Watch Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere (2011) Online!
History is coming to an end. When humans came down from the sky they brought with them the Testament, the guide to the path they must follow if they wish to return to the skies again.
Tenzou Crossunite (voice)
Marga Naruze (voice)
Adele Barrufet (voice)
미리암 포쿠
Aoi Toori (voice)
Horizon Ariadust (voice)
Aoi Kimi (voice)
Asama Tomo (voice)
Neit Mitotsudaira (voice)
Honda Masazumi (voice)
Shirojiro Bertoni (voice)
Heidi Oogezavalour (voice)
Toussaint Neshinbara (voice)
Honda Futayo (voice)
Kiyonari Urukiaga (voice)
Margot Night (voice)
Naomasa (voice)
Mukai Suzu (voice)
Noriki (voice)
Ohiroshiki Ginji (voice)
이토 켄지
타치바나 무네시게
Mary Stuart (voice)
Azuma (voice)
사카이 타다츠구
Oriotorai Makiko (voice)
Sanyou Mitsuki
Yoshinao (voice)
Honda Futayo (voice)
마츠다이라 모토노부
Horizon Ariadust (voice)
Margot Night (voice)
Naomasa (voice)
Honda Futayo (voice)