Watch On the Spot (2014) Online!
Rooster Teeth Productions' official weekly game show that pits two Rooster Teeth teams against each other and “on the spot” to earn points.
Episode 1 - A HORDE OF ORGASMS - #99
Release Date: 2017-06-16Joel leaves everyone satisfied, Cole likes to get handcuffed, Jeremy is a snuggler & Barbara gets the weiner. Welcome to a new season of On The Spot. Let's just see what happens this season, shall we?
Episode 2 - EPISODE 100 - #100
Release Date: 2017-06-23We made it to one hundred episodes. Does this mean we can get syndicated, sell the show to TBS and just wait for the royalty checks to come in from now on? I'm getting that Seinfeld money!!
Episode 3 - WHAT IS A HIPPO CAMPUS? - #101
Release Date: 2017-06-30Here's a fun game to play. Count the veins on Blaine's neck during Ass Swipe.
Release Date: 2017-07-07We finally have a fun redemption challenge that isn't gross or painful and Andy still finds a way to screw it up royally.
Release Date: 2017-07-14Improvisational theatre, often called improv or impro, is the form of theatre, often comedy, in which most or all of what is performed is unplanned or unscripted. Also lots of male nudity for some reason.
Episode 6 - JON DOESN'T HOST ANYMORE - #104
Release Date: 2017-07-21We were told the cast and crew of Arrested Development were coming to do On The Spot and instead some child wearing a pink dad hat, an illegal alien from Canada and a failed white rapper showed up, drank all of our booze, threw baby food everywhere and generally made everyone uncomfortable.
Episode 7 - DRAG IS FAB - #105
Release Date: 2017-08-04Welcome to On The Spot: Drag Edition, brought to you by shade and sass. No heels, no contouring, no service. There are straws for your drinks, all of the walls are mirrors for obvious reasons and every 10 minutes is a lip sync battle. Please enjoy yourself and remember, you own everything!
Episode 8 - DAY 5 CANCELLED - #106
Release Date: 2017-08-11I invited the creator, writers and directors of Day 5 to come on my show. Funny thing is the only person who promoted their stupid show is the sex addict wearing a bath robe that had nothing to do with the production of Day 5. Oh well. At least I got to see some "D".
Episode 9 - SHE LICKS EVERYTHING - #107
Release Date: 2017-08-19Barbara has cooties, Max is trying to start a fight, Ellie is England's Mickey Mouse and Jeremy's head breaks in the end.
Episode 10 - GAMESHOW OF THRONES - #108
Release Date: 2017-08-25Dragons are animals. Animals eat stuff. Therefore dragons eat stuff. Therefore dragons have to poo. Which then not only brings up the question of how big these poos are or what consistency they are but also where do they put the poo AND what are the magical and/or medicinal properties of said poo?
Episode 11 - MAGICIANS CURSED HER! - #109
Release Date: 2017-09-01Barbara thought it was just another normal episode of On The Spot. Little did she know Max & Patrick came prepared with a plethora of hexes up their sleeves.