Watch Goliath (2016) Online!
Once a powerful lawyer, Billy McBride is now burned out and washed up, spending more time in a bar than a courtroom. When he reluctantly agrees to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against the biggest client of Cooperman & McBride, the massive law firm he helped create, Billy and his ragtag team uncover a vast and deadly conspiracy, pitting them all in a life or death trial against the ultimate Goliath.
Lucy Kittridge
Billy McBride
Patty Solis-Papagian
Callie Senate
Donald Cooperman
Michelle McBride
Brittany Gold
Gina Larson
Jason Larson
Rachel Kennedy
Alan Rubin
Marisol Silva
Denise McBride
Danny Loomis
Tom Wyatt
Hakeem Rashad
Leonard Letts
DJ Diego Spiz
Wade Blackwood
Marva Jefferson
Joe Littlecrow
Dario / Anton
Stephanie Littlecrow
Diana Blackwood
Karl Stoltz
Julio Suarez
Frank Zax
Rob Bettencourt
Griffin Petock
Samantha Margolis
George Zax
Kate Zax
Officer Sanders
Kid #7
DEA Team Leader