Watch Hope & Faith (2003) Online!
Hope, a down-to-earth, happily married mother of three has her tidy world turned upside down when her celebrity sister moves in. Faith was living the Hollywood life as a soap opera star before her character was killed off.
Episode 1 - Pilot
Release Date: 2003-09-23Fallen soap vixen Faith Fairfield creates high drama after moving in with her straitlaced sister and her family.
Episode 2 - Remembrance of Rings Past
Release Date: 2003-10-03The sisters attend the funeral of a long-forgotten aunt to pay their respects--and to swipe back the ring she took from their mom years earlier. Back at home, Charley handles an alarming situations with the home-security system and Hayley's middle-child neuroses.
Episode 3 - The Un-Graduate
Release Date: 2003-10-10Faith goes back to high-school for her degree after it comes out that she failed French and never actually graduated. But a note passed in class leads Sydney's new beau to think more about Faith than French.
Episode 4 - Summary Judgment
Release Date: 2003-10-17Faith, in debt to her former studio because she "accidentally" set fire to a set the day she was fired, needs money, so Hope hires her as her assistant. A happy homemaker she isn't.
Episode 5 - About a Book Club
Release Date: 2003-10-24Hope's book-club meeting becomes a party when Faith crashes it, and Hope turns out to be a heartier partier than anyone could have imagined. Meanwhile, Charley takes the kids to the arcade and turns out to be something of a pinball wizard.
Episode 6 - Hope Has No Faith
Release Date: 2003-10-31Faith meets a handsome and sensitive guy on Halloween. He's quite a treat, but Hope thinks he has a trick up his sleeve. Meanwhile, Haley has a "math date" with a nerdy boy named Edwin, thanks to Sydney, who arranged it (without asking Haley first).
Episode 7 - Car Commercial
Release Date: 2003-11-07A car dealer hires Faith for one of his wacky TV commercials. It's wackier than she would have liked. Meanwhile, Charley can't remember all of his and Hope's "cutesy, made-up anniversaries."
Episode 8 - Hope and Faith Get Randy
Release Date: 2003-11-14A high-school flame of Hope's is single again and back in town. He and Faith begin making some music together and that rouses Hope's ire. Meanwhile, Haley and Sydney make a hole in their bedroom wall while wrestling and conspire to cover it up.
Episode 9 - Phone Home for the Holidays
Release Date: 2003-11-21Hope and Faith's playboy father Jack arrives for Thanksgiving with his latest girlfriend. She's "out of this world," he says to his daughters. She says she was abducted by aliens. Jack also has a surprise for Charley: he has taken up shiatsu massage, and his "favorite" (read: only) son-in-law is "customer numero uno."
Episode 10 - Anger Management
Release Date: 2003-12-05A "big misunderstanding" (it really is) with the mother of one of the boys in Charley's basketball team lands Hope and Faith in an anger-management class. But does Hope really have a "Faith-management problem"? Meanwhile, Charley might be the anti-handyman, but that's not stopping him from trying to fix the garbage disposal in the kitchen sink.
Episode 11 - Silent Night, Opening Night
Release Date: 2003-12-12A newcomer has taken over Faith's old role on "The Sacred and the Sinful." This sends Faith into a funk that's broken only when Hope tabs her to direct Hayley's holiday pageant at school. But her "artistic integrity" proves to be more than the kids can stand. Meanwhile, a bully takes Justin's winter coat, but Charley knows how to get it back.
Episode 12 - The Wedding
Release Date: 2004-01-09Charley's brother Andrew is getting married, and their mother fears that Hope will ruin the nuptials. There's a history here: She blames Hope for wrecking Andrew's first wedding (the bride ran out of the church following a poem Hope read), and this one won't go smoothly, either.
Episode 13 - Madam President
Release Date: 2004-01-23The opposition to Hope's campaign for president of the Glen Falls Neighborhood Association is Faith-based: she insulted a man, so he runs against her. He'll find a potent campaign weapon. Meanwhile, Charley tries to engineer Sydney's social life.
Episode 14 - The Diner Show
Release Date: 2004-02-06A waitress becomes a colleague of Hope and Faith (they couldn't pay their bill). The reason they're in the diner in the first place: Faith wants to impress a director who's filming on location and eats there every night. Back at home, meanwhile, Charley crashes a party, only he doesn't know it, thanks to Sydney and Hayley's quick guest-disappearing act.
Episode 15 - Mismatch
Release Date: 2004-02-13Charley's friend Kenny, who works for Doctors Without Borders in Djibouti, arrives for a visit and promptly falls in love with Faith. This is surprising to everyone and upsetting to Hayley, who has a crush on him. As for Hayley's boyfriend, Edwin, he's just crushed.
Episode 16 - Charley's Baseball
Release Date: 2004-02-20Hope and Faith crash a baseball locker room to get the autograph of pitcher Roger Clemens. The reason why they're doing it involves a misdeed by Justin. Meanwhile, Hayley handcuffs herself to her tree house. It seems that the tree in which it's situated has died, and Charley must cut it down. But Hayley won't hear of it.
Episode 17 - Prom and Circumstance
Release Date: 2004-02-27Hope and Faith "date" two doofuses from their high-school class because they have promised to repair Charley's '67 Stingray before he can find out that they (and Sydney, who was driving it) have damaged it.
Episode 18 - Jury Duty
Release Date: 2004-03-05Hope has jury duty, and that means disorder in the court, courtesy of Faith, who won't take her rejection as a juror lying down. And before the verdict is in, her soap-opera experience will come in handy.
Episode 19 - Faith's Maid
Release Date: 2004-03-19Faith's former maid shows up and Faith is glad to see her; everyone else has a maid they don't want. Meanwhile, Charley wants to join a "fancy schmancy" country club, and Hope, Faith and Charley do end up there.
Episode 20 - Hope Gets a Job
Release Date: 2004-04-09Hope gets a job as a columnist for the local newspaper, and Faith wrangles one, too, but they're not exactly "cubbie buddies": Faith is driving Hope crazy. Meanwhile, Charley and the kids must take take up the slack at home. Their first project: making pecan sandies.
Episode 21 - Faith's Husband
Release Date: 2004-04-16It turns out that Faith is married--to a man who lives in a trailer whom she hasn't seen in 15 years. It seems he never filed divorce papers, but now he wants to untie the knot. Not so fast, says Faith. She wants an apology before she'll sign anything.
Episode 22 - Jack's Back
Release Date: 2004-04-30Hope and Faith's dad and Faith's best friend, Mandi, share a May-December romance. This doesn't sit well at all with Hope or Faith, so Faith sets out to teach Mandi a lesson by hitting on her dad.
Episode 23 - Trade Show
Release Date: 2004-05-07Faith gets back into show business, sort of--as a scantily clad jackhammer demonstrator at a trade show. Meanwhile, Sydney gets Haley to write a science paper for her.
Episode 24 - Daytime Emmys (1)
Release Date: 2004-05-14Faith's surprise Daytime Emmy nomination sends the Fairfields to New York City for a reunion with Faith's "The Sacred and the Sinful" colleagues. They're not her friends.
Episode 25 - Daytime Emmys (2)
Release Date: 2004-05-14On the day of the Daytime Emmys, the "new" and "old" Ashley Storms face off during a taping of "The Sacred and the Sinful." Faith prevails, but Hope smells a rat. Meanwhile, Charley makes his soap debut, and Sydney and Hope receive the attentions of soap stars.