Watch The T.O. Show (2009) Online!
The T.O. Show is an American reality television series that premiered on VH1 on July 20, 2009. It follows Owens and his friend and publicist as they re-evaluate Owens' personal life, while battling the two sides of his personality and also trying to find romance for him. On September 9, 2009, VH1 announced that the series has been picked up for a second season. Season Two premiered on VH1 on July 11, 2010. On February 28, 2011, VH1 announced that the series has been picked up for a third season. The series relocated to Miami. The third season premiered on August 22, 2011.
Episode 1 - Under The Knife
Release Date: 2011-08-22Football Superstar Terrell Owens' faith is put to the test as he finds himself faced with emergency ACL surgery and a professional future in turmoil. With an unclear prognosis, Kita races to Terrell's side in Pensacola, Florida where she lends her support. But without Monique she questions her own strength to help Terrell get through it. Ultimately, Terrell's recovery presents time for personal reflection as he sets new goals and revisits his faltering relationship with Kari.
Episode 2 - Road To Recovery
Release Date: 2011-08-29Recovering from surgery, Terrell's doctor says the road to recovery will be a challenging one if he wants to play football the upcoming season. Ever determined, Terrell denounces his timeline and puts a plan in motion to be fit and ready in half the time. Much to Kita's chagrin, Terrell enthusiastically appoints her nursemaid as she fumbles through bedpans and dinner menus, while Monique, still in Los Angeles, creates family upheaval as she grapples with her own next moves.
Episode 3 - Move To Miami
Release Date: 2011-09-05Terrell, now up and walking, agrees with Kita on a move to Miami where they can both focus on professional and personal goals: Terrell considers a tighter fist on his finances and a future outside of football, and Kita, a possible romantic liaison. With a fresh new look Monique's awkward arrival to Miami threatens the very foundation of their "One Team, One Dream" friendship they've worked so hard to keep intact.
Episode 4 - Bad Influences, Good ideas
Release Date: 2011-09-12Ex-NBA champ John Salley advises T.O. on life after retirement and takes Terrell, Kita and Monique out on the town.
Episode 5 - T.O. Cutz and Curlz
Release Date: 2011-09-19Anxious to bring more visibility and financial gain to his barbershop, 'T.O. Cutz", Terrell brainstorms a shortlist of ideas with his staff. Monique and Kita however recognize a much bigger opportunity for the business and railroad everyone in their path to see things their way, causing a chaotic turn. Separately, and flexing a new found independence, Monique hooks up with an old business friend who grooms her to become a radio personality.
Episode 6 - Back to 'Bama
Release Date: 2011-09-26Terrell accepts an invitation to be a groomsmen at his cousin Tony's wedding in Alabama. There, he advances an obvious and potentially emotional opportunity to reveal to his family details of his recent surgery and impending financial changes which could impact everyone. Mo and Kita also join an emotional Terrell at his Atlanta home, which has recently gone up for sale.
Episode 7 - Star 81
Release Date: 2011-10-10Behind the scenes of his first full-length film, Terrell quickly realizes that just because he can run a football field with his eyes closed, it doesn't necessarily mean he's ready for his celluloid close-up. Screen sirens Stacey Dash and Stacey Keebler bring fire and romance to his scenes. Off set, Kita considers how she really feels about Joe.
Episode 8 - The Next Stage
Release Date: 2011-10-17Now bitten by the acting bug, Terrell jumps at the chance to walk the boards of a huge hit stage play, but first he has to audition to land the role along side Angie Stone and Tyson Beckford. After Kita and Monique tweak the final details of the barber shop launch party, Kita works to keep her relationship with Joe on track
Episode 9 - Fantastic Voyage
Release Date: 2011-10-24Feeling confident with his recent life choices and of optimal health, Terrell chooses to thank Kita, Monique and Adrienne for their support with a surprise trip to the Bahamas.
Episode 10 - Next Steps
Release Date: 2011-10-31In the season finale, Terrell hits the red-carpet for his "Dysfunctional Friends" movie premiere and bows to the lavish accolades. Back in Los Angeles, Mo and Kita must face the press alone when the news breaks about Terrell's injury and he is nowhere to be found. With the football season fast approaching, Terrell refuses to buckle and puts all his physical and mental efforts towards getting back on the field one more time.