Hakuryu recalls his childhood and his mother. He sets off to leave town without saying goodbye to his friends, but he wants to have a private conversation with Morgiana first.
Episode 7 - Ren Kouha Appears
Release Date: 2013-11-17The three friends enjoy their last night together and part ways in the morning with the promise to reunite. Aladdin soon learns the demands of travelling long distance by magic turban and gets a ride on a private carriage with a surprising occupant!
Episode 8 - Days of Training
Release Date: 2013-11-24Aladdin finally enrolls at the Magnoshutatt Academy. He takes the Kodor exam but the result is not satisfying. It's the best he can do without any help from the Rukh. Will Aladdin survive the physically demanding training and start the magic lessons?
Episode 9 - The Reim Empire
Release Date: 2013-12-01After his troublesome trip, Alibaba arrives at the Leam Empire to undergo training to become a gladiator. He is not accepted to Shambal Ramal's Gladiator Training School, and now he has to prove himself. Will Alibaba be able to join the other gladiators?
Episode 10 - The High Priestess
Release Date: 2013-12-08At last, Alibaba is facing his first opponent as a gladiator in the Colosseum. However, since he is informed by Shambal that he can't use magic during the battle, Alibaba has to prove his sword skills to survive the fangs of the great ape Garda!
Episode 11 - The Great Rift
Release Date: 2013-12-15Morgiana arrives at her homeland, Katarg, in hopes of finding other Fanalis. She runs into some familiar faces from the past. They tell her that the Elder of the Tran Village could help her find Fanalis. Will it be a journey with no return for Morgiana?
Episode 12 - A New Emperor
Release Date: 2013-12-22The heirs of the Kou Empire's throne gather to mourn their deceased father and decide his successor. In the occasion, Hakuei reminisces how ruthless her brother Hakuryuu has become after obtaining Zagan and becoming a general as her, although his army is solely composed of monsters he subdued.
Episode 13 - Titus Alexius
Release Date: 2014-01-05One year after parting with his friends, Aladdin progresses with his studies and passes the final exam of the First Kodor with flying colors by creating a huge mirage with his powers.Aladdin's friends are sure that he will be awarded as the best student of the First Kodor, but they get astonished when another student, Titus Alexius from the Reim Empire, was chosen instead.
Episode 14 - The Hidden Citizens
Release Date: 2014-01-12Recovering from his wounds, Aladdin finds Titus in his room, who questions him about his intentions. In the occasion, Titus reveals that he is a magician sent by Sheherazade to spy on Magnostadt, Aladdin reveals his identity as a Magi and they become friends. In the next day, Aladdin, Titus and Sphintus explore the other districts of the city but are informed that the 5th Authorization District is off limits to them until they receive the proper education. Curious about it, the trio infiltrates the 1st district and while investigating some documents, learns that the 5th district is the lair of those without an occupation, comprising two thirds of the entire city's population.
Episode 15 - The Magicians Country
Release Date: 2014-01-19Aladdin and Titus rescue Marga and confront the other magicians to protect the civilians until Myers appears to stop them. Brought before Mogamett, Aladdin is forgiven by the chancellor who reveals that he knows his teacher is Yamraiha and that he took care over her for some time after she lost her parents. In the next day, it is announced that the students are now authorized to visit the 5th district after Titus expressed his desire to keep watching over Marga's health, but before that, Mogamett appears to give them a lesson about the reasons for the current status quo of Magnostadt.
Episode 16 - Remaining Life
Release Date: 2014-01-26Mogamett then reveals that after using their magic to gain the favor of most of the population, the magicians led by him incited a revolt that led to the downfall of the Musta'sim royalty and the establishment of Magnostadt. Impressed with Mogamett's speech, the students start opening up to his views except for Aladdin and Titus. Some time later, Mogamett asks Titus to take him to Marga in the 5th district where he allows the girl to live with him at the surface.
Episode 17 - Declaration of War
Release Date: 2014-01-26Titus reveals that he is a clone of Sheherazade's created using a part of her body and infused with her Rukh to act as her proxy, and he only has a month until his body expires. Mogamett tries to calm him down when Sheherazade herself contacts the chancellor by possessing Titus' body and demands him to return the boy to her. In the occasion, she gives an ultimatum to Mogamett, claiming that eventually the only paths for Magnostadt are to be annexed by either Reim or the Kou Empire and urges him to surrender.
Episode 18 - Leam's Threat
Release Date: 2014-02-02The forces of Reim led by Mu arrive at Magnostadt and after Mogamett and his forces refuse to surrender, the Empire's soldiers charge forward. However, they are easily repelled by one of the three magical barriers surrounding the city and the magicians' counterattack. Meanwhile, Aladdin roams through the city looking for something that he claims it will bring death to everyone at the city if left unchecked.
Episode 19 - A True Magi
Release Date: 2014-02-09Aladdin attempts to dissuade Mu with no success and then unlocks his Magi powers to assist the magicians against the Fanalis Corps. With most of his companions defeated, Mu decides to press forward using the powers of his Djinn Barbatos, accompanied only by his sister Myron and his subordinate Lo'lo', fighting with their household vessels. The three Fanalis then approach the second barrier but before they could take it down, Aladdin summons three sand giants to protect it.
Episode 20 - Reunion
Release Date: 2014-02-23Following Aladdin's declaration, Mu equips his Djinn and attempts to kill him and take over Magnostadt in one fell swoop, but Alibaba appears to stop the general, using Amon's power to dispel his Extreme Magic. Soon after, Sheherazade appoaches them and asks for a meeting in private with Aladdin, Alibaba and Titus at a neutral location.
Episode 21 - The King's Candidate
Release Date: 2014-03-02Deep into the undergrounds of the 5th district, Mogamett takes control of a large mass of Black Rukh stored there after falling into depravity to deal with the invading forces, just as the Kou army, led by Kouha charges forward. Kouha's forces are repelled by three huge Dark Djinns summoned by Mogamett.
Episode 22 - What You Want to Protect
Release Date: 2014-03-09The Dark Djinns are temporarily repelled by Kouen's household, but another group of them start attacking the Reim fleet and Sheherazade along Mu and the Fanalis Corps make a stand for the rest of their forces to retreat. Meanwhile, Back in Magnostadt, Titus is sheltered inside his house, clinging to Marga, in despair not only because he has so little time left but is unsure about what he should do for the sake of all the people he befriended.
Episode 23 - The Djinn Warriors
Release Date: 2014-03-16Aladdin asks for Kouen's help and to convince him, summons his, Alibaba and Kouha's Djinns altogether. The Djinns then confirm Aladdin's claim that should the corrupt god Il Irah not be stopped, it will drain all of the world's White Rukh and all life on it will be extinguished. However, Kouen is more interested in which other secrets Aladdin could be hiding from him and agrees to help with the condition of the young Magi answering all his questions afterwards.
Episode 24 - Time of Destruction
Release Date: 2014-03-23Even with the combined effort of Alibaba and Kouen, the medium's barrier was not destroyed and it closes the volcano to prevent them from replenishing their magoi. Soon after, the medium assumes a grotesque, humanoid-like form that drains the White Rukh from everything it touches.
Episode 25 - Welcome Home
Release Date: 2014-03-30As the magicians rescue the wounded in Magnostadt, Mu and the other Vessels from Reim also join the battle. In a last effort to destroy the medium, Sheherazade sacrifices herself to reinvigorate the weary King Vessels with the last of her magoi and all dungeon capturers join forces to attack it with all their might at once. However, the medium survives the blow, but Aladdin glimpses a small light inside the giant making it hesitate.