Watch Phyl and Mikhy (1980) Online!
Phyl and Mikhy is a short-lived comedy that aired on CBS from May 6, 1980 to June 30, 1980. The series stars Murphy Cross as Phyllis Wilson, the star of the track team at Pacific Western University, Rick Lohman as Mikhail Orlov, a Russian track star who comes to California for a track meet, falls in love with Phyl and marry her, and Larry Haines as Max Wilson, Phyl's father and team coach.
Episode 1 - The Meet
Release Date: 1980-05-26Phyl is a female American track star who achieves romantic detente with Mikhy, a Russian competitor who defects from the Motherland—but not without some hurdles.
Episode 2 - Phyl's Birthday Surprise
Release Date: 1980-06-02Mikhy learns about the American credit system the hard way when he uses his first credit card to buy Phyl a birthday present.
Episode 3 - Phyl's Wedding
Release Date: 1980-06-09In a TV interview, Mikhy confuses the terms ""friend"" and ""lover"" in reference to some awfully embarrassed faculty members.
Episode 4 - Mikhy's Visitor
Release Date: 1980-06-16As Max prepares for a formal wedding for Phyl, her grouchy uncle shows up uninvited, demanding to meet ""the Commie"" who's marrying his niece.
Episode 5 - One Big Happy Family
Release Date: 1980-06-23A visit from his beautiful former girl friend makes Mikhy homesick and Phyl sick at heart.
Episode 6 - The Seduction of Mikhail Orlov
Release Date: 1980-06-30A photographer snaps Mikhy in the buff but all Mikhy wants is an apology—until he learns how much money a centerfold is worth.