Watch Da Ali G Show (2000) Online!
Da Ali G Show is a British satirical television series created by and starring English comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. In the series, Baron Cohen plays three unorthodox journalists: faux-streetwise poseur Ali G, Kazakh reporter Borat Sagdiyev, and gay Austrian fashion enthusiast BrĂ¼no Gehard. These characters conduct real interviews with unsuspecting people, many of whom are celebrities, high-ranking government officials, and other well-known figures, during which they are asked absurd and ridiculous questions.
Episode 1 - Law
Release Date: 2003-02-21Ali G tries his skills as a recruit with the Philadelphia Police Department. Borat explores the do's and don't's of dating in the U.S. Bruno gets the inside story on New York's Fashion Week. Ali G interviews former U.S. Attorney General Dick Thornberg.
Episode 2 - War
Release Date: 2003-02-28Ali G interviews former U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and tours the U.N. Ali G conducts a roundtable discussion of experts on religion. Borat gets a lesson in etiquette. Ali G talks to General Brent Scowcroft.
Episode 3 - Politics
Release Date: 2003-03-07Ali G interviews Newt Gingrich. Bruno reports from New York's Fashion Week. Borat covers American hobbies at a gun club and gym. Ali G talks in the studio with a Drug Enforcement Agent. Ali G tries to sell a new business idea to Donald Trump.
Episode 4 - Art
Release Date: 2003-03-14Ali G presents his guide to art. Ali G interviews James Lipton of "Inside the Actors Studio." Ali G conducts a studio discussion on the media. Bruno delivers a guide to LA fashion. Ali G interviews Buzz Aldrin.
Episode 5 - Science
Release Date: 2003-03-21Ali G conducts a roundtable discussion on science. Borat visits a minor-league baseball team. Ali G interviews Ralph Nader. Borat visits a Nevada test site and protests nuclear testing. Ali G interviews C. Everett Koop.
Episode 6 - Belief
Release Date: 2003-03-28Ali G pitches ideas for TV shows to Hollywood executives. Borat presents his guide to the South, touring a Charleston plantation and visiting a rodeo. Ali G conducts a studio discussion on sex. Bruno attends a football game in Alabama. Ali G interviews James Baker. Ali G attends a political rally. Ali G interviews Marlin Fitzwater.