Watch Horrible Histories (2001) Online!
Horrible Histories is an animated children's television series based on the Terry Deary book series of the same name. The series ran for 26 episodes between January 1, 2001 and March 25, 2002. The show features the characters Stitch Fleischer, Mo Burrows and Darren Dongle. The show is produced by Mike Young Productions and Scholastic Productions. It is directed by Andrew Young and Gordon Langley. It is produced By Martha Atwater, Tamar Simon Hoffs, Michelle Conway, Paul Cummings, Deborah Forte, Mike Young, Mark Young, Beth Richman and Charlie Stickney, among others. It is animated by Glenn Jason Hanna.It is written by Martha Atwater, Terry Deary, Charlie Stickney, Andrew Young, Gordon Langley, William Forrest Cluverius. It has a running time of 25 minutes. The series was released as a 3-disc DVD box set in 2005.
Episode 1 - Battlin' Bolivar
Release Date: 2002-01-01Stitch and Mo fail at building a doughnut-making machine for a science fair. The narrator zaps them to South America where they meet Simón Bolívar.
Episode 2 - Amazing Aussies
Release Date: 2002-01-08Stitch and Mo are sent to detention after Mo put her cousin's lizard Slimeball into Darren's locker. Darren then tells the two one terrible thing: "Once a criminal, always a criminal"! The narrator then zaps Stitch and Mo to Australia where they were being taken as prisoners. They also meet Captain William Bligh and find out how life in Australia is!
Episode 3 - Challenging China
Release Date: 2002-01-15Stitch and Mo are terrified to find out that Darren Dongle is moving into Mo's neighborhood! Mo then thinks about building a wall so Dongol won't any them! The narrator then zaps the two to Ancient China and find the Great Wall. But building it isn't all what it's cracked up to be!
Episode 4 - Magnificent Mounties
Release Date: 2002-01-22There is garbage all over Stitch and Mo's favorite park! The two both cleaned up the park, but then a garbage truck came to dump more trash in! Stitch and Mo then decided to give up, but the narrator zaps the two to Canada where Stitch gets captured by a criminal and Mo teams up with mounties to save him. Will Mo find Stitch, or will Stitch end up playing the blues?
Episode 5 - Rockin' Renaissance
Release Date: 2002-01-29Stitch and Mo have trouble deciding what to paint for art show, so the narrator zaps them to the Renaissance where Michelangelo and where Mo gets a crush on his assistant Guido!
Episode 6 - Awesome Egyptians
Release Date: 2002-02-07Stitch and Mo have to find away to defeat Darren and his snowball-launcher in the simplest of ways. The narrator zaps them to Ancient Egypt where they meet Tutankhamen. King Tut ordered them to find a place for the party of the great flood. But his adviser get jealous at them and try to get rid of them.
Episode 7 - Perilous Plagues
Release Date: 2002-02-14Stitch is afraid to get his shot, so he and Mo gets zapped to Italy where the Bubonic Plague is spreading! Will Stitch learn his lesson why getting medicine is important?
Episode 8 - Stormin' Scots
Release Date: 2002-02-21The terrier mascot of Stitch and Mo's basketball team has disappeared, and the team are desperate without it! The narrator zaps the two to Scotland where they meet King Robert the Bruce. The Scottish are trying to get their independence by getting the Stone of Destiny back!
Episode 9 - Surprising Samurai
Release Date: 2002-02-28Mo doesn't want to waste her time with her grandma Grannykins. Instead, she wants to play her new samurai video game! The narrator then zaps her and Stitch to Heian era Japan where they learn what being a samurai is all about!
Episode 10 - Gnarly North Pole
Release Date: 2002-03-04Stitch and Mo are supposed to compete against Darren in an obstacle course! When Stitch and Mo think they're going to lose, the narrator zaps to the Arctic Circle where they Robert Edwin Peary, the first man ever to make it to the North Pole!
Episode 11 - Highly Hawaiian
Release Date: 2002-03-11Mo can't stand that the "one glass of mil at a time" rule keeps the lunch line waiting! Plus, she doesn't want to miss out on the surf club showing a video of the Malolo Pupule, the best surf move in the world! The narrator then zaps her and Stitch to Hawaii where there were many unusual rules(or what the Hawaiians called "kapus")!
Episode 12 - Extraordinary Explorers
Release Date: 2002-03-18Stitch and Mo are forced to take to two dopey students as partners in Capture the Flag. The narrator zaps the two to the Rocky Mountains where they meet Lewis and Clark and their unusual partner Sacagawea!
Episode 13 - Captivating Columbus
Release Date: 2002-03-25Darren Dongle is the substitute teacher and challenges Stitch and Mo to a true-or-false quiz about the Christopher Columbus! Zapping them back in time won't help them, so they're on their own!